Setting Priorities – A life lesson that we all need to understand – Blog Post

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

The most challenging lesson, I had to learn in life was prioritizing the people and “things” to the proper order. I consider myself a very intelligent person; however, one of my greatest weaknesses is trying to help (and/or take on) the workload and issues of just about anyone who I feel could benefit from my help. Selflessness is a great quality, but sadly it is a quality that many people will take advantage of if they realize it is a weakness of someone else.

So this life lesson has taught me that the proper order of priority is as follows:

1) Yourself – You have to 1st be able to take care of yourself including your basic needs (health, mind, body, & “spirit”) if you plan to survive in this world….which is a bloody brutal place if you don’t take care of the one person that is within your control (aka = YOU). Furthermore, you are absolutely useless to anyone else if you, yourself, are in total chaos. Putting yourself 1st is not being selfish, it’s setting yourself up to become responsible for the many other people and things you may and will at times be directly involved with.

2) Get Your House in order. This means the 2nd priority are those people who tend to be closest to you (Husband/Wife, Children etc…) A Happy Home = A Healthy Home.

3) Your closest connected family. These are your parents and potentially grand-parents. This is one of the big areas that seems to slip away fairly often in the US today, as putting Mom and Dad in an “Assisted Living Facility” is more convenient because our priorities of making a living seem to engulf majority of the time we have. (I am not saying that putting your parents or grand parents in a facility is an awful thing to do…as this can be the only option a family is able to make. What I am saying, is that if you are able to incorporate these important people into your House and take a shared responsibility for their needs as they get up there in age — by showing them love and returning the timely sacrifice they gave when you were just on your way up in this life — is a greater choice. Also it is a proven fact that when we give back more to those who have sacrificed their time for us, our brains release more serotonin and oxytocin — which all in all makes everyone feel pleasure beyond the activity for which it is being produced.

4) Your Closest “REAL” friends and perusing work or passions that give your life a deeper meaning. Many folks claim to have 25, 50, or even 100 friends. But in reality majority of us have 4 to 8 good friends, and only 2 to 3 “REAL” friends (one which is and should be your partner or spouse). Now when I say “Real” friends – I always get the raised eyebrow from just about everyone I say this to. A real friend is a person that tells you how it really is, they are not about the bull-shit. A real friend, will listen to you, inspire you, motivate you and challenge you — to become the best version of yourself. These friends are not there to sugar coat your ego, as a matter of fact these people are there to kick your ego to the curb, so that the REAL you can shine! If you happen to have a person or a couple of people like this in your life…HANG ON TO THEM, as they are really hard to find. So in this 4th priority – True Friends helping True Friends is so valuable, and whilst keeping and developing these true well grounded relationships don’t forget to find a passion or life goal that gives you a reason to wake up each day knowing what purpose you bring to the lives of the people you may touch, simply through the work you will be doing.

and the 5th and final priority (or in my case the priority, that I always seemed to place at the top of the list)

5) EVERYONE and EVERYTHING ELSE!! Like I said at the top of this post…we all want to make others happy, and ironically this is an impossible task to achieve. You cannot make anyone happy — rather you can show or teach a person the ways to minimize suffering in this life in order for these people to generate and discover their own path to happiness.

*On a side note…another life lesson I picked up along my journey thus far is that life is not about being happy. Life is all about suffering. (This is where you say…What the hell are you talking about David?? But seriously when you contemplate this at the deepest level of reflection, you will uncover this statement to be absolute fact.* The purpose of life is suffering, and the journey within this path of suffering is to find ways to minimize this suffering not only for yourself, but for those people you touch on a daily basis. And if you want to dive even deeper, remove those elements within your life that do not serve you or work towards developing your best version. By following this practice, I can guarantee you will avoid adding any more unnecessary suffering into this already difficult life experience.
We also innately have this paternal/maternal to want to do the right thing. Some of us, this need to want to fix everyone and everything in the world takes on the top spot…and overtime in the long run actually creates greater distruction. Not to sound like a parrot but, Priority #1 is so important to understand, and so many of us interpret this as a self indulgent weakness. All I can say my friends, is if you don’t get the man right you will never get the world right….It all starts with you, the internal YOU!

Majority of us want to be good people, and would rather remove suffering from the lives of ourselves and those closest to us. But is can become so easy to be dragged into a world filled with drama – as you try to band-aid every little problem for every single person we feel the need to help. Trust me and take my word for this….YOU CANT HELP EVERYONE…you are just not that flexible. My advice….start with the stuff within your control, and work your way out to those closest to you….but at the end of the day — Get yourself Right while getting your house in order. Then and only then, should you pick and choose the people and groups you want to help – one small piece at a time.

