Kamala Harris, What the what?

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

THE ROLLMAN REVOLUTIONs… primary function is to expose the BULL-SH*T in real time, so that no one else is forced to digest this nonsense.

Kamala Harris — is not only the WORST candidate in American History, but also the MOST UNQUALIFIED. (This is not an attack, but rather the reality set in front of us)

Please listen to the commentary in the video below and share it with a friend. My goal is to UNITE this Younger Generation of YOUNG INTELLIGENT MINDS, who have been sold a Line-of-bull-sh*t, causing them to seek out the truth for themselves.

VP – Kamala Harris, is LYING to you — so, I will show you the “Hollowness” of this FAKE woman.

So, STRAP IN… I am here to assist you on YOUR JOURNEY.

Kamala Harris is LYING to the American People. Let’s see how SMART you are? or is it too late?

No Substitute for Victory

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

The Year is 2024 — the MISSION — To GET INVOLVED WHERE YOU LIVE and to SPEAK UP – INFORM everyone within your community.

Steven K. Bannon is going to PRISON on July 1st — due to corruption within our Dept of Justice. I will say one thing and then I will let the video below finish my thoughts.

From now — until we close the deal in November 2024 – I will make a pledge to double my efforts to FIGHT BACK and GET MORE INVOLVED.

Below is my response to the recent 2024 Presidential Debate – worth the listen…

PLEASE SHARE – within your circles.



We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello everyone —

As promised — I am working FULL FORCE to get the Rollman Revolution podcast show – back on a weekly cycle. Unfortunately with the current state of affairs inside America (Bidenomics) every week get tougher and tougher.


Below are some of the more recent videos from the Rollman Revolution. You can find the entire archive over on YouTube / Rumble / or Odysee. (Search: The Rollman Revolution w/ David Rollman).

I will see all of you on the battle field – and keep an eye out for NEW PODCAST SHOWS. (Coming Soon).


We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

The Documentary Embedded below — is one documentary EVERYONE needs to see. There was a lot of nonsense surrounding the events of January 6, 2021, so it’s about time we get to the bottom of what is really going on.

I will also link two other excellent videos covering January 6th after this documentary ( so you will want to check those out as well).


J6: A True Timeline: https://open.ink/assets/clqv7tpug0005y5i9vq0xqh4v/embed

ACT 1:

ACT 2:


We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

To those who have followed the Rollman Revolution, in the past… I want to THANK YOU. The past 3 years have been an ABSOLUTE HELL to say the least, but things are going to change.

In March 2023 my WIFE of 8 years was taken from me unexpectedly. . My wife played a HUGE PART in waking up Americans and sharing the message of truth everyday. This impact was a true dagger to the heart. We have poison coming into America, and it is DESTROYING the very lives of the people who made this country great.

TO: Joe Biden and THIS GESTAPO administration that took the only thing I cared about, and is currently destroying America with these obvious acts of treason… We are coming for you, all

The death of my wife — turned ONE MAN’S QUEST into a NATIONAL CRUSADE. So to those who have found this page (website) I want to invite you to the REVOLUTION.

The Rollman Revolution and my MISSION – has always been about: Changing the way you see the world, so in turn the world sees you in a different light. To do this WE MUST BE PROPERLY INFORMED.

This show and my mission is NOT about being right, rather getting things right. I expose anyone, and everyone who prefers to dance on the floor of BULL-SH*T.

To those who feel you DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO OFFER – FOLLOW MY LEAD, I thought the EXACT SAME THING, until I started getting involved. It’s not about the “RECOGNITION” but the effectiveness of the work we do.


BELOW is a QUOTE from the Book “ReWork” by Jason Freid. Maybe not today or tomorrow… but I promise you with everything I know to be true… America is gonna be Okay. We are going to win this information war, & carefully telegraphed “4th turning”, which is trying to destroy America from within.

When we get the “Man” right, we get the World right. It’s time to become the HEROES of our own life stories!!

I can only promise everyone one thing — I wake up everyday, to do my part — if you will join me, in saving the last hope for TRUE FREEDOM — which is America — they cannot defeat us all.


NEW PODCAST — EPISODES WILL BEGIN SOMETIME in JANUARY ’24 — Countdown for the Return of Donald J Trump — (sorry for the delay — Bidenomics has been HELL)

The path to Knowledge, means abandoning most of what you know…

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

The path to knowledge starts with a curious mind. Most of the people on EARTH have been programed to believe what they have been told. The 99.9% of us, have never done a science experiment to any great length or of any “Importance”.

So the questions I have for you are these:

Why do you believe what you believe?

How have you come to your conclusions?

In this modern world today COURAGE IS LACKING. Of course, most would say the opposite of courage is “cowardice”, but today that would not be true. Conformity is what is destroying our Nations.

Everyone wants to be a part of the “IN or POPULAR” group. However, what happens if this so called group — is led by liars, manipulators, and thieves? You in a sense, will become part of and/or support these people — yet that was NOT the intention when you joined or began to identify with said group.

