Category Archives: Blog Post
Hello Again everyone. I apologize for the one month plus delay to my life’s passion, but sometimes Life has a way of telling you….SLOW DOWN.
Anyway, I will share in due time many of the tales

and life events that have plagued this past month, however; For me now is the time for intense focus and to get back to the basics of life first. I will be publishing several new podcast episodes over the next few weeks and will release the NEW AND IMPROVED….”Rollman Revolution” Podcast shows by the end of this month.
I want to thank my family during this past month for the support and love you have showed my wife and I, and know that your assistance in everything has truly been a blessing. Furthermore, my focus and direction has become even more heightened as I had much reflection over these last 30 days.
Remember everyone, The Rollman Revolution, is all about Changing the World by Changing your Thoughts – Ideas & Focus – by educating yourself with what the world today has stolen from you. From the moment we are born we have been told to DREAM and DREAM BIG….unfortunately by the time we reach grade school this idea gets swept out from under our feet. In the days ahead and the months to come, I will be recording some powerful episodes, as well as working on a campaign to get like minded people together, and start these discussions.
Most of the people in the US and around the Globe today realize that things are not the way they want them; however, they do not know where to turn for the answers. Also, once these answers are acquired the problem stems further, as we don’t know what to do with this new profound knowledge. I pledge to all of my fans – family and friends that this will be my solemn vow as I proceed forward. I, just like you, am tired of all the negative garbage we hear, see and feel everyday we open our world. It is time that we lock arms in this fight together and re-educate the population with the many truths that have been stolen from our education system today. Technologies hidden, misguided religion, government propaganda, media manipulation and so forth will be at the height of much of my discussions and topic matters.
ITs all about you my friends….I AM not selling you products, and this is not an infomercial. I am trying to sell you…….YOU!!! In a world where you can be anything the most original thing you can hope to be is YOURSELF! Its time we make this world a better place for you and for those we leave it to!!!
Abundant Blessings and Peace.
Who Stands to Lose??
Who stands to lose if the world was to discover we are not alone in the universe?
It is 2015 now, and the statistics are dazzling among Americans who now believe we are not alone in the universe. The number is close to 48% of American people believe we are not alone and the Secret Government is doing everything in its power to keep this issue silent. Ten percent (10%) that is 1 in 10 Americans say they have seen a UFO, and as the years push forward more and more people are coming forward with information about firsthand knowledge of this secret subject matter.
So who stands to lose if this information was to go public and full disclosure were to happen within the US? For one, Large corporations who invest in hidden technology and new energy propulsion would lose out as zero point energy would be disclosed. Those who continue fracking the ground looking for fossil fuels (Exxon Mobile, and other oil companies) would lose out as there would be no reason to continue to utilize this means of energy. Many of western religion would lose face, as the bible would no longer hold total relevance, as we would become aware of interstellar actions and involvement in human history. Power at the highest levels could no longer keep the public at bay with controls and realities that are only keeping them from discovering their true potential.
So I ask again….Who stands to lose? The small 1% that is controlling this cartel at the present time!! The reason I ask this question, as we move further into the 21st century, people in AMERICA and abroad are going to have to make a stand with one another and become the people we are meant to be. We have run out of runway, and the world is getting sicker, as disparity gets larger and larger among each individual. Revolutionary change has never occurred from the likes of government. And once we as a people realize that the governments that we see day in and day out, no longer hold the power, we will awaken to the realization that the power truly resides in EVERY SINGLE PERSON.
Change is going to happen one way or another, and disclosure of new realities will be among us soon. I have no doubt that as more people around the world realize that we are not alone, and that true Power resides in the heart and soul of every conscious individual, ONLY THEN…with the scale tip at a drastic rate toward a world that is much more to our liking. ITS TIME TO WAKE UP and recognize that which is not seen and suppressed within our world today. This only happens when we start to LOVE and be loved by each and every person. Sound simple….well it IS THAT SIMPLE. It all comes down to us as a people to make this change with our own self and walk together for the first time throwing away all of our differences. This is my prayer, this is my hope, and this is the world I want for you and for me.
Peace my friends.
Who Are You? – An Inspirational Video from the Rollman Revolution Podcast w/ David Rollman
PLEASE WATCH my new Video and Share it with all you can, as it speaks to the Heart of this program and the true essence of the soul. Thank you all for you support! -David Rollman
My Mistake…so sorry to those expecting a Winner of and episode…UPDATE!!
