025 – “The Iraq War, Subversion and Manufactured Consent – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

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Woah….What a wild last few weeks it has been for me my friends.Yuri

I have been down for the last week due to an unfortunate FLU bug that got a hold of me, but I am so thrilled that the worst has passed, as I bring you an new Rollman Revolution Podcast Episode.

This week, by request, I will be discussing (from another side) the Iraq War (The 2003 war) and other topics like Subversion and Manufactured Consent.  Everyone for the most part, who has not lived under a rock for the past few decades, will know what the Iraq war is, but I challenge if majority of educated Americans have ever heard of the other two topics?

Ideological Subversion” (which is discussed in detail by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector of the former Soviet Union) and “Manufactured Consent” (a book and later a  documentary discussing the topics of  Noam Chomsky) are TWO subjects I believe most Americans no little or nothing about.  These in my opinion are subjects that should not be overlooked, if we are going to understand the battleground for which our world plays.  In this episode, I will expose you to not only the IRAQ stuff again, but add TWO very important subject that will add more tools for you to research yourself, and Allow you to become a more OPEN MINDED FREE THINKER.

In America today, we have lost our critical thinking capacity, as the Main Stream Media pretty much tells people around the world WHAT THE NEWS IS!!  Furthermore, when 7 major media giants own or control more than 90% of everything that is in Print, TV or Radio…. You must be aware of what you are digesting every day you turn on your 50″ Idiot Box!

I know you will find this episode to be informative and eye opening.  PLEASE CHECK OUT THE LINKS THAT I PROMISED I WOULD PROVIDE BELOW…..

Abundant Blessings and Peace my friends…Thanks for checking me out again.


1) KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America

2) Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

3) Subversion Chart

4) Project For New American Century

5) Ken O’Keefe and his work




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