Privileges not rights?

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Do you feel that you have RIGHTS in America today?  And if so…what do you feel these rights are?  Who gave you these rights?  GOD?   Our Constitution? Who then…. See many of the countries around the world have a different set of rights then we have here in America!  Check your resources…do some home work, and you will find that America has a Bill of Rights which has 10, the UK has 13, Belgium 6, so forth and so on.  So who gives you these rights, and if God is the one who gives you these rights then where is the RIGHT to Eat, the Right to have a place to live, the right to work, and the right to live as you see fit as long as it doesn’t infringe on another’s rights?

THE FACT is we DON’T HAVE ANY RIGHTS WHAT SO EVER…they are privileges and these privileges can be taken away at any time.  Just look at the structure of our society and societies around the world today.  The ones that have less, have less PRIVILEGES!

TIME TO WAKE UP, the CHOICE we all talk about today….is NOT REALLY CHOICE!  I will explain in the weeks to come.  But this was just something that had hit my mind this morning, so I figured I would blog about it!

THINK ABOUT THE REAL CHOICES YOU HAVE TODAY….and tell me honestly THAT YOUR CHOICE IS SO GREAT, you could spend all day changing these choices!  I will explain my views in an upcoming Podcast…but for now just think about RIGHTS FREEDOM, CHOICE, and PRIVILEGE!  These will be buzz words that will blow your mind once you break them down in the ways Government and Society really portrays them today!


016 – Paris Recap, JFK, and my New BioHack – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello all you there in the WORLD WIDE WEB, ladies – gentlemen and assorted others,  Thank you for checking in Hacktheplanetagain with me and this site.

This weeks episode, will be a bit all over the place as I have had a lot to say, so I just SAID IT.  I will touch on briefly the recap to the Paris Bombing, my intro to a JFK episode that I want to do over the next couple of weeks and Finally talk to you about this new bioHack I started to stack.

What many of my listeners and readers many not know about me, was that through out most of my life, I have gain a TON of knowledge, much of which you will never hear me talk about unless a conversation brings it up.  But in this episode I will tell you a very interesting detail about me, that you would not know unless you worked with me, or was a part of my life in some way during the early 2000’s.

Every podcast I try to bring perspective to a world that does not TEACH “Common Sense” anymore.  I do this as I feel every person of rational age can make the right decisions for them if give the FACTS.  Today within our governments and Media, we never really get the TRUTH anymore, so it is very difficult for hard working, intelligent people to make the right decision for the greater good!

I really hope you feel the passion I bring to this episode, and please feel free to leave comments here or via any of the social media options that you can find at the TOP of the Page titled “SOCIAL MEDIA” WOHA!!

Also I will provide you with some links to the topics I was discussing in this episode, so you can then continue your research into the Journey of Truth for yourself.

Abundant Blessings my FAMILY of FRIEND, and Peace be with you and to all this Universe Serves!


DAVID ICKE on Paris Attack

Smart Drugs Nootropics Part 1 (The Rest of the Series will be on your Right of this video, just follow your interest)

Limitless Mindset Video (Johnathan is a different guy, but very passionate about this topic, and a wealth of knowledge)

Also Check out The Joe Rogan Experience in particular the episode with Dave Asbury or Tim Ferris, both well known bio hackers!!

GOOD LUCK IN YOUR QUEST for KNOWLEDGE, use the information wisely!  -DSR

Again something else we NOT SEE in American Media…LOOK AT THIS ARTICLE

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hey there my friends,  after this weeks podcast I have been paying attention to other alternative Media sites and articles to get some different insights as to many of the stories coming out of the middle east.  Well I came across this one which I think everyone needs to READ.  Lets just say, a lot is shaping up over there and many warnings have been going out from OUR NEIGHBORS telling other countries to GET OUT of our back yard.  Just another example. Link below will bring you to the article.


See you all later this week for another Podcast Episode!

