Many times when I would give a presentation to my Younger audience, I would start out my conversations with the STORY BELOW. This is a VERY IMPORTANT and IMPACTFUL Message, and I encourage you to take 5 minutes of your time, to read and answer this question for yourself. —-> Are you A CARROT, an EGG, or a Coffee Bean?
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last, she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ‘Tell me what you see.’
‘Carrots, eggs, and coffee,’ she replied. Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, ‘What does it mean, mother?’ Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently.
The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique. However, after they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.
‘Which are you?’ she asked her daughter. ‘When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?
Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?
Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.
When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity?
Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?
(Please share this within your circles)
OPERATION: November 2022
To the followers of the Rollman Revolution — I just want to say I am sorry — for the endless delays — and the constant postponements over the past 2 years.
As some may be aware, My health over the past 2 years has been up and down. I have tried my best to keep up with everything but dealing with hormone balancing can be tricky.
Nevertheless, I have tightened up my website, social media, and email — to make this next launch — a GREAT THING!!
The ROLLMAN REVOLUTION PODCAST was dedicated to EDUCATION, INSPIRATION, and MOTIVATION — working daily on the INTERNAL YOU — however, due to the Tyrannical Control over the United States — I had to re-focus my attention to the stuff — I SWORE I WOULD NEVER GET INVOLVED WITH AGAIN — POLITICS!
Now, Politics is a subject that is “TABOO” in many work environments, home environments, and overall in our daily communities. BUT THIS HAS TO STOP!! —–>YOU ARE YOUR POLITICS<—–
HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD, determines how you live your life. Let me say that again, HOW WE SEE THE WORLD DETERMINES HOW WE LIVE OUR LIFE!!
So how do you see the world?
What is your world view?
Do YOU KNOW WHY you believe what you believe? (this is so vitally important)
Over the next few months, as we reach our way to the November MidTerms-2022, I will be pushing out content that you will want to share within your circles (groups). The Main Stream Media (aka Legacy Media) is OWNED/CONTROLLED by 6 MAJOR ENTITIES!!! Which means 92%, of everything you READ, WATCH, or LISTEN TO comes out of one these of these Media Giants.
The TIME IS NOW — TO GET YOUR ASS INVOLVED WHERE YOU LIVE AT THE LOCAL LEVEL. If you are fed-up with the way our country is heading — then YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Go to: PRECINCT STRATEGIES and then FIND YOUR STATE. After that follow the instructions to get in touch with your local Precinct Committee — and GET INVOLVED. We need Sign Waving, Poll Watching, Election Officials, School Board Members, and hundreds of other vacant positions that need supervision and NEW BLOOD !!!!
We get the representation we deserve, so while we’ve all been asleep — the Tyrants within this country, have coordinated with other agencies to develop the most tyrannical group overall — and that is the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE
It is UP TO US — TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. This is why I have postponed my typical topics — in order to battle the MADNESS exploding inside the US and around the world.
STAY CONNECTED with me folks, because I am just like YOU. I am not POPULAR, I am not famous, I am not bought and paid for, I am not YOUR ENEMY — I believe in FREEDOM above all, and the ability to live ones life out as they see fit (as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else). I believe in SPEAKING UP and OUT, as FREEDOM is an EVERYDAY FIGHT!
GETTR – TRUTH SOCIAL – and/or Telegram — @davidrollman (on all platforms) — THE TIME IS NOW — NOVEMBER is just around the corner, and YOU AND I HAVE WORK TO DO!
See you on the battlefield patriots!!
Over the past 2 decades — the increase in Child/Human Trafficking has reached a level that would make most sane people vomit.
The type of EVIL we are dealing with is something we only believe happens in the movies. And when I say EVIL, I am not talking about a person who lives with a negative attitude all day long. No, the evil for which I speak, is something that has ZERO respect for Human life. These psychopaths see the rest of us, as PRODUCTS or OBJECTS of their desire or financial gain.
I would not consider myself a religious person, however, when I hear the EVIL described in ancient texts, like the BIBLE and/or Koran, I know they are talking about the same EVIL that exists within these Human Trafficking rings all around the US and World. The way they hide this EVIL is thru SYMBOLISM, using coded language as well as physical signaling. #Pizzagate is still one of the processes they use to hide their sick abuse of children, and other crimes against humanity.
Below are links to two videos I feel every Good Human Being should watch, in order to understand and KNOW THY ENEMY.