I am asking everyone to please, take a step back and look at the “current landscape” of our world. Now, imagine if the world was given the TRUTH about 2 key pieces of information — that has been hidden away on purpose, to make you believe, you are a random “fluke” within the universe, and NOT THE CENTER of it ?

Your BRAIN/MIND is connected to your EYES — which is why both must be OPEN in order for you to see the world clearly.

BELOW are 3 VIDEOS to allow you to begin this journey of discovery. As I said above — don’t think — just listen to EVERYTHING — then go out and discover this for yourself.

I only ask, that when the “Lightbulb” hits and you have that “A-Ha” moment — that you share this page with someone you care about.

KNOWLEDGE is only attained when we develop the wisdom in how to properly see….

Namaste – That means ‘The God-Head’ is within you.

Tat Tvam Asi = That art thou == YOU ARE IT ! You Are The Center.

3 Videos to get on “MY LEVEL” (in order)

LEVEL (2021) (part 1)
LEVEL (2022) (part2)
LEVEL with Me (Part 3)

Please support Hibbeler Productions — as they had the COURAGE to do what others, were paid off to keep quiet about.

THE LEVEL OF CORRUPTION within GOVERNMENTS, and CONTRACTORS who have STOLEN from the American people under “Black Budget” projects — is astonishing.

I wouldn’t say there are NO CONSPIRACIES (a few maybe), — but there are DEFINATELY no “coincidences” when dealing with Governments and MONEY.

This is your wake up call. What you decide to do with it — is up to you.

Fight For the Future…

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

To those who have been following the Rollman Revolution for a long time, you are in for a treat.

I have begun to RE-Launch my YouTube and Rumble video pages, and have begun adding NEW CONTENT weekly. Please understand that this SHOW and it’s “Topics” have changed slightly as our world started heading in a radical direction.

I don’t know EXACTLY where this show, podcast, and message will land. However, I cannot be detoured — any longer.



Death of the American political party – Republicans & Democrats are unidentifiable.

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

If you come from a family that is very politically active or at least discusses political issues within your home — You will probably identify as either a Republican or Democrat. Most of the time when young people register for the 1st time, they will pick the party their Parents/Family primarily belong to.

But what does A REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT stand for anymore? As a young kid growing up in the late 80s early 90s as I entered High School in ’93 Being a Republican meant you were typically a “TRADITIONAL/ CONSERVATIVE”. Republicans then had traditional values, believed that your government should have minimum regulation, and keep within a fiscal budget (to avoid wasteful spending). Republicans were also very PRO MILITARY and PRO Military Industrial complex.

Democrats during this time, were more of your “LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE” type. Typically that meant you were all about: 1) inclusivity (not offending anyone — “Political correctness”), 2) free speech (meaning that they “may not agree with what you say, but would fight for your right to say it”). 3) having a LARGE federal government, with many regulatory agencies is preferred.

Now, the descriptions above are VERY GENERAL — however, at least you were able to describe what a Democrat or Republican believed in the general sense. Today, your mainline Democrat has become mostly Marxist, and your establishment Republican has moved left of center. This leaves the WORKING CLASS “wage-earners” of America without a party to relate to.


I understand the purpose of parties, and our American Republic is by far the best government to date with the laws and policies we have — However PARTIES, in and of themselves, NO LONGER SERVE THE PEOPLE who elected them. The same candidates get elected and re-elected, from the “illusion of choice” pool provided by your DNC and RNC.

The fight to be made is occurring in a city near you. If the American people want leaders who are going to represent: locally, state-wide and also in Washington DC — then WE must get involved where we live. Go to your local precinct/county Executive committee meeting for the “PARTY” you closely associate with and become a Committeeman/woman. This will allow you to push for the candidates that truly represent you.

THE LINE IN THE SAND HAS BEEN DRAWN. America is divided into 2 groups primarily. MAGA vs, everyone else. If you still watch Main stream news, you will continue to receive a “nothing burger” which does not serve you. To take this country back — and begin making this country great again is going to require every single American patriot in 2023-24.

Every single person, has something to offer in this fight. Find your passion and/or purpose and focus those skills on the country you love. America must get her proverbial “House in order” before we decide to do anything else. This is a real fight, however — it is a fight that can be won, and will be won — by those MAGA patriots willing to do what-ever it takes to ensure we elect leaders willing to make those tough decisions.

It is my hope in over the next few years — that more of the MAGA base decided to take an active role in their local and state governments. For those patriots whose life is a total roller-coaster — you can simply SHARE THE MESSAGE (THE TRUTH) where ever you go.

And finally, you never know the impact your voice will have on a listening ear. Majority of Americans know a “good thing” when they hear it, you don’t have to force it down their throat.

The next two years are going to be VERY INTENSE – and many curve-balls will be thrown your way. The lies, deceit, and manipulation will be pushed by the Legacy Media nonstop. Don’t let them TELL YOUR STORY — BECOME THE HERO of you own life story — that is how we take this country back — one issue, one city, one day at a time.

See you on the battlefield posse.

Rollman Revolution “Walk N Talk” report, 1 May 2023

An attempt to DESTROY a Nation. — America on FIRE.

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

So how did we get here?