I love you all, Namaste!

Hanlon’s Razor – A general truth for explaining the rise in collectivist (SJW) thinking.

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

The Next Rollman Revolution Podcast Episode (#49) will be a some-what controversial topic which has a tendency to awaken SJWs and the collectivist approach to topics for which they disagree with a trolling percision!! ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????: “????????????????????????’???? ????????????????????: ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? THE ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????” 

Regardless of how difficult — Understanding this concept, might just liberate you from the stress brought on by interactive discourse that hits a brick wall!! Although still very frustrating –knowing that ignorance is not the same as stupidity – means that with effective & persistent dialogue, separating the wheat from the chaff is still an option.

Hanlon’s Razor is one of my favorite quotes (or general truth), that sums up many of the concepts I introduce within the Rollman Revolution Podcast. Hanlon’s Razor to put in more simpler words, would be to say: “some bad things happen not because of people having bad intentions, but because they did not think it through properly (or never thought about it in the first place).

Another way to interpret this, would be to say, that within an argument, debate, or other interactive discourse — where apposing view points become fortified by thicker walls of division while wandering further from any solution or common ground — distinctly separating malevolent thought from ignorant thought.

This happens often within tribalistic debate (as well as collectivist arguments – SJW fanatics) simply because those within these circles, digest and repeat much nonsense, which results in dialogue stemming from ignorance.

This is why I consistently proclaim, that it is very important to have a view point, however; it is extremely vital to know how & why you have come to these conclusions.

Are you thinking as an individual? OR  Are your thoughts based on a group or collectivist type reasoning?

In the world that we live in today, having an understanding that not all disagreements are a result of stupidity; but rather they might just be the result of plain ignorance.


048 – “The Consequence of Quiet – Tribalism to Individualism” – Podcast Episode

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Tribalism to Individualism is a topic that has been surging lately with the mainstream circles, and is a topic I felt needed to be discussed – from my perspective and opinion.

Hello again everyone, and welcome back to another episode.  Throughout our lives, we receive information from a variety of sources.  Our educational institution, our main stream media, and even our local communities (churches, local groups, or even our work place) provide us with a particular foundation for much of the information we digest.

Now, throughout our lives we will attach ourselves to a variety of groups (or tribes), and this is absolutely NORMAL. We will also shift our tribes and beliefs on this journey, as we become exposed to new information, and see issues from different angles or perspectives…which in my opinion… IS CRUCIAL!!

To have an opinion or a set of values/beliefs is only part of this important journey.  Knowing why you believe what you believe, and completely understanding the oppositions point of view is also crucially important.  However, today many within tribal groups – go about things blindly – not knowing why the group for which they belong believe a certain way.   And this is the part that YOU as an individual need to be aware of.

Like I said just a moment ago, having a view point and a position on an issue is fantastic.  I want people to understand their place in the world, and know why they are in that place.  Sadly, majority of folks today…get attached to specific groups (or tribes) and never completely understand what this group is actually doing.  In many cases these groups have a small minority speaking and proclaiming a certain position over an issue, that many within said group, really don’t share the same line of thinking.  But because, many are so caught up in their busy lives, they just go with the flow…and assume their tribal leaders are looking our for them and what they represent – unfortunately the agenda can and arguments gets completely mixed up, and the original issue of disagreement becomes an all out tribal war game.

Statistically most Americans live their lives in the middle of political, economical, and social issues.  Even though they may belong to a particular political party, or social group – in many cases – they don’t agree with EVERYTHING these groups are proclaiming.  Unfortunately due to their silence a different narrative gets headlined everyday, and rather than factual data being the focus of the disagreement, in many cases these tribal arguments become an emotional battle, that deletes the original argument (or debate).

So the question becomes, if we all belong to a tribal group in some way, how are we to stay true to the fundamental positions of a group, but at the same time – speak out about our understandings/view points from within these groups.  The answer is simple INDIVIDUALISM.

This podcast episode I will be discussing the importance of knowing your positions (based upon your, ideal, customs, and education) and allowing your experience and knowledge to be expressed out loud as and Individual.  Furthermore, I will repeat over and over, why it is so important to understand your positions on any issue…but at the same time know what your opposition’s position is as well.

It is extremely important to have an open mind, in our growing world today.  With how connected our planet is, I feel it is your duty as an individual to not only have a point of view, but to research, reflect, and have a complete understanding of why you believe what you do.

Please enjoy this episode, and if you have any comments – questions or testimonials – please leave them in the comments below, or send me a message from the option at the top of this website.