All I ask is that you share this page with your “circles” as to point more of those who are waking up — to these hidden truths.
Video #2
And for more videos related to #PIZZAGATE #OBAMAGATE #PEDOGATE Please Click here —-> ObamaGate-PizzaGate
And for more videos related to “Elite Human Trafficking” please click on the link here —-> Elite Human Trafficking Videos
Get Your Ass to GETTR
Hello Fans of the Rollman Revolution…. Please connect with me on the only SOCIAL MEDIA platform — that has NOT censored my content: GETTR.
GETTR has become the place for great political discussion without the constant worry of being canceled.
I encourage everyone who follows my content, show, etc… to get yourself an account on GETTR and follow me at the link below.
Together we will share the TRUTH and Rebuild our lives together.
Namaste, my friends – Please click on my GETTR name below: @davidrollman and say hello.
BELOW ARE LINKS TO SEVERAL VIDEOS MY AUDIENCE NEEDS TO GET FAMILIAR WITH. I know this might not be your taste….but to understand the ENEMY and EVIL we are up against this information is something EVERYONE should be aware of.
THE VIDEOS BELOW are links to Mouthy Buddha’s Elite Human Trafficking series.
At the time of this post our US southern boarder has been flooded by illegal immigrants sneaking into this country, with assistance from the Mexican Cartels & US Government. Human Trafficking is at an ALL TIME HIGH — and this nonsense is UNACCEPTABLE and MUST BE DEALT WITH.
The Videos below are of the people involved, and the results of what happens when the WORLD DOES NOTHING to combat this problem. AS title 42 goes away — be prepared for an extreme invasion across our US SOUTHERN BOARDER — along with disease, crime, and smuggled fentynal.
WE NEED TO GET INVOLVED AND FIGHT BACK….please check out the video below, and SHARE.
FOR WHAT-EVER REASON — “WordPress” (the software that supports this website) will NOT LET ME EMBED this video — and for good reason… THIS LINK BELOW IS A MUST WATCH…
You may of heard of these terms over the course of the last decade, but does ANYONE REALLY KNOW what all of these “HASH-TAGS” really mean?
THE CIA and MSM work together to push out “talking points” and “BUZZ-WORDS or phrases” to keep people on the same path. These folks REPEAT AND REPEAT these phrases like “Quid-Pro-Quo” “Pizza-Gate” and/ or “TERRORISM” “MUSLIM EXTREMIST” etc… to keep the POPULATION focused on THEIR version of the TRUTH and how they want to push the information on a particular subject.
However, as time passes and one OPERATION gets abandoned for another NEW operation/focus — the TRUTH will always find its way to the surface.
I am posting these video below — simply because THEY HAVE BEEN HIGHLY CENSORED and taken down by several Media Websites. The Author of these videos, “MOUTHY BUDDHA”, has been threatened multiple times with lawsuits and harm — just for presenting information that will allow YOU TO CONNECT SOME DOTS.
So if you have landed on this page, I would like to welcome you to the ROLLMAN REVOLUTION. The content provided here is from endless hours of research and study. I am NOT HERE to persuade you or force you to do anything. I am simply an EDUCATED AMERICAN, who cares more about THE WELL-BEING of ALL THINGS — INCLUDING OUR CHILDREN.
American’s forget the backstory to so many things. Remember all the fuss about Obama’s birth-certificate? Remember all of his connections in Chicago, all of the nefarious organizations and associations. (Obama would of NEVER received a SECURITY CLEARANCE with the people he had associated with prior to running for office). LET THAT SINK IN….
I will be ramping up more podcast episodes very soon, which will cover much of this content. Below are links to SEVERAL VIDEOS covering this PEDOPHILE PROBLEM IN AMERICA.
I MUST WARN YOU many of the things you will hear below….might challenge your belief system — HOPEFULLY it DOES — because #OBAMAGATE and #PEDOGATE (#PIZZAGATE) are very real.
BARACK “BARRY” OBAMA – was in Washington DC earlier this week (after not being inside the White House for close to 5+ years). They Media reported that he was there only to talk about “OBAMA CARE” and other Policies he was responsible for…. but I AM TELLING YOU — from my YEARS of analyzing LIARS and MANIPULATORS…. That was just smoke and mirrors. The 44th president was at the White House this week to ENSURE THE CONFIRMATION of JUDGE K. Brown-Jackson to the supreme court.
Could it be that Obama and his “PRO-PEDO” friends are making sure they have some influence on the SUPREME COURT?
