“The British are coming” Who really informed the American Colonist? – Schools teaching inaccurate information

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

As many are aware I am a student of History.  This does not mean I am a Historical Scholar, no no… What I mean is, I love the stories of history, and ALWAYS enjoy when I discover the stuff we were taught in school turns out to be just plain rubbish!  Paul_Revere's_ride Rollman_Revolution

One story, which is still taught in the schools today is that  of Paul Revere’s Famous Ride.  Now, if I were to ask 100 American adults of different ages, I would bet that more that 90% would say that Paul Revere was the famous informer to the American Colonist in 1775, shouting “The British are Coming”.  I mean who Doesn’t Know Paul Revere? Children in American schools to this day are still taught the Famous Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride”.

“Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere…

Such a catchy poem…with a great sound and rhythmic lines, Which is the same reason why so Many Americans know this poem and other great tunes like Yankee Doodle ( which also has a great story, and is still taught in the false light within our grammar schools today).

With all of this being said, I would be curious to know how many Americans and others around the world would have ever heard of a man named Israel Bissell; furthermore, the poem by Marie Rockwood titled “Ride Israel, Ride?”  I would say close to 0%.

The reason this is so fascinating to me, is primarily because this happens all too often in history.  In the 1962 movie, “The Man who shot Liberty Valance” there is a great quote toward the end of the film that goes….”This is the west sir, When the Legend becomes fact print the Legend.”  Now what this means is, if the majority of people like the story (whether it be true or not ) History will print the Legend within that story.

So, what Longfellow did within his poem was to create the Legend of Paul Revere, and his famous ride and even though this is a great poem, the story is just plain FALSE.

Truth be told, Paul Revere did in fact ride that day in 1775 upon hearing the British were invading, but only traveled by horse 19 miles (from Boston to Cambridge).  The man who’s balls got chafed in a 350 mile (563km) ride from Watertown, Massachusetts to Philadelphia  along the Old Post Road, shouting “To arms, to arms, the war has begun,” and carrying a message from General Joseph Palmer was none other than Israel Bissell.

The message, which was copied at each of his stops and redistributed read as follows:

Wednesday morning near 10 of the clock—Watertown.
To all the friends of American liberty be it known that this morning before break of day, a brigade, consisting of about 1,000 to 1,200 men landed at Phip’s Farm at Cambridge and marched to Lexington, where they found a company of our colony militia in arms, upon whom they fired without any provocation and killed six men and wounded four others. By an express from Boston, we find another brigade are now upon their march from Boston supposed to be about 1,000. The Bearer, Israel Bissell, is charged to alarm the country quite to Connecticut and all persons are desired to furnish him with fresh horses as they may be needed. I have spoken with several persons who have seen the dead and wounded. Pray let the delegates from this colony to Connecticut see this. SIGNEDJ. Palmer, one of the Committee of Safety.

Now to most people this is a trivial event and I would assume that majority of Americans could care less who was responsible for informing the American Colonist that the British were invading, however; my point is: just because it is taught in school and is printed in history doesn’t make it TRUTH!

Much of the content contained within the blog of this website and the messages I bring about on the Podcast, discusses at heart to the example written about above.  If what is printed within the textbooks of history is False, and Legends of history become the truth of history, what else are we to question about History?

A famous quote that, “History is written by the Victors (or Winners)” explains that the stories in print don’t always tell the whole story.  This is because if you are the person writing the story chances are you were part of the winning side, and can now write your story anyway you want.  History many times, takes up only half truths, and in some cases NO TRUTH at All – and I find that to be very disturbing.

The fact that History is “Pop-Culture” or “is What I say it Is” becomes damning to the future of any culture trying to become better.  If the Media of past and more importantly today, doesn’t find Fact to supersede Opinion or Propaganda, then it becomes extremely difficult for educated people to make Informed Decisions for our future.

This is one of the many reasons why I do my best to: Inform and Re-Educate any person who is willing to listen to the Truth, where ever she may hide herself.

