Category Archives: Blog Post

The 3rd US Presidential Debate – Trump Won just in case your were not paying attention.

I watched the 3rd and Final US Presidential debate

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump debates Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the third presidential debate at UNLV in Las Vegas, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. (Mark Ralston/Pool via AP)

and I am troubled by what the #MSM (main stream media) and polls are saying. According to CNN, NBC, ORC polling, they give the 3rd debate to Hillary Clinton, which if you watch the debate closely there is no way in HELL that she won on any count. I rate debates on substance, not political BS, but actual talk. When you listen to Hillary Clinton speak, it is all pre-written talking points. I have told my audience, friends, and family…that I have no stake in the outcome of this election, as I feel the best candidates will never make the stage. However; only a mindless person would think Hillary Clinton won this 3rd and final debate. I watched intently as to the substance within each comment from each candidate, and the score I came to at the end of the debate, was TRUMP 25 – CLINTON 6. As many may know I was a debate prep person back in high school, and did the same when I went to USF. I know that debates are won on content, and how a person delivers that content. 2nd is how you sound when you deliver the content, do you sound presidential, or do you sound like a whiner. On just these two principles alone, Clinton loses. She smiles when she is pissed, she doubles talks when she is caught in a lie, and furthermore; I am tire of the main stream media, and the BS Polling in this country framing the election for one candidate – as to give the people the illusion they have choice. I will predict that after the 3 debates, Hillary Clinton will win this election by about 6-7% more Electoral Votes. That will hold the case unless there is a further October surprise…that the Trump campaign is holding back. And Regardless who wins, If you want to see what I saw last night. Hillary did not WIN….but the #MSM will not tell you otherwise as that is how rigged the Media is in this country and around the world. PROVE ME WRONG…as I have predicted with 100% accuracy over the last 4 major elections. Watch the debate…share the message. I will be doing a podcast that I hope will stimulate the minds of the dumb asses in America this weekend. Until then READ, RESEARCH, and Look into Facts on your own…because the Media is not your ally.

CHECK OUT THE DEBATE: and See how you score this!


One of the Best Voices on the Ignorance of Racism – Jane Elliott

There are not enough educators tackling the big social issues in this world today, however; even though many may

Jane Elliott talks about race and racism at Cal State San Bernardino in San Bernardino, CA, Thursday, April 7, 2016. Elliott developed a classroom experiment in 1968 for her all-white class of third graders to teach them about discrimination and racism by separating those with blue eyes from those with brown eyes. (Photo by Jennifer Cappuccio Maher/The Sun)
Jane Elliott talks about race and racism at Cal State San Bernardino in San Bernardino, CA, Thursday, April 7, 2016. Elliott developed a classroom experiment in 1968 for her all-white class of third graders to teach them about discrimination and racism by separating those with blue eyes from those with brown eyes. (Photo by Jennifer Cappuccio Maher/The Sun)

already know this woman – I had not discovered her work until a few days ago.  Jane Elliott is REAL EDUCATOR.  Not your typical “TEACHER” as many like to define as a person who stands in front of students and deliver what the text books are sharing.  No, Mrs Elliott is an Educator, a person that strips away the nonsense to deliver the reality of what society and culture has developed as “Truth”.

On the Rollman Revolution audio Podcast – I try every week to tackle Big Issues, and Re-Educate the masses, by stimulating my listeners in a way – to get them off the Ass.  Society and cultures alike have shared ignorance from generation to generation. So, if we as Human Beings don’t pause for a moment and re-visit the core of these teachings – we stand to pass on propaganda and BS to all future generations.

Jane Elliott is someone I wish all my fans, followers, and family to spend a few minutes and Watch the Videos Below. Furthermore, if you see something that peaks your interest, you can find her wisdom at her Website: JaneElliot 

Please Enjoy just a taste of REAL EDUCATION in the two videos below.  You will not find a better voice for the Ignorance behind “RACISM”

-David Rollman


I have nothing else to say but Watch this video.  Before you make any other decisions within this world.  My friends, It comes down to what FUTURE, what LIFE, you want tomorrow.  Don’t stand there idly-by and watch your leaders, rulers, and puppet masters smear and control your good name.  I bring this video, which was shared with me by Santos Bonacci, and It has to be the biggest wake up call this world needs. Namaste my friends!  Please watch and Share this Page and message with all you can.  We do it better when we do it together.