015 – “9/11 to Now…What is going on with all this Information – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Well Hello again everybody I will be as brief as I can with the intro of this weeks episode.  I have gotten a lot of NewsMEDIAcomments about my recent post on FB, Twitter, & my web site.  The Paris France “Terror” attack / bombings were no doubt a real event however…I am not likely to entertain the MEDIA’s original cover story.  After 9/11 and all the INFORMATION that came about over the course on several weeks following the event, differ tremendously from the evidence we know today.  And many will say that we don’t have anymore proof – then we did 12 years ago.  But like Mark Twain once said, A lie can make its way halfway around the world, while the TRUTH is just putting on its shoes.  It takes a long time to clean up the LIE as it moves much faster then the Truth could ever hope to.  However, eventually the LIE runs out of gas, and the TRUTH has a way of sneaking up to it, and reveals what has been kept secret for the long haul.   9/11 taught me and many others of whom I look to for information, that the original cover story of many major events have holes in them.  If the Media today wants to develop a Narrative that drives a particular emotion…they are very well equipped to do so.

So it is up to YOU AND I to find the truth where she made hide herself.  THIS MEANS:  Consistent search for information, multiple sources for information: BOOKS, NEW MEDIA, ALTERNATIVE MEDIA…(AVOID MAIN STREAM —-> Unless you are looking for entertainment ).

See what many don’t realize, is the Major NEWS media by law does not have to provide TRUTH!!  They can develop a story however they see fit.  If the TRUTH of information goes in a direction they don’t want to travel, in many cases the story takes a different avenue or narrative.

Richard D. Hall puts it best “Believe Nothing of what you see, and only 1/2 of what you hear”.  This statement is petitioning people to look at the evidence, and if there is no evidence….don’t believe the narrative.  Its up to you to do research of the stories sometimes if you want to get to the bottom of  things.

THIS WEEKS PODCAST is about 9/11 to NOW (particularly the recent Paris Bombings).  I would ask that you click on the youtube video(s) below, as I feel they do a okay JOB at explaining how ISIS got to where they are today.  AND REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY A SIMPLISTIC VIEW.  However it will give you a quick insight of how we got to the here and now in the Middle East.

I encourage all of you to find a topic you are interested in: A conflict in history, a piece of political information, a major world effecting event….and kick around the different avenues it will take you.  Jump from one piece of information and see where it leads.  Then looks at the other side of the issue, and I promise you will amaze yourself of how confusing the WORLD OF INFORMATION can GET.

REMEMBER FOLLOW THE ‘EVIDENCE’  as the TRUTH is the only one that sets us FREE!

Abundant Blessings as always,




Paris – The Media – and all the information surrounding THIS event

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hey Friends,

Over the past week a Lot has happened in our WORLD.  So much it is almost hard to comprehend all the parisbombings1
information.   After the “Attacks” in Paris France I decided to do more research then I usually do when it comes to world events and I have been gathering some information form multiple sources, many of which you may not have access to, so that I can provide an awesome episode this week (and YES I KNOW I AM LATE AGAIN).  The purpose of this weeks podcast is to give you the low-down of the MEDIA again, in the current events as well as the story line that has led us to where we are today.  SO this episode will be titled “9/11 to NOW…what is all this information.”  PLEASE be on the look out for this release today or tomorrow.

I must: LET ALL MY LISTENERS KNOW the following—> I do not in any way MOCK or take away any of the EVENTS that happened in France this past week.  ANY of the Information I provide on this website or with/in my podcast….is truly to explain the evidence and to get to the bottom of the issues.  So for those who are sending emails that I am not a believer in ISIS and the whole Islamic threat…PLEASE TUNE IN…to this weeks podcast…I will CLEAR THE AIR on this MATTER….because it is NOT ISLAM that is the ISSUE…it is those/secret people who have hijacked this Religion and REGION who are to blame….


CHECK out this weeks episode and leave comments here or on all of the other social media locations:

Facebook: The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast FanPage

TWITTER: @davidrollman


Please leave comments here and where ever….as I am always trying to get dialogue with anyone who has a question or a comment.