OBAMA, CLINTON, the Biden family, and those who surround these people are all connected to the global pedophilia/child trafficking problem in America.
CLICK ON THE VIDEOS BELOW and PLEASE SHARE THIS PAGE. Where we go 1, we go ALL. (we are all in this together).
055 – “Health for sale in 2022, the fall of Fauci and the medical tyranny in America” – Podcast Episode
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Boldness in 2022 doesn’t just include action out there in the world, but more importantly Health taking place inside the body you use every day. Over the past 2 years the world has been turned upside-down. What was understood very clearly yesterday — somehow is no longer clear today. The information from the TOP — DOWN, continues to have so many inconsistencies with the known data —- all of a sudden it clicked in my mind — and that is — The data NEVER MATTERED.
The past two years have been hell for most people, as they watched their businesses and independence get ripped out from underneath them. And here we are two years later — and we are still pretending that masks work, the vaccines are the only treatment for Covid19, and that therapeutics like — HCQ, Ivermectin, and/or Regeneron — are systematically becoming scarce. The 3 letter agencies, the Biden Administration, along with many other international agencies (WHO) continue to double down and silence anyone with who they disagree (regardless of what the DATA says).
YOU – are responsible for your own health and the health of your children. How this, Biden White House, any many other governments think they KNOW what is best for you and your family is OUTRAGEOUS. Furthermore, Majority of Primary Doctors and Specialist around the country have been limited to what it is they are capable of prescribing — taking the CONTROL away from Your local doctor — and placing that power in the hands of a few.
We are in an information (dis-information) WAR. The only problem is: What happens when the “TRUSTED” sources become the pushers of dis-information and propaganda? Who police’s the Police?
Come along with me on this journey, and see if you also are feeling the burn, and smacking your head against the wall in disgust.
TRUST ME YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Lets drop the FAKE divisions that have been created by (your CIA and 3-Letter agencies ). Throw away your Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts — and lets reunite on better platforms with better conversations, where you can have unfiltered, non-censored interactions which allows everyone to get involved.
I will say it once, I will say it a hundred times…. The games you see are a product of your CIA. All roads lead back to Brennan. But the most important question that needs to be asked and answered honestly in America today is the question of:
Who are you NOT allowed to speak of in the negative light?
Which group has the biggest STRANGLE HOLD on our American Government? (Follow the money, and you will see who has the influence)
Below is the video that I highly recommended you watch if you want to get your head around the medical tyranny going on behind the scenes. Dr P. Kory does an amazing job at articulating how corrupt these agencies have become.
PLEASE FOLLOW ME on GETTR: @davidrollman and lets keep sharing the TRUTH together. I may not always be right — but that is why we work better when we work together. It’s not about being right — rather it’s about getting it right. So I am willing to be wrong just to have the conversations so we can get it all out on the table.
I am fighting for your right to speak, your right to choose, and your children’s right to live in a world free from tyranny — but this only happens if we work together.
Namaste my friends, please share the message.
054 – “Being BOLD in 2022” – Podcast Episode
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HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS — but OUR WORK has only just begun.
2021 was one hell of a year. The world as I know it — seems to be turned upside down — as NOTHING makes sense anymore. When Dr. Malone mentioned Matias Desmit’s “Mass formation psychosis” — I was screaming YES YES YES…. EXACTLY.
If you are like me, you have been beating your head against the wall every day — trying to navigate your life through the endless lies and deceit being spewed out nonstop. Now I know the Main Stream (Legacy Media) is trying to sell us all — that you and I are against each other. That you and I are ENEMIES. They want you to hate me and me to hate you. Have you ever asked yourself the question –IS ANY OF THIS TRUE?
In this episode I want to ask you a simple question…. How do you know what you know? How did you come to the conclusions you have? How do you know that the information stored up inside that brain of yours hasn’t been hijacked? I will lay out several points that will try to get you to think.
WE MUST STOP DIVIDING each other over NON- ISSUES that have been created — to distract US from the TRUTH. They don’t want you or I communicating to each other in FACTS. They don’t want you or I agreeing that the Bull-S*it being presented is just that BULL-S*IT.
But in 2022 we no longer have any time for games, we don’t have time to sit on the sideline and be a spectator. Being Bold mean no longer living in fear, arming yourself with the facts, researching the information you believe to be true and supporting your convictions with data, evidence, and REAL SCIENCE (not “scientism”).