The Mind (a quick thought) -A. Watts

So then let’s consider first of allmind
what is a mind in the grip a vicious circles.
Well one of the most obvious instances
that we all know is the phenomenon of worry.
The doctor tells you
that you have to have an operation.
And that has been set up so
that automatically everybody worries about it.
But since worrying takes away
your appetite and your sleep
it’s not good for you.
But you can’t stop worrying
and therefore you get additionally worried
that you are worrying.
And then furthermore because
that is quite absurd
and your mad at yourself
because you do it,
you are worried because you worry
because you worry.
That is a vicious circle.
So now, can you
allow your mind to be quiet?
Isn’t it difficult?
Because the mind seems to be like a monkey,
jumping up and down and jabbering all the time.
Once you’ve learned to think you can’t stop.
And an enormous number of people
devote their lives to keeping their minds busy
and feel extremely uncomfortable with silence.
When you’re alone
nobody’s saying anything, there’s nothing to do
just this worrying, this lack of distraction.
I’m left alone with myself
and I wanna get away from myself
I always want to get away myself.
That’s why I go to the movies,
that’s why I go to the donut shops,
That’s why I go after the girls or anything
or get drunk or whatever.
I don’t want to be with myself.
I feel queer.
So well why do you wanna run away from yourself?
What’s so bad about it?
Why do you want to forget this?
Why do you want to become yourself?
Because you are addicted to thoughts.
This is a drug, too dangerous one.
Compulsive thinking, on and on and on
and on all the time.
It’s a habit.
So there’s a difficulty
about stopping that activity.
And you really have to stop it
if you want to be sane.
Because if I talk all the time
I don’t hear what anyone else has to say.
And I’ll end up in the situation of having nothing
to talk about but my own talking.
And so exactly the same way
if I think all the time
I won’t have anything
to think about except thoughts.
So in order to have something to think about,
there are times when you simply
must stop thinking.
Well, how do you do that?
The first rule is don’t try to.
Because if you do,
you will be like someone trying
to make rough water smooth with a flatiron.
And all that will do will stir it up.
So in the same way
as a muddy turbulent pool
quiets itself when left alone,
you have to know
how to leave your mind alone.
Only Then…will it quiet itself.

-Alan Watts

Santos Bonacci – Passion and Purpose in the Flesh

Santos Bonacci…Who is this you may ask? Well those who follow much of the same topics as I may in fact know of1004426_378801298887785_2104744763_n this great man.  Santos is known as MrAstrotheology on YouTube, and has a website called Universal Truth School.  Over the past 30+ years Mr Bonacci has done great works (via Lectures and Interviews) trying to inform the populous of a different view of the world.

As many who check into my weekly podcast know, that I am always trying to change the way we see the world and the way the world sees Us, one Internal Revolution at a time.  However, Santos has been doing this for close to three decades now.  He is a great resources for Topics such as Religion, Spirituality, Ancient History, Astrotheology, Birth Charts, Stars, Galactic Alignment, “The Occult”, Mis-Information of The Main Stream, as well as new topics that relate to science (Flat Earth…etc..)

In our world today…It has become more rare to see people doing Exactly what they were Called to do, and showcase their true passions and talents. Santos Bonacci, is such a rare breed. Not only within the Music he plays (Which demonstrates his love and dedication to the art ) furthermore; his ability to carry his Aura from day to day with a walking life of great purpose. I have always said, that people recognize authenticity when it reveals itself without borders or boundaries… you don’t have to be told it is authentic…. because you can Feel it in the moment. Santos, is  that Authentic, and I feel this is why so many want to listen to what his life story is trying to teach. We all have a path and a passion, but majority of people today…Never seem to discover what truly ignites the fire within. I am so delighted to see a person, such as MrAstrotheology, who knows what they have to offer.