Namaste my friends – I appreciate your continued support, love and feedback.


Responding to the question of beliefs?

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

When a person asks you about your universal beliefs, Religion, Philosophy, Virtues, and/or existential attitudes towards the unknown — I don’t know about you but I get a little bit anxious!! I get anxious not because I don’t have a response; but rather I know the response that I will give to this person is going to either 1) upset, 2) enrage, 3) confuse, or in many cases 4) precipitate many more How and Why questions.

I really enjoy philosophical discussions with anyone who has spent some time, in thinking about matters of existence. Now when I say I enjoy PHILOSOPHICAL discussions I don’t mean Religious Beliefs or Dogma. It is perfectly fine to practice a religion and I belittle no one for doing so, as I see the many rewards it gives so many people. But when discussing philosophical questions like why am I here, I refuse to argue biblical interpretation especially with those who refuse to recognize the numerous allegorical stories within that book. Having a philosophical conversation is about the passing of ideas with the intention of not having to prove one’s position correct. It’s more about the wonder, the uncovering of universal truths, the journey we travel to get from here to there – and less about “FAITH”, the supernatural, and rituals (not to say they are irrelevant but rather they become difficult to pin down).

The wonder of why we are here? What is the purpose of this life? Why do we suffer? What happens to us in Death? Is there a real you, or is it an illusion? —- Questions like these are what make philosophy a very enjoyable conversation.  I also believe most human beings who are not overly self-absorbed, actually find these questions intriguing, fun to answer, and often will embrace the topic.

Unfortunately in many cases forums and small discussions about ‘PHILOSOPHICAL’ inquiry  get snow-plowed by a few folk who must insist on making their religious positions known to everyone as well as manipulating the foundation for which the discussion is held. Because situations like this happen quite frequently, it creates a discontent for many who are looking to have a broad and unscripted conversation – in effort to – perhaps dance and encounter truth in the many ideas that are exchanged within philosophical Q & A.

I have said this before, and I will state it here again: I have nothing against anyone who actively practices their Religion, and lives a life in accordance with the dogma and teachings of their Church, Synagogue, Temple, and/or Mosque.  Everyone is entitled their beliefs —  that includes myself and our many neighbors.

With that being said…I will say this:

“Religion is Like a Penis: It’s fine to have one, It’s fine to be proud of it. But please don’t whip it out in public, and start waving it around. And finally it’s rude and selfish to shove it down anyone’s throat”

We as conscious beings are only beginning to discover what being “human” is all about – in my opinion. We are all traveling on that road, trying to get from here to there, and majority of us are consistently contemplating questions about our very existence. It is in our Human Nature to want to understand every part of this life and the hidden mechanisms of this creation. That wonder is why philosophical discussions are so interesting, informative and enjoyable to be a part of – especially if an opportunity allows us to have direct engagement with the conversation.

So when a persons asks me the question about my beliefs, usually looking for a one word answer like… Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc… I just respond with a simple statement designed to avoid the four possible outcomes listed above. I will say something along the lines of: “I believe that I am a conscious energy, adhered to this body called David Rollman, on an unknown path, to an unknown destiny, within an unknown time, in order to discover that which is unknown… to join me?

So to all my friends, family, fans, and followers – searching for the answers is a lot of fun, but more importantly never stop asking questions?  Life is an evolutionary process, as far as I can tell, in which the path of discovery leads us to further examination that doesn’t have a clear end.  Questions & Answers, Truth & Understanding, Good & Evil, Heaven & Hell, all tend to be circular in nature.  What I mean by that is, each attitude seems to chase the other with no recognizable finish — as the Universe seems to be held together by the very nature of these principles and cannot exist without the other.   For instance, Good can not exist without Evil as the very nature of “being good” precludes  the supposition that Evil must be present in a world filled with Good — in order to carry out the balance of nature.  (Also How in the hell could you know what is Good if you didn’t have a direct understanding or connection to its evil counterpart?  (The only reason you know where “there” is located is because “here” exists at the same time).

However, wonderful and enjoyable I find philosophical discussions/debate/conversations to be…please don’t forget that NO ONE PERSON, has the Human Being User manual figured out at all.  There are many within our world that have more well informed opinions based upon time served in the study of particular disciplines (recognizing facts, statistics, predicted hypothesizes, and plain old life experience).  Regardless, of how you have come to know of something, at the end of the day…Opinions (surrounded by facts) they still will be.  Conscious life is not only about the information but also about enjoying the ride. Don’t ever forget that!!

