We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.
The Video Below is just designed to motivate, inspire, and challenge those who feel they are not winning in their world today. By changing your habits and changing your mind – your life will follow with that change. If you have any questions please email me at david@rollmanrevolution.com
By several emails and other requests… The Title for this episode is: The purpose of Negative Emotions – and how to rid yourself of them in controlling your life!
The summary below is identical to the talking points message at the start of this show. This is a topic that seems to resonate with just about everyone at some point in their life. If you have any questions or comments please leave them at the bottom of this post or email me: david@rollmanrevolution.com
Episode 42:
In a world full of consistent action, and constant competition of your attention – there is so much stimuli that is trying to tell you what to think, how to think, what to be, and how to be it – that our brains will become troubled at times during these discoveries.
We toil with success, beauty, intelligence, and winning – always looking for that slight edge over the challenging forces. It is in human nature, to strive for these things with the goal in mind that I MUST BE THE BEST, and destroy the competition in anyway I can, otherwise – I will be just like everyone else – Ordinary.
And this type of thinking in my opinion is one of the main reasons, Emotion can get the better of our mindset. Don’t get me wrong, I believe competition is necessary in order for every human being to push themselves to become better everyday, however; the path we choose to find this competitive edge is a choice we all must make.
For example, if you want to become a better basketball player, you have to play basketball against someone who has a much better game than you. The reason this is so… is in order for your skills to become more refined you have to push yourself to a high level of skill and understanding for the game to graduate those abilities – in return making you better at basketball.
However, you could take another route. Using the example above you could play the game of basketball in a dirty fashion. You could find ways to cheat, manipulate your opponent by drugging them, or hurting them in some way so that they are forced to play at a much lower level – or in other words “Crushing the competition” (your competition).
You will hear from countless of successful people, within business, politics, sports & the arts – of the ways they achieved their success. Many will contribute there successful path to hard work, dedication, and focus which are all great virtues in order to carry for this journey, however; in many of these cases that is not the whole story.
From time to time, a story will be uncovered about a businessman, politician, athlete, or other personality that engaged in a negative approach to gaining their success. You will hear headlines like, “Athlete cheats using steroids” – “Business Mogul bankrupts town in order to gain personal Capital” – “Senator John Doe violates ethics investigation into Federal Spending” etc… etc…
There is no doubt these stories happen everyday, and so many of them will never be discovered – but my concern is – WHY these people or groups of people decide to play the dishonest game and choose negative virtues like (Jealousy, Fear, Guilt, Envy, Doubt, Sadness, Depression, and/or Shame) to find a competitive edge in our world today.
My intelligence tells me, that many of us are looking for shortcuts in order to cut down on the time it takes to build success. Like I said a moment ago, there is so much competition in our world today to be the best and find that successful niche, which allows us to stand out among the crowd.
We all want to be recognized for accomplishments in one way or another, but How we get to that accomplishment is a choice each of us will have to make within our lives.
Choice is the key, and Decisions within these choices are very much dependent on the Virtues we hold sacred to our being.
If for example, you are a person who is filled with Positive Emotions of (Joy, Love, Laughter, Admiration, Gratitude, Patience, and Kindness) your approach to this world will be much different than a person who engages the world with the use of Negative Emotions of: (Envy – Jealousy – Guilt – Fear – Manipulation – Doubt – and Frustration)
Now…I have heard both sides of this argument on how we as people must engage the QUOTE : REAL WORLD, and there are great lessons to be learned from both sides. But here is the deal my friends…
There must be a happy balance within everything in life. We all want to find success for ourselves and those we serve – but The choices and virtues (within our Emotions) will ultimately bring us to the place we call the here and now.
I personally have found that being in a more positive mindset, you will find the answers and success more frequently than others who choose to play the game from a more negative mindset.
When you play using positive emotion, you are happier, healthier, you feel more fully alive and you have a richer more abundant experience of life. When you play using the negative emotions, there is that tendency to manipulate, envy, find jealousy within another, fear the future and play the blame game. (Also in negative mode – the human actor will try to cut corners and look for loop holes to push or press anyone within their way in order to rise to the top)
There is no doubt in my mind that we all will battle with this balance, throughout our lives — however; how long we decide to stay within either one of these mindsets is entirely up to us!