I can only wish for continued success  in all his life endeavors.  Remember my friends, we Work better when we work together.  Find the passion that drives you in this life, and I can assure you that you will raise the vibration within you as well as Ascend to the higher planes of life!

Please Check out the The Man of Passion and Purpose Mr Santos Bonacci  (Videos Below this post)

Abundant Blessings Everyone.

Orlando Shooting – My Opinion on the Event

Hello Everyone,

I have been away for the Month of June, as this is my downtime month, however; recent events have forced me into writing a few words about the recent shooting in Orlando this past week.  I was going to do a podcast about this, but after much reflection and research I felt that a blog post would be a much better avenue for explaining my feeling about this event.

First of all I am a big critic of Main stream media, as much of you know.  My mission in life is to seek the truth where ever she may hide herself, and this recent Orlando Shooting stinks to High Heaven of PsyOp (or Psychological Operation).  Let me explain.

First off, I in no way am saying that the event did NOT OCCUR.  On the contrary I know something went down at club Pulse in Orlando on June 12.  What I am saying is what the Main Steam Media is discussing is not the whole story.  Any you can find this in the Video and Audio of those on the ground and giving reports during this event.

This is what I feel happened and what I feel is going on in this incident.  I feel that the Orlando Shooting has Political Agenda leanings to in just like 9/11.  You create a situation in which people are involved and then complete the “Problem – Reaction – Solution” principle.  I feel that if people were killed and others injured this was due to a Government Agenda — in order to persuade the LGBT, to support a greater concern for an assault gun ban in the US.  My assessment comes from watching countless video footage from MSM and those of Alternative Media.

I will provide you with Many Videos and Links that I feel you NEED TO EDUCATE yourself with.  Never believe the original Cover Story my friends…because it will only show you one side of the story.  This event in Orlando has a lot of connections to Crisis Actors used; and There is considerable proof of this as you will see in the videos provided.

This in no way means I believe this event was a HOAX.  On the contrary…I believe an event did occur in Orlando on June 12, I just don’t believe the reason for this Event was ISIS related. I think there is another agenda sneaking around in the background.

Please Watch the videos Provided and leave comments. You must watch all the material before you can jump to any conclusions.  I have confirmed much of the information in these videos; less the Idea that the “WHOLE Event” was a Hoax — which I don’t believe is true.  (It is Possible – but I don’t believe the Entire event was staged)

Please Check out the Links below and Watch for yourself…It is a good idea to arm yourself with what the MSM will not tell you as they are the pawns in a larger game, as 9/11 has shown us in the past.

“Believe nothing of what you see and only 1/2 of what you hear”  Research the issues yourself.

I will see you all next week for another Podcast Episode!


The Character Actors (Connected to

Omar Mateen Connected to Crisis Cast

The Doctors Involved in the Orlando Event

911 Calls Deleted for June 12 (from 12am-3am) in Orlando Scanner based Archive Connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS

NWAs (Black Rabbits) Youtube Video of Main Stream Media Screw ups with Crisis Actors


AGAIN I do not believe the Entire Event was Faked…I do however believe the is more to this story than the Main Steam is discussing.  And this is NOT An ISIS Event!  That part of the Story is plain BULLSHIT!  Do YOUR RESEARCH…Don’t get caught up into the Narrative that the Media wants you to believe.  It is up to you to discover the Truth on your own!  -D Rollman

Labels in America? Have you ever asked yourself this question?

Anybody who has every confronted the idea of race or sexism in America, will know how troublesome this topic can111201 be from time to time.  In the political correct world today, we don’t know if it is okay to say ‘black’ or ‘African-American’ or even ‘people of color’?  I will suggest to you that this whole BS plot is due to political correctness and the over use of euphemisms in American Language.

When was is bad to say he is a black man? Or why is it okay to say he is a white man?  There are so many shades of people in this world, in my opinion, it is just plan STUPID to characterize a person based on the color of their skin.  Yes “Black” people are darker than “White” people, but many black people are lighter shades then the WORD BLACK! Also many “White” people share colors of beige, pink and olive…yet they are not called people of color?  Why is it that “Black” skinned or dark skinned folk from Africa are called people of color (aka Colored People) and those who have different shades of White are not?