Mark Twain said it best, “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  Metaphorical maxims about the quick dissemination of lies and the much slower propagation of corrective truths have an extreamly long history. A literary figure Jonathan Swift wrote on this topic in “The Examiner” in 1710, as well as others repeating this quote in various forms through out history.

So to come full circle,  Many of the stories we continue to teach our young children, which are the same stories we were taught, tell of truths embellished by lies.  And as Propaganda continues by way of the Mass Media today, overwhelming the masses with Lies and embellished BS,  it becomes very difficult for anyone with common sense and intelligence to make Good Informed decisions that will aid in making our world a better place, for future generations to come.

Abundant Blessings everyone and Peace as always, –David Rollman




025 – “The Iraq War, Subversion and Manufactured Consent – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Woah….What a wild last few weeks it has been for me my friends.Yuri

I have been down for the last week due to an unfortunate FLU bug that got a hold of me, but I am so thrilled that the worst has passed, as I bring you an new Rollman Revolution Podcast Episode.

This week, by request, I will be discussing (from another side) the Iraq War (The 2003 war) and other topics like Subversion and Manufactured Consent.  Everyone for the most part, who has not lived under a rock for the past few decades, will know what the Iraq war is, but I challenge if majority of educated Americans have ever heard of the other two topics?

Ideological Subversion” (which is discussed in detail by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector of the former Soviet Union) and “Manufactured Consent” (a book and later a  documentary discussing the topics of  Noam Chomsky) are TWO subjects I believe most Americans no little or nothing about.  These in my opinion are subjects that should not be overlooked, if we are going to understand the battleground for which our world plays.  In this episode, I will expose you to not only the IRAQ stuff again, but add TWO very important subject that will add more tools for you to research yourself, and Allow you to become a more OPEN MINDED FREE THINKER.

In America today, we have lost our critical thinking capacity, as the Main Stream Media pretty much tells people around the world WHAT THE NEWS IS!!  Furthermore, when 7 major media giants own or control more than 90% of everything that is in Print, TV or Radio…. You must be aware of what you are digesting every day you turn on your 50″ Idiot Box!

I know you will find this episode to be informative and eye opening.  PLEASE CHECK OUT THE LINKS THAT I PROMISED I WOULD PROVIDE BELOW…..

Abundant Blessings and Peace my friends…Thanks for checking me out again.


1) KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America

2) Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

3) Subversion Chart

4) Project For New American Century

5) Ken O’Keefe and his work




Audio Short #3 – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Again My Friends and Loyal Followers,UpdateRollmanrevolution

This is just an audio short about the upcoming episode…#025 which will be recorded This week!! Please Leave comments and suggestions for upcoming episodes. But this week we will be talking about The Iraq War (From 2003) and all the stuff that has developed from it.  Also I will be discussing about submersion and a Man named Noam Chomsky.  Please Tune in as I know like many of the podcasts before this one, will be a great success.  Thank you to Brittany for the Topic suggestion, as I will do my very best to cover the subject to your interest.  Abundant blessings my friends and peace as always!


024 – Religion, Abortion, Homosexuality, The Sanctity of Life, and Racism – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Again My Friends and Podcast Family,Socal Issues

This Episode Is going to DRIVE many people wild!  But I must Remind everyone that I talk about these issues in a (Both Side Approach).  I know that Social Issues drive our world today in a very separated manner.  It is very difficult to have a conversation with anyone who sits on the opposite side of any of these issues, but what I try to do in this episode is to dissolve the “BOXES” that we put many of those we disagree with in everyday conversation.

If this world is to ever be free; we must take a look at the social issues that continue to divide us everyday we wake up and begin a new day.  The Constant talk about ORGANIZED RELIGION, Abortion, Homosexuality, and others issues seem to be the void that allows us to come together as a Unified PEOPLE…and that is where these issues need to stop.

I KNOW…the topics presented within this podcast will be ones that are PERSONAL to many who have lived a life that has been Trained to look at the world in a certain way.  What I am asking you to do…IS TO LISTEN, and keep an open mind as we tackle each of these social issues one by one.