I apologize to all those that I said Podcast episode 009 will be available “tomorrow” as I had my days mixed up. I though yesterday was Thursday, but it was really Wednesday. So I will be recording episode Number 009 TOMORROW, 5-22-2015 for sure. I will be a guest on the Pete O’Shea Radio show on WTIS AM 1110, at 11am Friday, to promote this podcast and many of the messages produced within this show. So I do apologize for now, as I got my days all mixed up. Nonetheless, there will be a show discussing Topics of Dreams and Creative Powers on Fridays episode….so please stay tuned. I will update everyone on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube once the show is posted. Sorry for the false information, but again…I am human and made a blunder.
Please don’t forget to check out my friend Jon Rappoport ( as he will be one of the gentleman I will be discussing and much of the work he has been trying to get out to the main stream for 20+ years now.
Anyways….Talk with you all soon, and after I do the radio show, I will be back at my studio recording and publishing this exciting show.
Thanks my friends,
Episode 009 To be available tomorrow evening. (Friday 5/22/2015) for download – Topic: Dreams, Passion, and Creative Power
Hello again everyone, and welcome back to the site.
I just wanted to keep you informed with much of the things that have been happening in my life over the last few weeks, as I build my audience to the Rollman Revolution and the Podcast that surrounds it. Most of you know, who I am personally, are aware of the passion I have for working towards the INTERNAL REVOLUTION and the “Godly Power” everyone possesses at their fingertips. Many in the world today do not believe they can make a difference, and just go along with the STATUS-QUO day in and day out – which saddens me on a personal level, because I see the Power everyone has.
When people begin to believe that creative power and influence resides in each and everyone of us, like it or not, your world is set on fire!! Who wouldn’t want a world filled with the capacity to generate the REALITY you want for you In your life. There have been many people before me sharing this exact message, who had made heroic efforts to bring this kind of content to the masses, but I often wonder if many people are listening, but just not HEARING the message.
Guys like Jon Rappoport ( and guys of the past like Alan Watts, have been investigating matters of consciousness, mental health, and other avenues that touch on these important topics. We all see the “REALITY” we have been sold, but much of main society believes they can do nothing to change the way reality exists. I AND THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE, are telling you….that is a load of BULL. You have your MIND and you have Consciousness…these are just happenings that occur from a 360 degree 24 hour a day cycle….that is constantly hitting you all the time.
When you go to the movies and / or show, are you ever taken in by the production you see on the stage or motion picture as it plays out?? In many situations people cry, have a fright, a laugh – so forth and so on! But these productions are just that PRODUCTIONS — Drama being played out in front of your eyes – But they are not real – movies are not REALITY. Another Example, is when you dream, and its a GOOD ONE, where you wake up sweating and your heart is racing! Now was that dream REAL? IF not – why are you so emotional?
The point I am trying to say, is that the COSMOS, and the Internal Person has a way of tricking themselves in believing the DRAMA played out across many platforms within the world we see and experience. But what if I was to tell you that DRAMA is all that is? If you look up the word PERSON in the dictionary, it comes from the Latin Dramaticus Persona (which was the Latin word for describing an ACTOR who plays the Role of a character with a Drama). The the Actor would wear a Mask – and if the actor was real good at His/Her role – they would be taken in completely by this character. Now let me ask you, is this not the case with many of us today?
My Name is David Rollman, (I play this part) an EGO if you will, to participate in the PLAY called “THE REALITY OF EARTH”. However, I don’t take this role too seriously because I know its a BIG act. Having said that I could play another role if I wanted to, but at this moment – I am happy with the role of David – even though I could become someone entirely different tomorrow if I should decide.
Creative Imaginative Power and understanding that you have the power of CHANGE at your fingertips is a learning curve for most, however; this is the TRUE REALITY we all need to come to the recognition of.
PASSION, PURPOSE and DREAMING of the IMPOSSIBLE, is the start – and where you go from there is entirely up to you. Don’t believe me….impossible things are happening at this very moment, and Nobody could ever explain why these things occur. For example, You are breathing right now – are you not? You are growing your hair, your body is regulating your blood chemistry all on its own, and your brain is firing zaps back and forth so that you understand what this message is saying. YOU WERE NEVER TAUGHT ANY OF THESE THINGS WHEN YOU WERE A LITTLE TOT… how in the hell do these things occur?? They are just a Cosmic Happening!!