This comes down to the whole mess of LANGUAGE in AMERICA today!  If you don’t think so, ask yourself why people from India who are dark skinned, are considered white and those from Egypt are considered Egyptians (not Black) or African American?  The whole topic is so confusing…and it makes me so furious!  Why?  Well I will tell you.

Labels are designed by MAN, and Man has never knew what is best for our world.  Putting people in containers of race or gender just places more confusion over issues that really matter.  The reason why there is so much disparity within our world today, is due to the confusion that has been created through the divide (in Race, Sex, Economic Class, Social Class, etc…)

IF WE ARE EVER…to get past divisions in our world today…we need to GET RID OF THE LABELS and start looking at one another as PEOPLE, PLAIN AND SIMPLE… DON’T YOU THINK?

Show me I am wrong? I dare you…I am doing everything I can to unite this world before we destroy it thru means of ignorance.  Wake Up America, and Wake up WORLD.  We all do it better when we do it together — AS PEOPLE!  Not race or sex, but as people.

Abundant Blessings and Peace

Mossad and the New World order!



THE ROLLMAN REVOLUTION – What is it all about?

Hello to all my listeners, friends, fans & family.ProfileDaveMan

A question I am often asked by the people I meet, when I tell them I have a Website, Podcast and Blog is: What is it all about? What is it that YOU DO, within your Show?  Now that can be a very challenging question for many if you have no idea who YOU really are at the core. In this blog post I will give you a brief history of my journey, as well as the answer to the question said above –> What is the Show/Message all about?

For me however, I discovered my passion and purpose when I was about 16, when I attended a youth leadership conference at Flagler College in Saint Augustine, Florida.  Not knowing what the conference was entirely all about, my guidance counselor suggested to me that this would be an experience I would gain an abundance of knowledge from.  So of course, I decided to take him at his word and attend this summer conference.

Upon arriving in Saint Augustine, I noticed immediately that the other teens who were also in attendance, seemed to be extremely extroverted and animated which intimidated me right from the start.  Majority of these girls and boys were engaging with each other and had a lot to say about anything and everything.  At this point, panic began to set in and I was asking myself, how I was going to get through this 5 day event.

When I was 16 years old, I was a complete introvert.  Yeah, I had my small click of friends in high school, but I was in no way popular.  Being raised in a privet Catholic School, I was always in the mindset of keeping to myself – not speaking until spoken to – and not to get too involved in things that were not my business.  So when I graduated from the 8th grade and continued my education in Public High School, my eyes were overwhelmed by a ton of new experiences and daily events that I was just not accustomed to.  Young Kids disrespecting their teachers, kissing in the hallway, using 4 letter words often, as well as seeing the development of different peer groups – unfolding in front of me day after day.  Because this environment was so uncomfortable, being a student from such a sheltered early school life, I kept to myself for much of the first 2 years in high school. To this day… I am not sure if this is why my guidance counselor suggested the summer Leadership Conference, but it was safe to say I was extremely out of my element on day 1.

After getting all my stuff off the bus and walking my way to the college dorms for the week activities, I befriended a teen who shared similar feelings as I.  This was a wonderful feeling knowing I wasn’t the only person there, scared out of my mind, not knowing what to do or how to act within this element.  So we hit it off and decided to room together with a couple of other boys who were a little more out going.  Later that evening all of the teens in attendance we divided into 5 groups.  Each group received a colored t-shirt, and a conference responsibility that would be called upon throughout the event.  My group color was ECRU and we were responsible for the Vespers services all week long.  This was good news for me having 8+ years of Catholic School, as prayer was not a PROBLEM.  The other groups were assigned responsibilities like, physical education, singing/entertainment, as well as ethics.

The purpose of this conference was to engage, challenge, and inspire one another with the help of military instructors and educators.  The final goal of this conference was to give the students the tools needed to become future leaders of our world.