In my opinion the purpose of the Positive and the Negative is to simply remind us of the other… and then it is our own doing — as to how we will approach our lives and the challenges we face everyday.
So this week I would like to discuss Virtues and Emotions and in particularly Negative Emotions (there purpose – and how to limit there control in your life).
Breaking the Silence Within is the podcast episode that you don’t want to miss.
Hello again everyone,
Communication is something we do everyday. Whether we are watching television, listening to the radio, talking on our cell phones or having a chat with a person within our vicinity; there is not a day that goes by where we are not giving or receiving information.
But how we communicate (and Articulate) information has changed drastically over the past 75+ years. In the 1920’s if you wanted to get a piece of information to a friend or family member, you had the choice of either traveling over to this person’s place or mailing a letter to them. In many cases the families lived much closer to one another than they do today, as it was just easier to keep tabs on one another by being close by. And for what ever reason if you did have a friend or a loved one that lived quite a distance away, you would have to compile as much information as you could within a letter. Also Family gatherings were much more intense and information heavy as you didn’t communicate with them as often as we do today, simply because the technologies were not there.
If we skip ahead to the 21st Century, today we have instant information (Constant communication) or better yet an OVER ABUNDANCE of Information. But the question I ask you is this… Do we communicate better on a personal level today than we did about 100 years ago? Are our conversations more personal or are they impersonal? Has Technology broken our ability to communicate one on one in an effective way?
These are the concerns and questions that I have, and will cover on this episode. As you listen to this show, ask yourself if you can relate to any of the situations I explain. Furthermore, I want to know if you feel that technology has improved or diminished the way humans articulate themselves today? Do you see a difference in the newer generations and how they interact with each other?
This is going to be a powerful episode. Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think.
This episode is going to be a short episode, but it will cover many of the things I continue to receive emails about. First, I will discuss (Laughter) learning how to laugh at yourself and not taking yourself so seriously. Too many people today, have forgotten how to have a good time, and spend majority of their life miserable trying to achieve goal without having a good time along the way. And that is no way to spend a life. Yes you should have focus, but you need to enjoy your life as well.
The Second part of this episode I will discuss Honesty in the New Year. Honesty, you know that virtue we all should live by? I find that more of the people that reach out to me, usually remain dishonest with themselves, and you can’t do that. If you want to be taken seriously and what to engage this world with no boundaries, you have to remember that you must be honest with yourself before anyone else will take you honestly.
There is so much to be said on these two topics and I hope I do it justice. Please continue to check me out via YouTube, Twitter, and Now Instagram.
I will be loading videos up to YouTube on a Weekly bases that relate to this show and the topics that are discussed within this community. So if you have a topic you want discussed, please email me and we will work it into the program.
We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.
As many know…I am a very knowledgeable person about pharmacology ( pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics) as I enjoy this subject immensely. And even though, I am not a user of Marijuana for recreational or Medical use —- I still have a huge issue with THE DEA’s scheduling of Marijuana as a Category (schedule) “1” drug. My issues again with “Drugs in America” has been the same for the past 10 years as majority of the time answer to the question is written within the wording of the Law. Having said this (and referring to the Picture below of the DEA’s verbiage) you will see the problem. The words “No Current ACCEPTED Medical Use…” is the highlight. And to go a step further…You will see the other drugs Marijuana is grouped with (Heroin, LSD, MDMA etc..). Now here is the deal my friends, there has been numerous studies looking into the use and practical applications for medical reasons (on all of the drugs listed in the Schedule 1 group). Furthermore, every drug listed here…has had several studies linking themselves to an effective (temporary cure) to certain medical conditions Under controlled applications! Now… before I get pounded by anyone, I do not support the de-regulation of these drugs, as 97% can and do have long-term side effects if not used under a controlled dose and/or supervision (eg. dependency or overdose) EXCEPT MARIJUANA. ***THERE have been countless studies…that continue to go on to this day, showing the great potential this Plant has done for people suffering from: Alzheimer’s disease, MS, Anxiety, Cancer, Dravet’s Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowl Disease, Arthritis, regulating metabolism, Parkinson’s Disease, Crohn’s Disease, PSTD, as well as protecting the brain after a person has a stroke AND…has been known to allow people to become more creative (and find an over-all sense of well being).