Being Bold means knowing why you believe what you believe and being able to defend those positions to anyone within your spheres who dare push out propaganda based in Main Stream LIES.
Being BOLD means taking back what they STOLE FROM US:
- The 2020 Election
- The Truth about this “VIRUS” and the science/medicine to combat it.
- The ability to choose which candidate represents us locally and nationally.
- The ability to speak the truth (in opposition to the Main Stream narrative) and NOT BE CANCELED or Shadow-banned for making those statements.
The GRAPH BELOW shows the TRUTH of what is happening. THE MEDIA is only TRUSTED by those who still suffer from Mass formation psychosis. Everyone else has either hit the mute button or found a place elsewhere to get truthful information. People are finally doing their duty to get informed.
BOTTOM LINE — we cannot take our foot off the gas for 1 minute. We must make a STATEMENT in EVERY ELECTION this year and any year going forward — and that is — WE WANT TO BE HEARD, we want our VOTE COUNTED, and we want to be in the room to make sure this is counted. Furthermore…. We MUST GET TO THE BOTTOM of November 3, 2020 — because THAT ELECTION was STOLEN STOLEN STOLEN.
In this episode — I want to get you motivated by getting you involved this year in what ever capacity you can and to make sure you KNOW why you believe what you believe.
TAKE A LISTEN and PLEASE SHARE the content to those who need to hear this. Namaste my American/World Family — Lets do this together.
053 – “January 6th – When will we stop playing the fool? – Podcast Episode.
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January 6th was many things, one thing I know for sure is that – NO INSURRECTION occurred that cold winter day, in the capital.
Hello folks – thanks again for stopping by and showing your support.
A lot has happened since January 6th, 2021 – but what I find completely odd is how easily fooled so many were, about the events surrounding that crazy day. Meaning, what 9/11 showed me was to STOP. Take a breath. Place all my pieces out on the table and begin to put the pieces together.
You see, January 6th was a LIE that was designed to cover up and distract you from an even bigger LIE – which was November 3rd & 4th of 2020. Many might remember that day as well…It was the evening of the presidential election, where Donald J Trump was to be re-elected as President of the United States. However in the early morning hours somehow in every “swing” state that Trump was leading (around 2 to 3am) a surge of Biden votes graced the election boards pushing that – ol’ kid loving, senile, geezer across the finish line.
Now, maybe its willful ignorance or cognitive dissonance – but if YOU STILL BELIEVE THAT JOE BIDEN WON THE 2020 election – then I have NOTHING for ya.
BELOW I WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS (as stated in the show). The links are to THE “HSEEP” program that was drilled on January 6th, as well as the link to WOOZ NEWS “January 6th Riot Video assessment”. What I want from you is just to take a LOOK FOR YOURSELF. I am not here to persuade you, just point you in the direction of NORTH. I am here to show you the other side of the coin. Once you see these things you cannot “UN-SEE” them.
When we slow footage down – things begin to take on a different picture. What looks like real life, begins to look like simple stage direction. Even folks on the ground that day, will tell you in this video — what they believed they saw occurring in the capital that day.
I must warn you the video does contain “graphic” footage, within the speakers lobby. Having said that, once you see this footage slowed down – I believe a different picture emerges, what do you think?
Like I said, I don’t want YOU TO BELIEVE ME – I DON’T WANT YOU TO BELIEVE ANYONE! What I would like is for you to gather up as much information available – place it in front of you — and critically think about these events in REAL TIME. Then try and place yourself in these events and think of how you might react?!
This is just one episode of several that will try to paint you a picture of what the common denominator in these events REALLY IS. Our “3-Letter agencies” have gone rogue.
2022 is the year we take back control – NO MORE GAMES. LINKS BELOW.
HSEEP – Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program
WOOZ-NEWS “Capital Riot Video Analyzed & Explained Under 21 min.”
EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW: Links to the videos being suppressed
Hello my fellow revolutionaries because of the CENSORSHIP happening in the USA and abroad I decided to embed a link to a website that is sharing all of the information the MEDIA, BIG TECH, and THE SWAMP in DC doesn’t want you to see. They continue to take down this info and censor the parties who share these videos. I would like for your to take the time to check out the videos in the link below and SHARE it with your CIRCLES. THIS IS NOT ABOUT DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN – THIS IS ABOUT FREEDOM or OPPRESSION (SUPPRESSION). PLEASE CHECK IT OUT.