Please check out the audio podcast and subscribe. Also Check out my social links at the top of the website and find me. Because I am trying to change the way you see the World and the way the World sees you, 1 internal revolution at a time my friends.
ALSO PLEASE CHECK out my friend Jon Rappoport’s Blog and many of the great things this man has been trying to inform the public about. He is a True patriot, so please support his efforts also. We are all in this together, and like I say in my podcast and many of my other mediums “We do it better, when we do it together”
Blessings and Peace as always my friends – Will talk again real soon!
LINKS to CONNECT WITH ME and this SHOW below:
🙂 FACEBOOK PAGE – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast w/ David Rollman
🙂 TWITTER PAGE – @davidrollman
🙂 Linkedin PAGE – David Rollman
🙂 YouTube PAGE – The Rollman Revolution YouTube
Vision is the art of seeing the Invisible!! Don’t forget to dream my friends
First Book Completed and Uploaded to Amazon Kindle
Finally the work is done. This is a short but very concise read. Recommended to all those who feel the World today could be so much better if only compassion and awareness was to be awakened in every American. It is a very informative read….so please check it out and share with everyone. Its a story everyone needs to be informed about. Thanks so much everyone!
Things Can Change #thingscanchange A Revolutionary Movement in our world
Russel Brand has done it again, whether you hate him or love him, his new documentary movie, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” looks to be another great “wake Up” to reality kind of film. Many people talk about Russel in a negative way and continue to try to place him with Katy Perry and his Drug Use. If you are one of those people, you live your life so far in the past, you will never get over the bricks you seem to carry with you. No, Russel’s Marriage is a personal issue and one that many American’s at one time or another go through as well, so we need to stop the finger pointing in that area. Also, Russel has been clean and sober for almost 11 years now, and still help those suffering from drug addiction. That is the current Russel, and he is a changed man. If you follow YouTube at all you can see what Mr. Brand has been doing over the last couple years at his YouTube channel – Trew News with Russel Brand. He gives an alternative perspective to the world and it validates the same theme I attempt to emulate on my podcast show “The Rollman Revolution”. Futhermore, Russel’s new documentary brings awareness to New Revolutionary Ideas that we can all see and find validation in. From Banker Bonus’ to Disparity of resources, and Immigration, this new film brings about what TRUE CHANGE and REVOLUTION is all about. I highly recommend all who see this post check out the Trews link below as well as follow his channel and check out the Emperor’s new clothes trailer and leave comments.
The ONLY way to bring about TRUE change in the world is to recognize that the power lies within each and everyone of us, not the elite who stand at the top of the pyramid of $$. It’s time to WAKE UP and bring about a new narrative to the one jammed down our throats everyday. #thingscanchange @davidrollman
The Emperor’s New Clothes – Video Trailer
Russel Brand Twitter Follow – Tell Him David Rollman sent you!! 😉
Next on the Rollman Revolution (Blog Post)
The next Rollman Revolution Show will be uploaded soon, as I am finalizing on 3 more episodes, of which I will have a more formatted show with sections as to keep things flowing on several topics and cover a more lively and less information intensive podcast. The purpose of the first 4 shows was to lay down the ground work and show 5 will wrap up the 1st 4 episodes and summarize where we are thus far. After that show, I will be applying some of the ground work learned in episodes 1-5, to how the internal revolution change can effect the world we live in today. Many topics such as Religion, Politics, Government, Economics, Statistics, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Propaganda, Education Indoctrination, as well as Conspiracy and Unexplained Phenomena will be covered. The purpose again of this Podcast #rollmanrevolution is to change the way you see the WORLD and the way the WORLD sees YOU. The ideas that we become what we think about, and how we see the world ultimately determines how we live our lives, is the true focus of how important it is to get our internal alignment in order. So if you are like me and are not delighted with the way the world is today, please continue to listen to this show, because it is only the beginning of what we are about to adventure together. Please also check out The Rollman Revolution Facebook Page, as well as the Rollman Revolution You tube page and subscribe to get all the latest info from me and around the world. I want to thank all of you for checking this page out as I am here only to serve you and hopefully and humbly change this world that is ultimately dying from the intervention of man and his domination over all things, including those who have nothing. It must STOP. PEACE my friends.