To this day, in 2017, I still run into many people who have not done the research and will continue to argue that this is not a real medical drug…and that people just want to use this to “GET HIGH”. Rubbish! Also in this conversation, these same people will argue that the pharmaceutical industry has Approved drugs that solve all of these medical problems listed above. However, what they will not tell you (or admit) is that Big Pharma, is in the “mechanical medicine” business and not the natural medicine business! And here is the difference…. Mechanical Medicine is a drug created in a lab, that is designed to do one of the following within a biological organism: (Inhibit, Block, Convert, stimulate, and/or supress) something within the body in order to drive another result…in this case fight the problem or illness in question. Unfortunately, because of how mechanistic medicine works within the body, by turning switches on and off in some way, they usually have a decent amount of possible side effects. (Read any label of any medicine you have ever taken in a pharmacy, over the counter, or via commercial marketing). The literature is unbelievable in some cases.
NOW…. I am NOT saying that ALL drugs sold over the counter, or within a pharmacy, today are Bad, I do not jump to those conclusions. As a matter of fact I feel that some of these Drugs have a good use for the “SHORT TERM” as getting to the root cause of any problem is key (in my opinion) and the purpose of Medicine aka to CURE (make better). But today, there is just a drug for every bug and a pill for every ill….and this SHIT needs to stop.
To COME FULL CIRCLE… and the purpose of this post…is to say that The United States, puts more regulation on Natural Medicine (that has been used by ancient cultures with little or no side effects) as opposed to Mechanistic Medicine sold to millions everyday. In particular Marijuana a natural plant that anyone can learn to grow in their own back yard, has more medical benefits & uses. To place this Natural Medicine in the DEA Schedule 1 group is ridiculous and only placed here for financial as well as political purposes.
My friends, family, and fans…I encourage you to put aside any biased information you may have acquired thus far in your life as it relates to medicine and health care. In my opinion the more natural a product is, the more beneficial its potential to the healing properties within medical research today.
Please make this a conversation to have within your circles over the next year, as there is so much we have to learn from Natural Medicine. Also take the time to not rush in judgement of any issues you have not taken time to research on your own. It is time we look at the data, listen to the lives of those who have the experience, and understand why historical cultures had an amazing connection to nature and how we benefit from our natural world.
Namaste Everyone! Please Share and leave comments below.
2017 is now here, and we have an opportunity to make this year even better than all others up to this point. I love the new year, just because that is when people are at their most positive state. They seem to be motivated, even for a short time, this time of the year.
My job however, is to keep you motivated, and challenging you to become the best person you possibly can be in the months to come.
This New Years episode, I will discuss the 2016 year in review. I will let you know about how I feel 2016 went for me as well as how I see 2017 going for this show and the message I try to bring every month. Also I will hit you hard in this episode, discussing Honesty, Relationship, Habits, Resourcefulness, and other topics that will allow you to re-examine your life…and what you need to do this year to make it THE BEST OF ALL TIME.
Every year, I like to thank all my friends, family, fans, and those who have supported me along my journey, as this program would not be possible with out YOU! I had a focus in 2016 to do things with no agenda in site, and that has done me very well. In 2017 however I will be focusing on Excellence, and what people need to do in order to become Excellent in what ever they decide to do – to make their world and their person the BEST.
Please Connect with me via any of the social media links above, and email me with your thoughts, ideas, and conversation. I love meeting people right where they are in their life story. So Find me, friend me, connect with me, and I will show you how great your really are!
Namaste Everyone…Happy Holidays and Happy NEW YEAR 2017…. HERE WE GO!!!!
Happy Holidays to all my fans out there. This episode was recorded due to over 50+ emails of my fans wanting to hear more. Again, I am not the GURU of Flat Earth, but I have been watching this topic develop for close to a year now.
The angle of which this episode speaks is going to be different than what those who are debating the flat earth vs the Globe model. As I am not a scientist, I will be looking at the psychology of this issue, and why so many dismiss the the issue just by hearing the words “FLAT EARTH”.
I am telling you from experience, that you need to educate yourself with as many pieces of information you can, and gather more tools for your tool box from multiple sources of books, alternative media, etc.
It amazes me how so many people today will take the information they have been given (from the Schools they went to or the books they read) and never look any further. You as an intelligent person, need to continue your education and research far beyond what the main stream school system, as it is only repeating the nonsense.
