David Rollman in the future…I share a similar philosophy as Ken O’Keefe

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello again friends….

I wanted to share with you a video I received from the Open Mind Conference of Denmark, in which a speaker…Ken O’Keefe spoke.  This man, you can FEEL his Passion!  He uses a lot of “vulgar” language…but I believe it serves his passion and purpose wisely.

Now the Philosophy is spot on — What is occurring inside the State of Israel — as we speak — is very troubling in my opinion.  The disinformation or subjugation to anyone who dare tell an alternative story to the narratives that come out of Israel — seems to be labeled a racist or anti-Semite.

However, here is the REAL problem:  Why would a guy like Ken O’Keefe (aka Ken Roy Nichols), a former US Marine, be speaking out about the atrocities going on inside Israel (which I have been able to verify myself through friends who actually have lived there) be using this GENOCIDE of sorts to make a profit?

Yes you heard me correct.  I agree with just about everything Ken says within the video below (with a couple of exceptions) however, what this man says and what he actually does is THE TRUE PROBLEM with our government, CIA, Mossad, and other intelligence services – DOUBLE AGENT OPERATORS.

I know, I know, how silly of you Dave to make this claim.  Sadly this is not a claim — I have seen the type and he matches perfectly — with the situational operating experience — Ken is controlled opposition and very good at dazzling those looking to make a difference for something REAL.

But this is true exploitation.  Israel has a consistent cloud of darkness that continues to hover of this land.  People must remember two things:

  1.  Most of what you see and hear — within the Main Stream (meaning if -the content makes its way to the BIG AIR WAVES) is Controlled in some manner. (so you must be skeptical) 90% of everything you read watch or listen to is controlled by 6 entities.
  2. CIA, MOSSAD, MI5, and other intelligence gathering services are planted within every sector of government, business, media, and industry.  These people have certain skill sets that make them primary tools for whatever the “Deep-State” plans to achieve.

The person known by many as “Ken O’Keefe” seems to be one of these plants.


Then watch the video below and you tell me what is actually going on here?

020 – GMOs, Chem-Trails, and Reclaiming the Earth – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello again my loyal friends,WorldinPain
Welcome to Podcast #20 of the Rollman Revolution!  In this episode I will be discussing GMOs, Chem-Trails, and Reclaiming the Earth.  Now I know that sound like a lot of information, but I promise you I will lay things out in a way that you, the listener, can grasp these very important topics.  This Topic was by request from a person in Queensland, Australia…and I am so delighted that the World is finding my podcast and sharing the message. SO THANK YOU Australia!

Many people today are still living in ignorance.  In many of the cases, it is not by choice; however, we can no longer afford to be in ignorance.  So what I will provide within the podcast episode is a fresh perspective of the topics of GMO, Chem-Trails, and other goodies, that will hopefully force you into looking into these topics for yourself.  Remember the information I provide to you is just scraping the surface….it is up to you to continue the pursuit for truth on your own time.  I know at times…it is hard to find time…but if you no longer want to be ignorant about these subjects that will effect your life…I really hope you find some time (even if it is only 15 mins. a day).

The Companies listed: BASF, Bayer, Dupont, Dow Chemical Company, Monsanto, and Syngenta are the biggest names in GMO production in the World!!  If you have never heard of these companies…you will be well informed if you follow the information on this topic.  I encourage you to check out the links on this page, about GMO and CHEM-Trails and see where it takes you, because…we need to reclaim this Planet so that is serves the greater good of all Humanity.  NOT JUST A CHOSEN FEW….

Please my friends,  SHARE THIS MESSAGE with all you love…and get the conversations started.  We Do it better when we do it together, and This world today needs a TRUE “Wake Up call”.   I will provide links to the videos and sites I think you will be dazzled by.  But please Remember….To continue the SEARCH…Don’t believe my word or anyone else… Your Mind and Truth should be yours….SO PROVIDE TO YOURSELF the TRUTH…as IT WILL FIND YOU!

Abundant Blessings Everyone…THE LINKS ARE BELOW!! ENJOY!