Abundant Blessings and Peace,


014 – Consciousness & Disclosure Part 2 – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Round 2 of the Consciousness and Disclosure Topic.  Welcome again my friend lets continue the conversation about Disclosure what is hiddenDisclosure and what this is all about.  Many of my listeners are looking for just philosophy and a more simple to live their life, but much of the information I have used within episode 13 and now 14, is something I feel everyone needs to be informed about.

We can no longer suffer from ostrich syndrome (burying our heads in the sand) and living life as if this information doesn’t exist.  We as a people need to continue the pursuit for truth and information that will ultimately change our lives and world for the better.

In covering this topic I will mention one of the men at the HELM of this project. For anyone who does not know Dr. Steven Greer, I hope after listening to this episode on disclosure you will do the research and looking into this Man and what he has achieved over the last 25 years.  Also please check out his website at SIRIUS and I promise you that you will amazed how far he/we have come in this endeavor.

In this episode I will Cover:

  1. Talk about basics of consciousness
  2. How society is to be treated based on where we are now.
  3. How other civilizations outside this planet were to view our living conditions
  4. Disclosure (The hidden agendas)
  5. What will change due to Full Disclosure
  6. What is The Disclosure Project
  7. Are we ready for the next evolution

I Really hope you enjoy this message and information, because there is much more out there that will support the points I bring about in this and many other episodes on the Rollman Revolution audio Podcast!

Please feel free to email me at: or

Also find me on Twitter @DavidRollman or via Facebook: The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast and subscribe & connect with me about all the upcoming events and programs I will be getting involved with.

Furthermore, If you have a group or get-together that you would like me to speak at, As long as its not too far away, we can try to make that happen as well.

THANK YOU ALL AGAIN…I Wish you continued success in all that you are and do.  Abundant Blessings & Peace

013 – “Consciousness and Disclosure” – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Another Episode in the bag!!  I will continue to apologize as I am just finishing up with a flu bug that has been going around.  I literally could not speak a few days before I recorded this episode so I apologize with timing.  ConsciousnessFlower

This weeks episode is about one of my favorite topics to discuss with anyone, and that is Consciousness and Disclosure.  First of all Consciousness is one of the things most people never give a second look to.  It is the knowing that you in fact exist!  Isn’t that AWESOME!  To be aware that you are aware, in my opinion is one of the more fascinating thing I have come to recognize on this planet and in my existence.

Nonetheless, in this episode I will discuss consciousness, to a degree and then get into the meat and potatoes of Disclosure, and what the disclosure Project is / has been all about of the last 25 years.  For those who don’t know, a man by the name of Dr. Steven Greer has been working effortlessly for the past 2+ decades, trying to get the public informed, on topics such as government secrecy, manipulation, suppressed technologies, and of course UFO and the whole thing that surrounds this.

Disclosure (and the Project on all of this) has been one of the topics I have been interested in for about 10 years or so, which led me to writing my first short book and has motivated me to begin my second.

The idea that the governments / military and USAP has been involved in covering up and remained in secrecy for hundreds of year now on what really has been going on behind the black curtain.  As well as, many inventions and technologies that could pull our societies today out of the “Fossil fuels and Nuclear Power” Eras.  The only problem is, who stands to lose if these technologies come out, and when the public becomes fully aware that government and institutions at the highest power no longer serve them of those they swore to serve.

Disclosure and Consciousness is a wild and interesting subject…THIS EPISODE IS ONE OF TWO, the second will be layed out on episode 014 (Part 2).

So Please enjoy part one, as Part 2 will be up later today or tomorrow. As I am trying to catch up after being kicked down with sickness of the past two weeks.

Please Share the message with all you can as we are reaching more listeners every day!  Thank you –

Abundant Blessings and Peace (-David Rollman)

012 – Blood Moons, NASA, & Mars – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

WOAH….This is the first, and will not be the last, of the different (some may say weird) topics on the Rollman Revolution Podcast.   Blood-Moons

Hello again my friends and I want to thank you always for checking us out here each week for a new episode.  I must admit my timing was a bit off this week for many unforeseen life challenges.  I came down with a wicked cold bug and at the same time the A/C in the house decided to take a dump….so much fun!