Aart Van Der Leeuw said it best, “The Mystery of Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

-David S. Rollman

The Cable (or Satellite TV services) are old tech. The most economical and best choice is IPTV Streaming

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

THE WORLD of CABLE TELEVISION is becoming a dinosaur.  With online markets now breaking into the streaming TV world….Companies like Comcast, Spectrum, Time Warner, Dish Network, and Direct TV are having to change their company strategy  due to many online IPTV streaming services.


GEARS TV (and all the packages they provide)  LINK:  GEARS HOSTING

RELOADED TV (and all the packages they provide) LINK: RELOADED TV

**IF YOU ALREADY HAVE RELOADED TV, You can click on this LINK and watch in any web-browser at anytime just go to:  LOGIN-HERE

READ THIS BELOW – TIME to Change the way you pay and watch your TV entertainment

Now I have been investigating many of these services over the past 8 months.  I have tried just about 6 different services that range from $10/month all the way to $25/month.   And I will not promote anything I feel is going to create more challenges for the beginner who decides to “Cut the CABLE” and seek out the future of Television and Movies on Demand.  With the creation of ROKU and FIRESTICK devices (and other streaming boxes). it is so easy to let go of your cable or satellite tv provider and switch to an online streaming IPTV service, that will not only give you high quality feeds, but more channels than you will ever need (and ALSO at a prices that just kills your everyday monopoly of cable service providers mentioned above.

Below I am going to link you to the best two IPTV services on the market today.  The website below offers both:

  1. GEARS TV / with Mayfair PRO (tv guide) family plan for about ~$41.00/month (and no CONTRACT) – can cancel at anytime. Then only requirement is to have an internet connection, computer or streaming device (like a Firestick) to load the software onto these devices.  
  2. RELOADED TV / Family Plan which runs about $48/month (No Contract and cancel at anytime).

Now many would say…that is still pretty expensive, but what you don’t get with your everyday standard cable or satellite provider – is all the premium channels (HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, STARZ, MLB Network and all the games live, NHL Center Ice – all the games live, NFL sunday ticket – all televised games – European Football and so many other add-on packages that you would have to pay for with your standard TV service)  Furthermore, not to mention GEARS TV & RELOADED TV both provided PPV events and isolate them for easy search when they go live)  Both of these services provide in upward of 450+ channels that are sorted by (PPV, USA, UK, SPORTS, MUSIC etc…) Also with the Mayfair TV option.. sorts all of these channels in a clean and functional manner that you will feel as if nothing has changed from your old cable to this new and improved service.

The one difference at the moment between Gears TV and Reloaded TV is how these programs and services have to be set up in order for them begin bringing you the best content you ever wanted.   Gears TV can be loaded and viewed thru both KODI software or by simply downloading a APK file to your firestick and then simply logging in with your username and password.  RELOADED TV: at the present moment is only available thru a KODI platform, but don’t be alarmed, Kodi is a free software install for both your streaming device and your computer, and there are walk-thru’s for either of these services to get you up in running in no time at all.

Below I will provide you with current photos of the Cost of your monthly most common regular Television Cable providers, as well as some screen shots of the family plans for Gears and Reloaded TV.

As most of my fans and followers know, I am not a promoter of television, as I feel that human beings watchs too much damn TV in the first place.  But having said that – if you are going to pay for these services, why not invest in something that is going to give you more choices at a much better price (with no contract involved).

Again….I have done my part showing you the path to a new technology that not only saves you money.  It provides you with every channel you could ever want.  (The PPV events like Boxing and the UFC alone pay for themselves and you can now enjoy them in the comforts of your home)

The website for these great services is:   Then just navigate to the side bar and look for “Store” – then Gears Hosting or Reloaded Hosting (and see the different packages for your liking)

The Pictures Below tell the Big STORY.  I know this may sound too good to be true, but I have never steered anyone wrong on this program…I just do my part in getting the best out of every person walking on this planet, and I don’t like seeing anyone get taken advantage of.  Well this Television Monopoly – needs to go, and here is your pathway to do so.  (Any questions please comment below or email me

You can also go to Gears/Reloaded TV’s Facebook page and send an Instant message if you have questons – they usually respond within 1 hour and are always happy to get you on the right track: CLICK HERE

I just want to see my friends, fans, family and followers to get the most bang out of their buck.  We literally throw away hundreds of dollars every year to services that we don’t take full use of or don’t offer us the packages we truly desire, without paying out the butt in extra charges….WELL NO MORE.