Honestly, how did America go from one of the greatest, most respected nations in the world, to a laughing stock almost over night?

It’s the same playbook. It has been used hundreds of times throughout the ages to destroy nations. Yet, these targeted countries continue to fall for the same nonsense, every time. Why?

A country is defined by 3 major things: LANGUAGE, BORDERS, & CULTURE. So lets examine these areas.

Over the past 100 years, America has been involved with endless conflict. Once one war is complete, another seems to be fired up somewhere else. However, most Americans today, have never had to deal with a WAR on their own soil. This changes the game entirely.

Conventional war tactics are not being used in this modern age against the American people, rather this new type called “Information Warfare”, “5th Generation warfare”, and its EVERYWHERE.

Since 2021, the Biden Administration, took all the filters off, and purposely turned the American Government into a weapon against the people, it swore an oath to protect!

Our Language, borders, & culture are being destroyed every day, and if this continues, America will become unrecognizable, much like Germany did after WWII. This systematic approach is only successful, if ALL 3 MAJOR AREAS are targeted. These corrupt psychopaths working toward this goal, know these steps very well as they have been used over and over again with great success.

In America today, our Language has been perverted, with the manipulation of common understood terms (e.g. what is a”woman”, what is a “vaccine”, manipulation of “gender” — just to name a few). The purpose of manipulating the language, is to cause permanent confusion in open debate. How can anyone have MEANINGFUL debate/conversation — if the terms we are using, have different meanings depending on who you are speaking with. Again, this is all done on purpose to create internal confusion & conflict.

Second, America has a WIDE OPEN BORDER. The purpose of borders is to protect and define boundaries/laws for anyone wanting to be part of said nation. However, in 2023, the Dept. of Homeland Security, refuses to protect and secure these borders, as well as enforcing the laws we have, in order to protect the nation’s citizens from anyone trying to do us harm.

Furthermore, by allowing for MASSIVE “UNVETTED” MIGRATION into the US, not only does the Government put the American people at risk, the economy and American Culture are also SEVERELY EFFECTED. This leads me to my last point, “culture”.

A country is defined by its historical customs, daily practices, and/or traditions which ultimately make up the environment you see every day. This is why during any MAJOR CONFLICT/WAR the opposition will always target Monuments, Libraries, Historical Buildings etc… in effort to ERASE any trace of that nations history.


It is my opinion, that America — overall, is ignorant of its TRUE HISTORY (not by any fault of their own). From early childhood, we are told to respect and listen to those of Authority. (e.g. A person in uniform, a person with credentials, or simply, the person standing in the front of the room, your teacher) Some folks were lucky enough to receive classes in “critical thinking” and “deductive reasoning”, as well.

Today however,– these skills are not as common place, and in many circles viciously mocked and looked down upon. Great thinkers like this get labeled as “conspiracy nuts”, “brainwashed”, and “tin-foiled hat wearing…” – as to discredit them right out the gate. This is a subversion tactic done purposely, to set an “example” — in order to keep more folks from acquiring those skills. (Or as I like to say… going down those “rabbit-holes”)

I have been researching 20th Century Historical “Anomalies” (Lies / Misgivings / Untruths) for more than 10 years. — I can say with confidence, that you can take your Public Education and toss-it out the window. The systematic education control in the “Western World” suppresses much of WWI & WWII “TRUE” History.

Most of the information surrounding the “Prequel” to these World Wars have never been fully explained. Timelines don’t add up, and if you are a “numbers” person — you may want to “Reexamine” WWII. Many books giving contrary arguments have been taken out of print, or “REVISED”.

The 20th Century was one of the Bloodiest, if not the bloodiest, on record. I think it would be important to STUDY (in hindsight) what really happened… and to expose the propaganda within this history that is protected by western academia.

It is said, that the HISTORY is written by the victors, but what happens when those who are victorious — refuse to tell the story for the way it actually transpired? (The Historical Truth).

What’s next?

I will be recording a podcast episode later this week, which will tackle this TOPIC from top to bottom. In the mean time, begin asking yourself — What do I REALLY KNOW about American History? Do I think critically when NEW information is presented or do I utilize my preconceived notions to make my decisions?

It is vitally important to know what you believe, but it’s even more important to know why you believe it — How did you come to these conclusions?

Our country is being destroyed from within, by a group of Men who have sold their soul and country in exchange for paper-in-their-pockets.

It’s TIME FOR AMERICA TO GET ANGRY & FOCUSED. This Mafia will not stop until You and I make them STOP. Share the truth and those telling it within your circles.

See you on the battlefield.


We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Many times when I would give a presentation to my Younger audience, I would start out my conversations with the STORY BELOW. This is a VERY IMPORTANT and IMPACTFUL Message, and I encourage you to take 5 minutes of your time, to read and answer this question for yourself. —-> Are you A CARROT, an EGG, or a Coffee Bean?

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last, she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ‘Tell me what you see.’

‘Carrots, eggs, and coffee,’ she replied. Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, ‘What does it mean, mother?’ Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique. However, after they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

‘Which are you?’ she asked her daughter. ‘When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity?

Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

(Please share this within your circles)

"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"