I watched the 3rd and Final US Presidential debate
and I am troubled by what the #MSM (main stream media) and polls are saying. According to CNN, NBC, ORC polling, they give the 3rd debate to Hillary Clinton, which if you watch the debate closely there is no way in HELL that she won on any count. I rate debates on substance, not political BS, but actual talk. When you listen to Hillary Clinton speak, it is all pre-written talking points. I have told my audience, friends, and family…that I have no stake in the outcome of this election, as I feel the best candidates will never make the stage. However; only a mindless person would think Hillary Clinton won this 3rd and final debate. I watched intently as to the substance within each comment from each candidate, and the score I came to at the end of the debate, was TRUMP 25 – CLINTON 6. As many may know I was a debate prep person back in high school, and did the same when I went to USF. I know that debates are won on content, and how a person delivers that content. 2nd is how you sound when you deliver the content, do you sound presidential, or do you sound like a whiner. On just these two principles alone, Clinton loses. She smiles when she is pissed, she doubles talks when she is caught in a lie, and furthermore; I am tire of the main stream media, and the BS Polling in this country framing the election for one candidate – as to give the people the illusion they have choice. I will predict that after the 3 debates, Hillary Clinton will win this election by about 6-7% more Electoral Votes. That will hold the case unless there is a further October surprise…that the Trump campaign is holding back. And Regardless who wins, If you want to see what I saw last night. Hillary did not WIN….but the #MSM will not tell you otherwise as that is how rigged the Media is in this country and around the world. PROVE ME WRONG…as I have predicted with 100% accuracy over the last 4 major elections. Watch the debate…share the message. I will be doing a podcast that I hope will stimulate the minds of the dumb asses in America this weekend. Until then READ, RESEARCH, and Look into Facts on your own…because the Media is not your ally.
CHECK OUT THE DEBATE: and See how you score this!