Watch how easy using Gear/RELOADED TV is thru KODI (which is my method in the video below):

If you decide to go with one of the services above,  and there are many to choose from depending on your needs, don’t forget to type in the promo code: ROLLMAN before you finalize your purchase.  You will receive an extra 10% off your 1st month of service.

Now Check out the difference below:



Self-Help without Therapy — Does it actually work?

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

From time to time I will receive emails from fans, asking if I have a recommendation for a book or website, that they can go to for help with a certain problem/challenge in their life.  Too often, I must respond by asking for more data, as I need to understand the foundation, and big picture as to how this person has arrived to this point in their life.  Very often in many social conversation we point people in certain directions without even knowing what the “Big-Picture” is, and it is my opinion, that too often we end up sending them down a road that never answers the question for them.

If you were to walk into your local book store today, and run on over to the “Self-Help” section, you would be flabbergasted by them amount of books that claim to be able to fix just about any problem, or condition a person may be going through.  The reason these books sell so well, is due to the quick fix most of us are looking for in our lives, and don’t get me wrong, sometimes these books can make the difference.  However, in many of the people I have worked with and talked to over the years, a SELF-HELP read is not what they are looking for.

So to answer the question above – Does Self Help work without Therapy – not too often is what I have found.  As many of you who listen to my show will know…I am a big believer in communication, and one on one interaction.  I have found that most often, the problems people are dealing with in this life are something that requires not “Self-help” but “Each-others Help”.

Sadly, people today don’t like asking another person for help.  I don’t know when this started to happen, but if I was to guess, I would say that we have become more dependent on the internet in finding a solution for ourselves over the past 25 years, then to ask a fellow friend, family member or even a doctor for some clarity.  Honestly, who wants help from a book?  I certainly don’t.  I use books for reference, ideas, and research.  I can sometimes take away a valid point, or some great practices that someone else has done, but if I need an answer to a problem I am dealing with at a difficult time in my life – I will call upon someone to talk with me about my issue.

There are many books I will recommend to a person, when I understand the calamity of their situation, but I first need to know that their problem/challenge is not something that has been building and building for a decent amount of time.  Books are great for the quick and simple issue, but the “Self-Help” movement, doesn’t get to the surface of many issues that people are going through.  We as a people, need to learn to ask for help from those we trust.  And if you do not have a person like this in your life, then find someone who is trained in answering these questions for a living.  For what ever reason, the term Therapy, has taken on a weird view-point throughout time as well.  In many conversations, when we hear a person has a Therapist…we automatically think they are weak and can’t work stuff out on their own, or they have some kind of a mental issue.

I hate to say this…but majority of  folks walking this planet today, have some kind of mental issue.  We categorize the mental issues of, focus, determination, and discipline as the good issues, and label depression, anxiety, and other cognitive disorders as Bad.   It’s important to remember, that life is all about balance.  So if focus, determination, and discipline rule one’s life, there are other things that could potentially suffer – which knocks the balance of life off its preferred position.  Anything, in my opinion, that takes over a persons life I see as a potential problem, and this just stems back to the idea, that life is always looking for its balance.  There are many examples of people who push themselves so hard that they will end up worse then better.  There are also many examples of people who let depression and anxiety rule their life, and never seek treatment as well, to offset that balance in-turn becoming worse.

But the balance I am talking about you will not find within any book.  For sure there are practices and ideas from reading material, but they will never feed what the human person is usually looking for when they come into a problem or issue in their life.  Most often, people need each other to work out the issues for which I am speaking.   We need personal connection and an outlet for our obsessions, depressions, and challenges that we build during our daily walk through life.    With a world full of people, filled with talent and experience, why would you not want to tap that resource if you come to a road block in your life?  I am telling you, from experience and as one of the many people on this planet who care – and get great joy from serving others – YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE.

Many of us claim to have a large amount of friends, but in reality, you many only have 1 or 2 of them that would do just about anything for you – as well as spend the countless hours making sure you are okay (and In Balance).  If you are fortunate to have such people in your life, hang on to them, as they are hard to find.  If you are a person right now who is dealing with something, and you don’t have any of these resources that are a phone call away, I suggest you find a professional therapist.  If you cannot afford a professional, then seek out – community health.  If that doesn’t work — there are many local small churches that have wonderful people, just waiting to serve your needs.

