“There are NO CONSPIRACIES but there are no COINCIDENCES either”, says Mr. Steven K Bannon, of War Room Pandemic – but it just so happens that all of these recent decisions coming out of the Biden administration coincidentally have some conspiratorial concern that is surfacing.
Why it is this hard for anyone to put-together — that “President” Joe Biden and the folks he surrounds himself with – would ever try to destroy America from within need to take another look at the man sleeping in the people’s house!!! We are talking about Joe Biden, the man that said he would prostitute himself to the highest bidder, the man who uses his son as a “Bag Man” to collect influence $$$ for the Big Guy, Joe Biden a man who has never worked a real job, never served in uniform, a man who doesn’t have the mental fortitude to make tough decisions (never has) and has been on the wrong side of every foreign affairs issue over the past 40 years.
This man, was NOT THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES — No No No, He was the duly installed president of the CCP controlled and manipulated UNITED STATES, thru the help of Dominion Software/Systems, and bought and paid for Political Leaders spread throughout the United States (from the $$$ help of Soros, Dorsey, Zuckerburg). What happened on November 3rd was the United States Government Sold to the Highest bidder, designed to take Trump out of office by any means necessary. Losing for these folks was not an option, and that is why they were so SLOPPY in their approach to help push Biden over the “victory” line. To go as far as stuffing a ballot box, or running pre-printed ballots over and over again –ON CAMERA –, putting card-board over the windows to block out poll watchers — I mean, how obvious could they of made it?
There were so many things that happened on November 3rd that should never of happened, and have never happened on this LARGE SCALE – yet the MSM double downed and lied to the American People day after day — saying voter fraud didn’t occur, when they knew on that day — something didn’t add up. That is why YOU and everyone you know SHOULD BE PISSED and ANGRY as hell.
Your country was STOLEN by OUTSIDE INFLUENCES (who have lined the pockets of the people currently directing our NATION) and their plan is to take America to its knees. YEAH you SHOULD BE MADDER THAN HELL —
Joe Biden sent 13 young Military men and women to their deaths — UNNECESSARILY — as all of this BS could of been avoided. The Senior Military leaders can no longer be trusted by the chain of command, as I am sure Lt Col Sheller is NOT the only Company/Infantry Commander who feels this way. The Military is a place for resolve, not division, where people on the field — in the action — can feel secure and confident in the orders coming from the top — down. That their purpose, their mission, is to better protect the United States of America — and NOT TO BE USED AS PAWNS IN SOMEONE’S POLITICAL GAME!!!
AMERICA deserves better — and I KNOW Americans made sure of that on November 3rd 2020 — but that is what happens when you STEAL AN ELECTION — THE CONSEQUENCES AND STAKES ARE EVEN HIGHER.
1) TO WORK IN THE STATES AT A RAPID RATE FOR FULL FORENSIC AUDITS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF OCT 2021. Joe Biden is illegitimate – Afghanistan was his planned political distraction — to pull America’s focus away from these audits and to change the News Cycle. (Don’t think these people are capable of using our US military as pawns in their big political game?) That is why we must keep fighting — there is no backing down now!!
2) TO CONTINUE TO EXPOSE JOE BIDEN and HIS ADMINISTRATION for their deliberate DESTABILIZATION of AMERICA (Destruction of Financial Markets, Increase Inflation, Destroyed Boarders, division of the country (use of COVID/CRT), Divide the Military, & destroy International alliances)
3)FOR EVERY IRAQ/MIDDLE EAST Veteran — to call your former military leaders, friends etc… and begin speaking up and out about the current state of our US MILITARY. Hold these Senior Leaders’ face to the FIRE and make them answer for these decisions. As Lt Col Sheller said, THEY MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
4)WE MUST STOP THE PETTY MSM CREATED DIVISIONS – Americans as a collective are NOT RACIST, SEXIST, WHITE SUPREMACIST, COVID GRANDMA KILLERS or any other label spewed out by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. Most Americans want to just live their lives with limited government involvement, in the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Love. This CREATED HATE — is just that A CREATION made up to get you to hate the “other side” whatever that means. **BOTTOM LINE — We must put this petty CRT/BLM/ANTIFA/TRUMP HATING/SOCIAL ENGINEERING Drama out the damn window, because we don’t have time to play the MSM “Happy Talk” Hour. We are AMERICA FIRST — if you cannot buy into that belief then you are in the wrong country.
5)WE MUST REMEMBER TO PRAY/ and ASK FOR DIVINE INSPIRATION in these unpredictable times. I am not a religious person, but I have seen the work of something magical over the past 8 months here in America. When the American people put aside their differences for the greater good — the TRUTH we all know and can SEE — Amazing things start to happen.
MY THOUGHTS are with the families of the recently fallen. Your children didn’t die in vain, and I will do everything in my power to make sure Joe Biden is aware of that. I am sorry you had to face this alone — without the PROPER COMMANDER IN CHIEF in office. Donald J Trump would of NEVER allowed this to happen. The American People did NOT ELECT JOE BIDEN, And the lid is about to come off for everyone to see. Mr Joe Biden You cannot STOP WHAT IS COMING.
This is the consequences of LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Keep up the good work
I do appreciate the comment Kathryn! Thank you