There are not enough educators tackling the big social issues in this world today, however; even though many may

already know this woman – I had not discovered her work until a few days ago. Jane Elliott is REAL EDUCATOR. Not your typical “TEACHER” as many like to define as a person who stands in front of students and deliver what the text books are sharing. No, Mrs Elliott is an Educator, a person that strips away the nonsense to deliver the reality of what society and culture has developed as “Truth”.
On the Rollman Revolution audio Podcast – I try every week to tackle Big Issues, and Re-Educate the masses, by stimulating my listeners in a way – to get them off the Ass. Society and cultures alike have shared ignorance from generation to generation. So, if we as Human Beings don’t pause for a moment and re-visit the core of these teachings – we stand to pass on propaganda and BS to all future generations.
Jane Elliott is someone I wish all my fans, followers, and family to spend a few minutes and Watch the Videos Below. Furthermore, if you see something that peaks your interest, you can find her wisdom at her Website: JaneElliot
Please Enjoy just a taste of REAL EDUCATION in the two videos below. You will not find a better voice for the Ignorance behind “RACISM”
-David Rollman