When I think of “Self-Help” I think of meditation, Yoga, exercise, and good food.  I believe those are the things you can do at a personal level to keep the balance.  I do not believe, you can solve any considerable life problem simply by going to your local book store and picking up a copy of “10 ways to get rid of depression” or “7 steps to a better life”.  Don’t get me wrong, these books have there purpose, and that purpose is more for educational and an informative platform.  But as stated above…if you feel your life is falling out of balance, and are looking for answers to get you back to your best version –  I truly believe, that your best solution is to reach out and get a dialogue with a trusty companion, friend, or professional.  All of us have a role to play in this life, and regardless if you believe a word of what I am saying or not, I know for a fact that there are people that  have come before you who have dealt with the exact same problem/challenge you are currently dealing with.   Please don’t think you are a pioneer!!

Our world today is commercialized with instant fixes that never speak to the reality of what most of humanity is actually going through.  However, this is the business of our world today, BUT you are the one making the decisions (direct or indirect).  What you choose to do, or how you plan to deal with life is entirely up to you.  How you go about your day, and figure out the balance are all embedded in the choices.   If you remember only one thing from this post, please remember this – You are not alone, and you are not a pioneer.  Self-Help is great for the things within your control, but when things get out of your control – then its time to open the door for dialogue and ask someone to have a seat with you.  Life is too short, to live in a state of quiet despiration every day. So please, open your mouth, ask for help and we can find those answers together.
-David S. Rollman


“Tribalism & Modern Tribal Warfare” – Why it happens?, What’s its purpose?, and the antidote”

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

The existence of tribalism has been around and will continue to be around as long a life exists.  Now to tackle my viewpoint and understanding of this very relevant topic there is much more you need to research on your own long after you read this small article.  I am one person, with one view point, basing my knowledge on the study of how people and animals respond in a real world environment.  So, the views expressed below are simply my assessment from countless hours of watching human responses in this zoo we call Earth.

Please read this entirely and if I have made any suggestions or comments that you feel need further explanation, please e-mail me at the contact form at the top of this page, and I will do my best to further dissect the information, and if needs be update this post for future readers.  So…here we go

Slaves to societal suggestion, players in a game designed to divide, leaders from different groups convincing you to join their team, identity politics, social justice warriors given prime-time attention, political systems designed not to serve the “Greater Good” of all mankind.
The GAME: Tribal Warfare.
The PLAYERS: 95% of the connected population (those who have access to media, internet, etc…)
The STATUS of this game: Absolute Division among majority of the players.
The PURPOSE of this game: Create Division among majority of the players.
The TRAJECTORY of this game: a world divided – socially – economically – politically (both internally and externally).
The ULTIMATE GOAL: 1) complete breakdown of the family unit, 2) divided unity with in all tribal groups, 3) blurred concepts, ideals, and visions for any future generation. 4) Systematic programming within majority of educational institutes 5) Total collapse of any working system in order to stimulate chaos as there is no where left to turn for truth.
The SOLUTION: Wake the F*ck up and remember its a game, the rules are not set up in your favor, the deck is stacked, and a community around the greater good is the only society worth living in. Tribes will always exist. Today we laugh at history – looking at old photos/paintings of Native Americans fighting for tribal dominance – yet we think modern society no longer does this. If you belong to the 95% and actually believe we are not at war with each other and ideas in general (my side is the right side and your side is bullshit) or (my group is right and your group is a bunch of Nazis) then you are a person that needs this. —-> Turn of the idiot boxes in your living room, re-visit the foundation of life in general, remember your ideals your view points, your education, your traditions (AND THEN REMIND YOURSELF – why you hold these in value). Furthermore, the person next to you, across the street, in the next state, and overseas is going to have an entirely different set of values that you hold sacred.
SO why all this divide in America, and abroad? The answer is simple, it is much easier to control a population of divided groups then it is to manipulate, control, or win-over, a body of people united for one cause only, and this the GREAT GOOD for which I speak.
You are not going to have everything your way, and I will not have everything mine. Once you realize that the GAME our world is playing today…tells you that you can be a winner – they are playing you as a fool. (of the 95% of connected folks out there less than 10% – step away from the game). When you realize there is no tribe to belong to life begins to take on a different view. You stop battling over, gay and strait, black or white, male or female, republican or democrat – you realize that game is all smoke and mirrors – keeping people in a perpetual circle that goes nowhere.
To change the way you see the world, and the way the world sees you, is to remember how original you are, and more importantly how original everything is.

