021 – “The JFK Conspiracy more than half a century later” – The Rollman Revoluton audio Podcast

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Hello again my friends,JFKConspiracy

This latest podcast episode is one that I have been trying to get completed for sometime now.  After 17 emails, I guess conspiracy and the media is at the TOP of my listener’s lists.  To begin, When I speak of conspiracy I come from the attitude that (all this means is) you are a person that looks at information different from what the MAIN STREAM says about a particular topic.  This is an important statement!  I do not believe MOST conspiracy theorist are tin foiled hat wearing wackos that have nothing to do; but shout out ridiculous arguments.  As a matter of fact if we did not have “conspiracy theorist” today; many of the arguments to contradict the original cover stories of many major events  would never have been discovered.

We must constantly remind ourselves the Governments today and much of major BUSINESS (Including Media in all its forms) does not always serve the interest of the people they say they do.  There are easy solutions to these problems if we at the bottom would only unite with one another, and stop the unnecessary madness playing itself out on the Grand Stage every day.  This comes down to YOU! (and Me)  If you don’t seek the Truth, you may never find it.  Furthermore, I would rather die for something I believe in then to live my life believing in nothing!  John F Kennedy….did just that!  He had to know that the people he was taking on, did not play well with those who tried to oppose them.

We still see this kind of FEAR, spread within our world today.  Don’t like what you see? Not quite sure How to take on this elite NWO type?  The answer is simple….PAY ATTENTION.  Don’t follow the roads of propaganda, and continue to seek out GOOD information (as well as…researching many avenues of alternative information).

As Fox Mulder once said, “The Truth is out there!” And the more we unite around the Truth, wherever she may hide herself, the better decision we as a people can make.  It is time to WAKE UP and no longer play the game of ignorance.  After that….THE REST IS UP TO YOU!

Please Check out some of the links below and I Hope you enjoy this episode.  Please leave comments or find me on social media to have a discussion.

Abundant Blessings,  -DaveMan

LINKS BELOW: (PLEASE REMEMBER….This is only the start…Continue to follow the roads of truth to where ever it may take you.  (Also…I do not believe ALL of the information in each of these videos other then the information I can validate myself…I suggest you do the same and keep following your own path to truth)

JFK and The People Pulling the Strings

JFK and The most important witnesses 

JFK Documentary “Nothing but the Truth” w/ Jim Marrs


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