But here we are again back with another episode.  This week, I asked my friends and family on Facebook for suggestions of topics they would like to hear about, and this weeks topic was requested by Crystal M. (and supported by my sister-in-law, Amanda).

So THIS WEEK…its Blood Moons, Blood Moons and the Tetrads  that surrounded these celestial events.  I will however expand on this topic, by throwing in some info about NASA and the not so exciting announcement the NASA released a few weeks ago about Mars!

Celestial Events always have a tendency to accompany prophesy….and I want to touch on both.  The Events and the Prophesies surrounding these events.  (and in many cases the false prophesies).   However, Blood Moons and Lunar Eclipses are an amazing event to witness if you have never seen one before.

I will provide a few Pics below to go along with this Topic and like always I WANT you to continue your research and do not take just my opinions on these matters.  As much as I am a blabber mouth, I do have valuable information you can take with you every time you listen to one of my podcast shows.

Please feel free to leave comments below and/or send me a messages about your opinions and suggestions for future topics!  Thank you again to Crystal M. and Amanda for your suggestions, and please continue to get others involved to see what subjects they would like to hear more information on.

Abundant Blessings and Peace as always my friends!!

TETRAD CHART: (for Refrence)

Tetrad chart

What Happens after we Die? – 011 – The Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Hello Again my friend and Yes its is time for another episode… #11 “What happens after you die?” Or “When we die?”When we Die

In this episode, I am going to discuss some of the Theories of popular culture and some new ideas about what happens when we die.  This is a subject that is on minds Billions of people.  Yes that is right…Billions.

Why is this such a popular thought or subject you might ask….well the answer is simple….Because We all have a destiny with death!  We all were born into this life, and at some point we all will die.  This is the cycle of life.  But this topic is so popular because it makes the TOP 10 of things most humans are afraid of.

Do we Really Die? Is Death Something we should be afraid of? What theories do you have about Death, and are you part of the majority that fears the Reaper?  I will entertain you for a short time and give you some interesting content that will spike up some wild conversations with your family and peers the next time a subject like this comes about.

I will touch on Fear briefly and give you some exciting New perspectives, I hope, that will get you thinking about death in a new way!  So listen with an open ear and hear the ideas (message), within this fascinating subject.

So…Wake up to a new Revolution of ideas surrounding…Why we die, and what we may expect when we close the curtain of this chapter!

Please check out this episode by clicking above, or find me on iTunes or Stitcher Radio.

Also please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this post or send me an email:

If you would like to read further on this topic please check out the link below as I found some of this content exciting.

What Happens after you die? The 5 Major Theories

010 – “Time” – Rollman Revolution audio Podcast

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN….Too long many say.


Well hello again my friend and welcome to Episode 10 of the Rollman Revolution audio Podcast.  I have been away as many of my listeners know, and I have had a wonderful time, re-looking into many new avenues and have connected with new faces along the way.  However, it is time to get back to business, and my business has always been trying to sell you….well YOU!

For episode 10, I finally got to talk about a subject that many have asked for and others always like to discuss….and that is “TIME”.  Now, my view is only that, MY VIEW.  I have always found the question and arguments of what time is so fascinating.  Everybody seems to feel they have the correct answer as to what this word or subject really means —  and maybe you do — or maybe you think you do??

But regardless of what you feel at the present moment, I hope in this episode, I give you another perspective, and challenge you to take at another look.

As continue moving thru the 21st century, everyday NEW discoveries, and disclosure seem to sneak a peek as to what the human evolution is doing.  I can only sit in wonder and anticipation as to what the universe plans to explain to all of us over the next few years, as I predict and have some intuitive knowledge that these next few years are going to be exciting for most of us.

I want to thank you all for your patience, and please…if you have a question or a subject you would like covered in an episode…fell free to shoot me an email or contact me in anyway.

Abundant Blessings and Peace my friends!

"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"