The solution to ending “Tribalism” is to not play the game as the rules are set out in our world today – but more importantly generating an understanding of Major Do’s and Don’ts as a person matures throughout the years. So… what I am saying here is this:

#1 The way OUT of “Tribal Warfare” or Tribalistic type thinking is to NOT avoid being part of a tribe.  I know that sounds contradictory to what I have been saying be hear me out.  The cycles in life simply start when we are born as a vulnerable baby completely dependent on others to take care of us for all the basic needs.  Then as we mature over the next several years, we land around the age of 7 to 9 years old, and we begin to discover groups within our classmates and the neighborhood around us. Groups like the nerds, the jocks, the cool kids, the rich kids, the skaters, the bad boys etc… (this also applies to young woman as well… Nerds, cheerleaders, the glamour girls, the shy/quiet, and also the potential mean girls or mysterious ones).  So at this young age we are trying to find our place of belonging so we will pick a tribe (group) that seems to go along more with the way we are at the time of our choosing and we must also be socially accepted into this tribe from the folks who are already “in”.  But when we finally do find our tribe of friends a piece of our character becomes energized over the fact that we are not alone, and that there are others just like us who share similar interest and values. BUT BUT BUT, is that where the story ends?  For some  (no matter what their age – teens – young adults- middle aged and so on) this maybe so.  However, for the many others, that is not where the story ends, as even though they are now part of this tribal group they now make the move to:

#2 Dare to be seen, and differentiate themselves from the tribe they belong to, but AT THE SAME TIME being mindful of knowing how to behave respectively within the boundaries/customary practices of that tribe.  This process of standing out, in fact, being yourself while still remaining loyal to your team is  defined simply as: Self-Individualism.   Where the confusion usually takes place is due to the greater visuals you must need to picture – in order to fully play out the steps I write and speak about – concerning this topic, whereas you must understand that in order to socialize you have to partake or be a member of a group.  This allows the others around you to witness the value being shared;  they may see you, hear you,  but more importantly they need to know you can successfully play on a team, while boosting moral and loyalty.  And the phase that many will attempt, but most will often surrender to is that final step we just said:

#3 Self-Identity (Individualism).  There is so much to be said about tribal behavior and why it will always exist and stay prominent within our main-stream sectors today; but the true end of Tribalism is when individuals within these “tribes or groups” can work within the framework of these organizations but at the same time project their own view-points (which develops and sustains their true self-identity)  Tribalism becomes dangerous when it only consists of group members that have no individualistic points of view – these folks  agree wholeheartedly with everything the tribe has boxed in and prepared for these group members to just memorize and repeat. The most common defect of tribal groups in this capacity is that if/when then hit a road-block and their motives and message begin to shift from their original purpose (disagreement/argument/debate) the world stage audience along with their opposition begin to rewrite the entire dialogue of which the original issue becomes replaced by subsequent small talk and eventually group character assassination.  So to be very, very clear…. when I say Tribalism I don’t mean it as a bad thing as long as there are vocal participants within these groups that are self-aware of their positions whist working within their group to make it better – more refined and upgraded.   A tribal group bent on making sure they have an internal auto-upgrading system that betters itself when they are presented with improved ideas is one worth fight for.  Still, to have a tribe like this, you must have open ends of dialogue frequently – outside and within the bordering frame of your crew.

More people are waking up to the idea that “Santa Claus” isn’t real anymore, and that the more you peel away the layers of nonsense, and see that all of us are just trying to get from here to there in our lives – you begin to see we are not that different at all. At the core of human existence is an energy (some may call it a soul – I don’t know what it is..) and within that energy that is the universe just playing out a role for a short time. The greatest trick this world has manifested is creating a distraction from this core of energy that makes us Human.
At the end of the day, what you do, who you are, what you think, and how you act – is just a ball of energy (taking on a particular form) to dance in this game we call life. You don’t own anything, you don’t have the right to control someone’s thoughts, and most importantly joining a “TRIBE” will only massage the feeling of belonging for a short time, until you realize that the tribe was only united around 1 focus and everything else they do is complete rubbish in your mind.
And I will finish with this…. You can’t control the circumstances for which you were born into, however; you can control the outcome of who you become and what you bring about in your life story through the decisions you make every day. **THIS IS KEY—> “The decisions YOU make…not what others tell you to make, or convince you to make** This is your life, your world, your energy…and your game. How attentive and focused your are in this game is up to you.

Namaste everyone ????

047 – “Beginnings & Ends” – Podcast Episode

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Too often we forget, that from the moment we are born we begin that slow journey towards death.  Now before you click away from that statement above, it is not meant to be thought of in the negative light.  Rather, our journey through life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, rights and lefts, etc.  The one thing the human race seems to try to defy is the natural process of beginnings and ends.  Nature is, in my opinion, the only physical representation of how life works.  In all parts of natural life, things begin…and at some point they find their natural ending.