So by now, I hope I painted the scene for you.  And to keep this anecdote short, I will limit this emotional roller coaster experience and get to the point of the story.

Alright….so to recap… 16 year old introverted sheltered young man goes to an extroverted leadership conference – totally out of his element  – nervous from day one – gets assigned to a vespers group – and discovers the purpose of the event was making future leaders of America.  And if that wasn’t overwhelming enough… This young man (ME) was picked to give a 5 minute speech on Patriotism to a group of 250 teenagers & 20 teachers and staff (some of which were military officers) on the last day of the event.

Scared and completely intimidated, on the last day of the event I walked up to the podium – open my notes – introduced myself – and began to speak.   Thirty seconds into my talk on Patriotism, my nerves left my skin – my voice became bold – and my confidence rose to a level I never knew existed.  My talk was only supposed to be around 5 minutes…It lasted close to 15 minutes.  To this day I do not remember a single word of what I said, however; what followed after I finished my presentation I will never forget for the rest of my life.  ALL 250+ people gave me a standing ovation, and were in shock that a quiet young man who said very little throughout the whole 5 days could deliver a speech with such confidence and articulation. Two of the teaching officers came over to the podium where I was standing after the speech and addressed the group in the microphone saying, “.. we just uncovered a hidden talent within this young man – wasn’t that talk amazing”.

This my friends was a major turning point in my life.  After receiving recognition  as the Honor Group of the 1994 Youth Leadership Conference, I returned back to my hometown, with a new outlook on life, and my abilities to take on the world.  In my junior year of High School, I took on new challenges with the debate team, the drama club, and other such activities that would expand my new hidden talents.  Upon graduating from High school, I was no longer the quiet guy who was afraid to engage challenges as were presented to me. Many future events of my life would not of been possible, if I didn’t make the decision to attend that leadership conference when I was a young teen.

The point of this story and where I am taking you, details a very simple message.  Don’t live your life in FEAR.  Challenges are a very important part of your journey in this life. It is what we do within those challenging moments that will determine the road we decide to travel.   You are going to make mistakes – that is an absolute – but asking the questions of what you learned within those errors will keep you striding forward to what ever goal you set your focus to.

And to come full circle with this story and answer the question at the top of this post – Who am I & what is it that I Do within this website, blog, and/or Podcast?  The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast is about changing the way you see the world and the way the world sees you, that is the tagline… but what does all that mean.  To put it very simply I produce a podcast that Informs, Challenges, and Inspires people to listen to the voice our world, so that in turn our World can listen to you.

Politics, Economics, Propaganda, Religion, Culture, Health, Conspiracy, Philosophy and the Universe all have a story to tell, but it is up to us listen to the story or not.  In a world where everyone and everything is competing for every second of your time, it is always up to us as to where we are going to focus our attention.  If you are not happy with the presentation and performance of the world today, it is up to you and I to change it.  These things don’t happen on their own.  We all have a role to play, but it is up to us – how large of a part we want in this production. And this is why my show is Called the Rollman Revolution.  I feel my role in this life is to get to the truth behind all of the things that have played a part in this poor production. And as I uncover these TRUTHS, it also behooves me to SHARE this message with my universal family…YOU and EVERYONE ELSE.

So to finalize this blog post:

When people ask me what it is that I do, my response is: I awaken the force inside of every individual -to show them that they have the power to make this world a better place for you and for me.

The podcast is just a tool to assist me in my endeavors!

Please leave comments if you have any questions.

Peace my Friends, -David Rollman

“The British are coming” Who really informed the American Colonist? – Schools teaching inaccurate information

As many are aware I am a student of History.  This does not mean I am a Historical Scholar, no no… What I mean is, I love the stories of history, and ALWAYS enjoy when I discover the stuff we were taught in school turns out to be just plain rubbish!  Paul_Revere's_ride Rollman_Revolution

One story, which is still taught in the schools today is that  of Paul Revere’s Famous Ride.  Now, if I were to ask 100 American adults of different ages, I would bet that more that 90% would say that Paul Revere was the famous informer to the American Colonist in 1775, shouting “The British are Coming”.  I mean who Doesn’t Know Paul Revere? Children in American schools to this day are still taught the Famous Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride”.

“Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere…

Such a catchy poem…with a great sound and rhythmic lines, Which is the same reason why so Many Americans know this poem and other great tunes like Yankee Doodle ( which also has a great story, and is still taught in the false light within our grammar schools today).

With all of this being said, I would be curious to know how many Americans and others around the world would have ever heard of a man named Israel Bissell; furthermore, the poem by Marie Rockwood titled “Ride Israel, Ride?”  I would say close to 0%.

The reason this is so fascinating to me, is primarily because this happens all too often in history.  In the 1962 movie, “The Man who shot Liberty Valance” there is a great quote toward the end of the film that goes….”This is the west sir, When the Legend becomes fact print the Legend.”  Now what this means is, if the majority of people like the story (whether it be true or not ) History will print the Legend within that story.

So, what Longfellow did within his poem was to create the Legend of Paul Revere, and his famous ride and even though this is a great poem, the story is just plain FALSE.

Truth be told, Paul Revere did in fact ride that day in 1775 upon hearing the British were invading, but only traveled by horse 19 miles (from Boston to Cambridge).  The man who’s balls got chafed in a 350 mile (563km) ride from Watertown, Massachusetts to Philadelphia  along the Old Post Road, shouting “To arms, to arms, the war has begun,” and carrying a message from General Joseph Palmer was none other than Israel Bissell.

The message, which was copied at each of his stops and redistributed read as follows:

Wednesday morning near 10 of the clock—Watertown.
To all the friends of American liberty be it known that this morning before break of day, a brigade, consisting of about 1,000 to 1,200 men landed at Phip’s Farm at Cambridge and marched to Lexington, where they found a company of our colony militia in arms, upon whom they fired without any provocation and killed six men and wounded four others. By an express from Boston, we find another brigade are now upon their march from Boston supposed to be about 1,000. The Bearer, Israel Bissell, is charged to alarm the country quite to Connecticut and all persons are desired to furnish him with fresh horses as they may be needed. I have spoken with several persons who have seen the dead and wounded. Pray let the delegates from this colony to Connecticut see this. SIGNEDJ. Palmer, one of the Committee of Safety.

Now to most people this is a trivial event and I would assume that majority of Americans could care less who was responsible for informing the American Colonist that the British were invading, however; my point is: just because it is taught in school and is printed in history doesn’t make it TRUTH!

Much of the content contained within the blog of this website and the messages I bring about on the Podcast, discusses at heart to the example written about above.  If what is printed within the textbooks of history is False, and Legends of history become the truth of history, what else are we to question about History?

A famous quote that, “History is written by the Victors (or Winners)” explains that the stories in print don’t always tell the whole story.  This is because if you are the person writing the story chances are you were part of the winning side, and can now write your story anyway you want.  History many times, takes up only half truths, and in some cases NO TRUTH at All – and I find that to be very disturbing.

The fact that History is “Pop-Culture” or “is What I say it Is” becomes damning to the future of any culture trying to become better.  If the Media of past and more importantly today, doesn’t find Fact to supersede Opinion or Propaganda, then it becomes extremely difficult for educated people to make Informed Decisions for our future.

This is one of the many reasons why I do my best to: Inform and Re-Educate any person who is willing to listen to the Truth, where ever she may hide herself.

Mark Twain said it best, “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  Metaphorical maxims about the quick dissemination of lies and the much slower propagation of corrective truths have an extreamly long history. A literary figure Jonathan Swift wrote on this topic in “The Examiner” in 1710, as well as others repeating this quote in various forms through out history.

So to come full circle,  Many of the stories we continue to teach our young children, which are the same stories we were taught, tell of truths embellished by lies.  And as Propaganda continues by way of the Mass Media today, overwhelming the masses with Lies and embellished BS,  it becomes very difficult for anyone with common sense and intelligence to make Good Informed decisions that will aid in making our world a better place, for future generations to come.

Abundant Blessings everyone and Peace as always, –David Rollman