I can promise you, that I go to great lengths to explain my attitude on these topics, as They are not to offend but to inform.  Please leave As many comments and concerns as you like, as I know this is a Podcast TOPIC, that will raise a few eyebrows.

REMEMBER…I am only here to unite, not to divide.  THIS PODCAST is dedicated to “Changing the way we see the World, and the way the World sees Us, One listener at a time.

Abundant Blessings my Podcast Friends, and Peace As Always….



023 – “Balance – The Glue that sticks the whole world together” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Happy Easter Everyone,

As Promised Episode 23 is going to discuss balance.  Balance_RR

How Balance occurs in Nature and in all the stuff we see and experience everyday.  Also I will touch on why balance is so important to integrate daily in our lives.  In the second part of the show I will be discussing the #Election2016 and where balance is missing there as well.  And I will conclude with my opinion on what WE can do to fix these issues.

I really hope you all enjoy this content as I feel it is one of the more important topics (as it relates to everyday life).

ALSO MY FRIENDS, THANK YOU FOR THE CONTINUED SUPPORT in spreading the podcast (Website and Message) with all your friends and colleagues, within the communities you serve.  I know in due time this podcast and its message has the chance to become as great as any other MAIN STREAM media outlet around the world, But it starts with a grass roots base….YOU! I cannot do this alone, so I want to thank all of those who have tuned into hear me weekly and continue to spread the message.

We are changing the way we see the world and the way the world sees us, one listener at a TIME.

Abundant Blessings Everyone and PEACE as always!


Audio Short #2 – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Friends,

Again…this is just an audio Short bringing you into the upcoming episode (#23).  Just to let you all know, UpdateRollmanrevolutionwww.rollmanrevolution.com/022 (or episode #22) has just reached 1,200 downloads.  I Feel we are finally making the difference with audiences around the world within the show.  Again if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post them below, or at the other social media links at the top of the page.

This Audio short will briefly discuss:

  1. Episode #23 (upcoming episode Titled “Balance”
  2. #election2016 and Donald Trump
  3. The Attack in Brussels, Belgium

Remember….To inform yourself and get all the tools needed for your tool box before you make any decision in your life.  It is always important to find the truth, no matter how hard she may hide herself from your eyes.

Please remember to share this podcast to all those who need a wake up call, and will benefit from this content.

Abundant blessings my friends and Peace as always,


022 – “Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world anymore, and How to fix that” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Howdy Friends,

Episode 22 of the Rollman Revolution is gonna be a HOT one.  As you can see in the title, many Americans in American Flag Rollman Revolutionparticular will have a problem with this statement.  But like I have said in the past I will not sugar coat anything, if I feel any subject needs attention.  There is no facts to justify that America is the greatest country in the world anymore, as you will hear in this podcast episode.  Also down below you will find several videos and websites that will curb you interest into this matter.

Remember, in order to fix any problem you first must recognize there is one.  So…If we are to make America the poster-child for greatness again, it is UP TO the AMERICAN people to get their head out of the sand and make the changes needed.

I will cover:  The Facts behind this statement, and give links to allow you to research this yourself.

I will cover: Some important ways we can achieve this goal to become great again.

And…I will discuss the candidates for this 2016 Election year and give you some GREAT resources, for doing background work of those seeking the Presidency.

The TIME IS NOW, if we want to make something great again.  WHAT WE DO NOW…is what will make a better tomorrow.  HOW WE THINK NOW…will determine how we relate with one another down the road.  It is in these small but very important adjustments in American society which will allow us to become a true leader on this place we share called Earth.

Please make any comments you like but keep them tactful.  I want this discussion to take place in America today, but we need to do this in an effective way.  We all need to respect and love one another, and stop this crazy “MY OPINION IS BETTER THAN YOUR OPINION” society.  We MUST COME together as a single unit in order to make great things happen.  This Episode will get you thinking, and hopefully will get you talking as well

Abundant Blessings everyone and Peace.