In this episode, I will be discussing the natural process of beginnings and ends, with a particular focus on MEMORY.  You see, in all aspects of life, there resides an eternal memory.  However, the memory you and I have in this life, is designed to be more of a “highlight reel”.   Throughout our lives some memory stays but majority of it fades away, like it never actually existed.   The process of faded out memory is the very reason and foundation of why things begin and eventually end.

It is important to understand the for every finite end, brings about a wonderful new beginning… and this process continues throughout all walks of life – and for good reason.  I encourage you to listen to this podcast episode, and think about where you are in your life journey.  Think about all the memories you can remember in your life, and also those memories you let slip away, so that new memories could fill the gap.  Think about why it is so important to let go of those memories and times in life that DO NOT serve you anymore.  Furthermore, if you are holding on to old and possibly negative memories, ask yourself how those memories actually make you feel?  If they do not bring about the best version of yourself…then its time to make a choice as to why these memories (thoughts etc..) are still a part of your journey and to keep them or let them go.

Please remember…You are more important then any one event in this life.  You decide what defines you, NOT what has occurred or what you believe these old memories hold.  This moment, this infinite NOW is the only truth.  Remember to let go of things that do not serve you, and surround yourself with everything else that does.  Sometimes we must let go and allow parts of our life to die, in order to allow new beginnings to flow inward.



046 – “The Shedding of what Was to What is – Podcast Episode”

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.


I would like to begin by saying Thank You to everyone, who reached out to me during my well needed time away, and to say you are the reason why I love what I do and will continue to keep producing new episodes each Season.  That’s right I said Season.  Many Podcasts do a continuous weekly show in order to keep their download numbers up and up!  But if you were to look on the back side of those numbers you will see that every show episode is not as popular as other shows they will produce throughout the year. But because the number of downloads are the most important in the podcast world…the more you record the higher the numbers – its simple math.

But I personally am all about making quality episodes.  I would rather produce 20 episode a year and have each episode grow in downloads with every sequential show .  I want to see the upward growth each time rather than a roller coaster of ups and downs (so to be more blunt – I want quality of episodes rather than quantity of episodes).  So just like Shows you may watch on TV…I have decided to make this podcast a Seasonal Podcast Show.   Recording around 20-25 shows each year…while giving my listeners what they want in content, and allowing them to step away for reflection and to check out other things as well.  Meaning folks that listen to this show will not be overwhelmed with having to catch every episode each week and giving them something to look forward to after the season ends and when the new season begins.  (I am not sure how this will work, but I want to give it a try nonetheless).

Episode 46, is the beginning of Season 3 of the Rollman Revolution, “The Shedding of what Was to what Is – The Natural change we all need to Grow”  will be subject of this episode’s talking point and topic.

Nature is such a beautiful thing, but lets face it, most of us get caught up into the nonsense of daily life we ignore the Truths our Natural world is telling us.  For me during my time away, I stumbled onto a natural occurrence that happens within a snakes life – in particular – the shedding of their skin.  I came upon this topic by accidentally clicking on a link while doing research on an entirely different subject.  Well, lets just say sometimes things really do happen for a reason.  Not only did I learn something NEW, I realized that I was not paying attention to our Natural World the I should.

In this episode, I will be discussing what I learned about snakes, and how Nature has the answers to all the questions we are seeking.  Furthermore, I will talk about a metaphoric lesson that I learned (and something I feel everyone needs to hear).

Too often it is the simple things in nature we don’t realize, but at the same time become the most important lessons, we will gain wisdom from.

I want to welcome you all back to Season 3, of the Rollman Revolution.  And for those who are just tuning in…or accidentally have been redirected to this show (by click or other means) I am delighted you are here.  I hope you decide to stick around and take a listen.  Just as I accidentally learned something from snakes and our natural world, you too may learn something here that could change Your World.

Namaste Everyone.  Season 3 Here we Go!!

YES YES YES – Here We Go Again – 2018

We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.

Yea!  March 1st is going to be the release of Season 3 of the Rollman Revolution Podcast.  Thank you to everyone who has listened & shared. I have been working on several new ideas and I am so happy that I took 6 months off to regain my focus…as it was absolutely necessary. The Next episode will be release as stated on March 1st. And the title for Episode 46 will be: “The Shedding of what was to what is” (why it is necessary to shed our skins many times within our lives).

Getting back into producing new shows bi-monthly is a challenging process as their is so much research, writing, and commitment that goes into everything. Any writer or creative content provider…will tell you that one of the most grueling things is starting over..and getting back on the horse that you have been away from for some time. But its about time…and this will be consuming 80% of my free time over the next 6 months. So HERE WE GO… I love you all….and I happy to be back.  


"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"