CHEM-TRAIL vs CON-TRAIL (Basic Video Look)

CHEM-TRAIL DOCUMENTARY “What in the world are They spraying” (GREAT INSIGHT into the chem-trail issue)

It is Done Podcast Episode #20…sorry for the delay

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Friends….I am in the process of finalizing Podcast episode #20, as work has played a small role in its delay.  The TOPIC this week is about GMOs, Chem-Trails, and reclaiming the Earth.  So once I get the podcast cleaned up and all the sound levels right….I will be posting this episode here on rollmanrevolution.com as well as Itunes, Android, and Stitcher Radio.  So stay tuned…

And thank you again for your patience!


New Podcast to Be withheld…till Monday or Tuesday

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Friends and Family,

Will have to postpone The Rollman Revolution Podcast w/ David Rollman till Monday or Tuesday…I have to work both Sunday and Monday…but Just know I am following some really great leads into my new podcast episode. I have connected with a great guy in Australia and I will be producing a podcast about GMO, The NEW world Order, and Reclaiming The Earth thru consciousness!! Don’t you worry….We at the RollmanRevolution.com are making great strides..to make a difference in the world we see, as I reach out to so many in the world today…looking to make a difference. I love you all…So PLEASE Share the message…once I get this podcast done….And like as…. I said..it will be recorded Monday or Tuesday… Abundant Blessings and Peace as always!

019 – The Conscious Awakening of 2012 What its all about. – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Again Everyone, Yuga Cycle

This is round 2 for 2016.  In this weeks episode I will be discussing The conscious Awakening of December 21, 2012 and what this is all about.  As many may be aware of, 2012 was discussed in so many ways leading up to the Mayan Calendar date, much of which was all gloom and doom.  In this presentation I will be walking you thru the cycles of the Earth / Sun / and our Galaxy and why it is important to keep yourself informed with good information.  So this episode will cover 2012, Yuga Cycles, Galactic Alignment as well as other things to help paint you a picture of where we are, as a people, Heading!  Our Consciousness is waking up, so many more people today are realizing that the Story we have been told is a lie.   As we begin the ascension process, our consciousness will allow us to become more aware of who we are and where we are going.  This is a very information heavy topic (and considered controversial ) so if you are a person that flies with a closed parachute, you may have trouble keeping an open mind on this Topic.  As I say in the Podcast episode I will include a link below to a DOCUMENTARY I WANT ALL MY LISTENERS TO watch.  It is about 90 mins, but it is well worth your time.  Please leave comments and share this information and podcast with everyone you love.

Abundant Blessings Everyone I will see you next week!




Syria – and the next Rollman Revolution Podcast…

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello my friends!!

Unfortunately my laptop went down the other day…but it is working at full force now…after many hours of fixing this animal!   I have been watching the political arena over the last week, and I feel I need to discuss the illusion of the main stream media as well as discuss consciousness in this next podcast!!! I will do the recording tomorrow, as I got called into work today!!  Please check out the two videos I attached to this blog post!! As it will give you a small insight as to what will be discussed!! Abundant Blessings Everyone and Peace!!! I love you all!!



CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen’t Exist

This will change your life, true knowledge of consciousness a MUST SEE for the human race!

The World of Caicos, What are the Republicians in the US talking about

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

After watching the most recent Republican Debate….I was overwhelmed by all of the “Security and Safety” terminology thrown out by many of the candidates.  First off we need to go back to 9/11 if we want a clear understanding of how we got here in the first place.  If you are a person that believes that 9/11 was an Islamo-Facist, attack then you really need to re-research this topic.  For those who realize that 9/11 was definitely an inside job by our best of the best…then you will follow this post much more easily.  The recent Republican Debate was all about the Security of the US, and what each presidential candidate would do to keep our country “safe”.  This in my OPINION is the wrong outlook if we are to go forward in anything we do around the world.  First off, our country is in more danger today because of the preemptive war the US got involved itself in over in the middle east!  This conflict has continued thru the OBAMA administration and has (for lack of a better word) gotten WORSE!!  If we are to ever get our country and our mind out of the gutter, we need to realize that Islam is not THE PROBLEM…it is the RADICAL A-HOLES that start these wars in the first place… eg. BUSH, OBAMA, and those within the CIA dismantling the Countries around the world!  Most of the people of Islam are Peaceful people…not TERRORIST, as the mainstream media would have you believe.  Americans in this Upcoming election need to inform themselves…about many issues…and this has much to do with all that is transpiring around the world, and how we got to this place in history in the first place.  Please See the link below to give you a basic understanding of the GEO POLITICAL world, and where we are now….before you start listening to the Main STREAM about all this NONSENSE!!!  Abundant Blessings Everyone and Peace (is all I can hope for) !!!





