Everywhere you look today, there is always a new book or list, that is designed to give you a push in order to persevere over life’s challenges. If you really dig deep, you will notice that each book or list, is practically eluding to the same subjects in a more refined way. Bottom line, throughout your life the most important skill to have or acquire is “Wisdom”. There are so many quotes out there about wisdom, but the one I have found keeps things very simple is: “Wisdom is found in the discovery of Truth”. TRUTH… in my opinion is the only commodity worth trading.

The sooner you come to a full understanding of these life lessons — the less struggles and suffering you will experience throughout your journey. (The list below is in no particular order, and is the condensed version that I have derived from the ample amount of lectures, texts, and life experience)
- Identify Who ‘YOU’ really are.
- Do what you love, and love what you do.
- Being happy takes a lot of work.
- Learn to become present to the presence.
- Perception becomes your reality
- Nothing lasts forever, learn to let go.
Over the next several months I will be discussing this list and topics surrounding “Wisdom and Truth”. There is an incredible need for this type of material as many young adults and older folks continue to struggle daily with these items listed above. Life has a way of crippling people who do not learn these fundamentals, and in may cases it is not their fault. However, once you have been made aware of this knowledge… there is no turning back… you either embrace it, or ignore it — the choice is always yours.
Life in an of itself is a God Damn Mess. Suffering is an absolute and the laws of entropy continue to unfold regardless if you participate or not. The job of every conscious human is to battle through each day with the least amount of suffering as possible, while acquiring knowledge in order to unveil universal truth.
Life is very difficult, but becomes a bit easier, the sooner you begin to grasp the short list above…. To be continued.
Namaste my friends