So you really want to know? Okay – I will tell you!

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello everyone – I have missed you all!

Seeing that I have been a bit busy lately – I figured the best way to answer some of my fans and followers, who have asked a similar question, was to place it in a blog post, as I predict this question will surface again down the road.

More podcasts to come over the month of December, with interesting topics to dive into.

The question that keeps getting asked is about success, failure and the journey of self discovery…so read below, as I use myself as the example knowing that I have mastered the art of Succeeding and Failing and in this process I have found real liberation!  failure

Over the past 15 years, I have worked my way up to the top, in various jobs (within Retail and in my own business adventures) just to lose it all, and start again. Many bad decisions and life choices had played a huge role during this process, however, that was never the real reason as to why I let it all go. During this journey, I changed my habits, my focus, my vision, and my drive so drastically that I began to notice that I was not this Man our world was telling me to be; but an illusion that I created just so I could feel part of the Painting manifested by our society – As I wanted to fit in and not be judged. Sometimes it may appear to those on the outside – that you have it all – because you have the nice car, the great job, the large circle of friends and integrity (Still Something is not right… and that something may be YOU) In some cases (like mine for example) you wake up a realize you don’t recognize the person you see in the mirror, and scratch your head wondering where did it all go wrong? There will be days when we overthink, and wish we could have approached something from our past a bit different, as that one decision sent us on a roller coaster creating more problems and situations we could of avoided if we just made a different choice. Having said all of this, I would not be the Man I am today, had I not succeeded and failed in the way I did.
Ten years ago, if a person were to ask me “What is it that I do for a living?” I would detail them with boring jargon as it related to my job. I would have an answer like a I am my own boss working in a small company, Or I am a Dept Manager for a Large Grocery Retailer…. ETC.. ETC… ETC…. Now there is nothing wrong with this answer, however; my response at that time never got down to the realities of what I did…it only explained the title of my JOB. It would of been more clear if I would of responded like, “I lead, develope, prepare, and organize a crew of 18 people to unload, merchandise and present food and non food items in one of the United States’ Largest grocery retailer.” as that would of been more accurate description of what my JOB was. My point in all of this is simple. Too often we define ourselves by what we do (for a living), and not who we really are.
Today… If someone was to ask me the same question of what it is that I do, I would have to clairify as to what they meant…as this question is very vague. What I do for a living? (as to what generates Money) Or What it is that I do? (Meaning My Purpose in this life). So When I respond by telling those who ask the question, “I Motivate, Challenge, Encourage, and Inspire people to become the best version of themselves, by changing the way they see the world and the way the world sees them one internal revolution at a time.” You would be amazed at how many werid looks I will get. However that is a proper answer, as that is my true motivation in this life.
For those who I have had the honor to meet and engage with over my 20+ years of good conversation, will agree that the statement above is the most accurate response to what it is that I do. Yes I may still work retail to pay the bills, but My motivation today (after years of non committed decisions and not knowing the real me) has shifted to making the next few years of my life more facinating and lucurative. By discovering the real me, making the focused decisions have come a whole lot easier. The climb back up to the top takes time, and requires patience; but when the energy is focused by the plans I have made and the goals set… I know there is nothing that will prevent me from achieving my dreams.
I already know that 2017 is going to be a very positive year as many key life changing decisions will have to be made. I am very good at what I do, just ask those who have called upon me for guidence in there life story? I am going to succeed and generate One-million dollars within the next few years. I am so confident of this, because I visualize the outcome long before the curtain opens and the surprise reveiled.
I have repeatedly said, and will continue to say (no matter what you do) If you are not working to make the lives of other people better everyday, you are wasting your time. Life is sharing the gifts you have so that those around you can benefit. To hord all your gifts and talents and not share them freely, will only make you feel lonely at the end of the day. The connections we create, the networks we build, and the Relationship we cherish will automatically generate the future you never thought possible. It is through this hard lesson but easy practice, that we will find success. And by giving of yourself everyday, the people in this world that become your biggest fan as they will get to see the REAL you and the journey you are creating as they want to be part of something greater than themselves as well.
So where ever this world decides to send me, I have faith someday our path will cross. As every choice, circumstance, push, pull, jump or run – plays a interesting role as to where you are in this moment. And believe it or not, You are the one in control! That is so powerful!

2017-2018 is going to be something really special, just you wait and see.

Namaste My friends,


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