018 – “The Best Version of Yourself, A New Years Resolution” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Happy New Year My Friends,New Year Rollman Revolution

Well it is 2016 and we now begin to turn over a new rock in life.  For many of us the New Year brings a lot of changes, and for many, the are much needed changes.

In this episode of the The Rollman Revolution, I discuss New Years Resolutions, and How we are to succeed at them, as well as why so often we fail at them.  I will discuss the 4 major areas of New Years Resolutions: 1) Physical 2) Emotional 3) Intellectual and 4) Spiritual.  Within these area, I will also explain the background as to why these are important and what are the key elements needed in order to gain success with any changes you make to your life for the better.

Furthermore, if we want to become the best version of ourselves, and make these necessary changes in our life as we begin this new year, I will discuss what approach (and Mindset) you must attain to make this year a successful one.

Please Listen to this episode and share this content to all those who you feel will benefit from the message.  Remember this podcast has always been dedicated to changing the way you see the world and the way the world sees you and I.  The only way we do this it to not forget who we are and what we want for ourselves in this life…by changing those SHOULDs into Musts!!

I hope everyone has a great new year and find great success with your Resolutions!

Abundant Blessings and PEACE….

2016 is gonna be an Awesome Year for the Rollman Revolution and You my listeners!

Take Care… -David

017- Motivation and Inspiration – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello again my friends,

I apologize again for the late post….however; I do explain in this episode why the delay occurred….(Out of my control), but I want to thank you again for checking us out.motivation

This episode is dedicated to a small group of family, of which I will not name, as I feel in being discrete in my podcast.   These people are true selfless individuals who have done great things by making a bad situation RIGHT.  This episode is all about Motivation and Inspiration by telling you the listener, that you have the power to make change in the world you live in.  This change all comes down to the decisions we make day in a day out.

I will touch on a brief history, (My father), and then go into a motivational speech that I am sure everyone can gain from.  This podcast is dedicated to change, in an effective way, for you and those you serve.  I try my best every week to bring you valuable content that will change the mindset you might have about the world, and how it acts upon you.

I have always felt that if we are motivated and inspired by the right environment, we will all blossom, bloom, and Thrive!  And that is what life is all about…THRIVING!!  We work better when we position ourselves in environments that will bring us to the highest potential each of us is capable of.  So I hope you find this episode Inspiring and helpful as I do my best to bring relevant information that will shoot you to the best version of yourself, as you take on this world.

Please feel free to leave comments below, and Please subscribe to this podcast and SHARE IT with all you feel will benefit!

Abundant Blessings my friends and Peace as always!


Motivation – My Father’s Impact on my life – and what Passion can bring to your life

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Over the Past several weeks, I have been thinking about my life and all the radical changes that had to be made in order for me to find my path and JUST TAKE IT, for what I feel I deserve.  I never realized how valuable my Father was in my life, and the impact he had on it.  So in this weeks podcast I am going to dedicate my motivation and new found path in my life to my deceased father, who I miss so DAMN much!  I love you Dad, and no matter where you are you will always be with me in spirit!   You are the man I only hope to ever become!  I never took you for granted, and you taught me so much about being true to yourself.  Motivation and Inspiration is all I hope to bring to this world, and my father was the greatest inspiration to a son, that anyone could hope for.  I will fight every day to make an impact in this world, as my father did to make an impact in my LIFE!  This episode will be a zinger for all those who care to listen.  I hope that the father figure in your life can only bring you joy and inspiration that my late father did for me.  Please listen to a heart felt inspiration Rollman Revolution Episode this week, as I will CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE THE WORLD AND THE WAY THE WORLD SEES YOU…YOU can bet on it!

"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"