  2. Another Great link to support the Claim of America
  4. Video Explaining the Reality of the Economic System In America (Very Well Done and Backed by fact links)


Audio Short – Quick Commentary… Update of The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

UPDATE UPDATE my Listeners and Friends….  the-future

NO NO this is not a Full Podcast Episode…Instead, I decided to update all of you on what has been going on behind the screen of The Rollman Revolution.  Over the last month, and with Hours of Reflection – I have made an executive decision of how I produce Podcast Episodes.  I could describe in great detail – How I came to these changes and decisions but I wont bore you with my methods.  However, There will be one Big change for some that will either gravitate you closer to my words or reflect you to another place altogether.  As much as I love all those who have listened and shared my message to others, as well as continuing to download new episodes each week — I had to do what I felt would bring my true self closer to what I was producing each week.

PLEASE CHECK OUT THE AUDIO LINKED TO THIS POST….You will discover what changes will begin next week.

I love you all…PLEASE HAVE A GREAT WEEK…and Share the message!


Temporary Delay in Podcast Production

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

No NO NO….Its not because I am LAZY….HELL NO.  I am doing research for some of the upcoming projects (Podcast that will be produced over the next few weeks).  Unfortunately I have had a pinched nerve in my neck which has radiated my entire Right side.  Since calling out of my regular job is not an option…I have to fight thru the pain…and keep trucking.  It is funny how we take for granted the simple things in life like just turning your head…which is unbearable at times when one your nerves are messed up.

Nonetheless, I will be back up on the saddle real soon…as I am doing everything I can to get better.  Hopefully within the next week, after a Doctor visit…I can get back to feeling normal.  Until then Keep fighting the good fight my friends, and stay on the look out for future episodes….

I will be doing something new in the next few weeks, with taking on a guest or two…so you can stop listening to me monologue for close to 50 min every week.

Any Who….YOU ALL TAKE CARE AND I WILL POST UPDATES as things change….Abundant Blessings and Peace

021 – “The JFK Conspiracy more than half a century later” – The Rollman Revoluton audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello again my friends,JFKConspiracy

This latest podcast episode is one that I have been trying to get completed for sometime now.  After 17 emails, I guess conspiracy and the media is at the TOP of my listener’s lists.  To begin, When I speak of conspiracy I come from the attitude that (all this means is) you are a person that looks at information different from what the MAIN STREAM says about a particular topic.  This is an important statement!  I do not believe MOST conspiracy theorist are tin foiled hat wearing wackos that have nothing to do; but shout out ridiculous arguments.  As a matter of fact if we did not have “conspiracy theorist” today; many of the arguments to contradict the original cover stories of many major events  would never have been discovered.

We must constantly remind ourselves the Governments today and much of major BUSINESS (Including Media in all its forms) does not always serve the interest of the people they say they do.  There are easy solutions to these problems if we at the bottom would only unite with one another, and stop the unnecessary madness playing itself out on the Grand Stage every day.  This comes down to YOU! (and Me)  If you don’t seek the Truth, you may never find it.  Furthermore, I would rather die for something I believe in then to live my life believing in nothing!  John F Kennedy….did just that!  He had to know that the people he was taking on, did not play well with those who tried to oppose them.

We still see this kind of FEAR, spread within our world today.  Don’t like what you see? Not quite sure How to take on this elite NWO type?  The answer is simple….PAY ATTENTION.  Don’t follow the roads of propaganda, and continue to seek out GOOD information (as well as…researching many avenues of alternative information).

As Fox Mulder once said, “The Truth is out there!” And the more we unite around the Truth, wherever she may hide herself, the better decision we as a people can make.  It is time to WAKE UP and no longer play the game of ignorance.  After that….THE REST IS UP TO YOU!

Please Check out some of the links below and I Hope you enjoy this episode.  Please leave comments or find me on social media to have a discussion.

Abundant Blessings,  -DaveMan

LINKS BELOW: (PLEASE REMEMBER….This is only the start…Continue to follow the roads of truth to where ever it may take you.  (Also…I do not believe ALL of the information in each of these videos other then the information I can validate myself…I suggest you do the same and keep following your own path to truth)

JFK and The People Pulling the Strings

JFK and The most important witnesses 

JFK Documentary “Nothing but the Truth” w/ Jim Marrs


"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"