If you have heard about the topic FLAT EARTH, and it has at least peaked your curiosity, I would recommend checking out people Like: Santos Bonacci, Mark Sargent & Eric Dubay To Get your started in looking at this concept from another perspective. Each person listed above discusses this topic from different angles, and Will give you a starting place to continue looking into this topic further.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at david@rollmanrevolution.com or connect with me via Facebook, Twitter or other social media options listed on the top of my website.
Namaste My friends,
-David (Also 2017 is going to be a Wild Year…so stay tuned!)
We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.
Hello everyone – I have missed you all!
Seeing that I have been a bit busy lately – I figured the best way to answer some of my fans and followers, who have asked a similar question, was to place it in a blog post, as I predict this question will surface again down the road.
More podcasts to come over the month of December, with interesting topics to dive into.
The question that keeps getting asked is about success, failure and the journey of self discovery…so read below, as I use myself as the example knowing that I have mastered the art of Succeeding and Failing and in this process I have found real liberation!
Over the past 15 years, I have worked my way up to the top, in various jobs (within Retail and in my own business adventures) just to lose it all, and start again. Many bad decisions and life choices had played a huge role during this process, however, that was never the real reason as to why I let it all go. During this journey, I changed my habits, my focus, my vision, and my drive so drastically that I began to notice that I was not this Man our world was telling me to be; but an illusion that I created just so I could feel part of the Painting manifested by our society – As I wanted to fit in and not be judged. Sometimes it may appear to those on the outside – that you have it all – because you have the nice car, the great job, the large circle of friends and integrity (Still Something is not right… and that something may be YOU) In some cases (like mine for example) you wake up a realize you don’t recognize the person you see in the mirror, and scratch your head wondering where did it all go wrong? There will be days when we overthink, and wish we could have approached something from our past a bit different, as that one decision sent us on a roller coaster creating more problems and situations we could of avoided if we just made a different choice. Having said all of this, I would not be the Man I am today, had I not succeeded and failed in the way I did.
Ten years ago, if a person were to ask me “What is it that I do for a living?” I would detail them with boring jargon as it related to my job. I would have an answer like a I am my own boss working in a small company, Or I am a Dept Manager for a Large Grocery Retailer…. ETC.. ETC… ETC…. Now there is nothing wrong with this answer, however; my response at that time never got down to the realities of what I did…it only explained the title of my JOB. It would of been more clear if I would of responded like, “I lead, develope, prepare, and organize a crew of 18 people to unload, merchandise and present food and non food items in one of the United States’ Largest grocery retailer.” as that would of been more accurate description of what my JOB was. My point in all of this is simple. Too often we define ourselves by what we do (for a living), and not who we really are.
Today… If someone was to ask me the same question of what it is that I do, I would have to clairify as to what they meant…as this question is very vague. What I do for a living? (as to what generates Money) Or What it is that I do? (Meaning My Purpose in this life). So When I respond by telling those who ask the question, “I Motivate, Challenge, Encourage, and Inspire people to become the best version of themselves, by changing the way they see the world and the way the world sees them one internal revolution at a time.” You would be amazed at how many werid looks I will get. However that is a proper answer, as that is my true motivation in this life.
For those who I have had the honor to meet and engage with over my 20+ years of good conversation, will agree that the statement above is the most accurate response to what it is that I do. Yes I may still work retail to pay the bills, but My motivation today (after years of non committed decisions and not knowing the real me) has shifted to making the next few years of my life more facinating and lucurative. By discovering the real me, making the focused decisions have come a whole lot easier. The climb back up to the top takes time, and requires patience; but when the energy is focused by the plans I have made and the goals set… I know there is nothing that will prevent me from achieving my dreams.
I already know that 2017 is going to be a very positive year as many key life changing decisions will have to be made. I am very good at what I do, just ask those who have called upon me for guidence in there life story? I am going to succeed and generate One-million dollars within the next few years. I am so confident of this, because I visualize the outcome long before the curtain opens and the surprise reveiled.
I have repeatedly said, and will continue to say (no matter what you do) If you are not working to make the lives of other people better everyday, you are wasting your time. Life is sharing the gifts you have so that those around you can benefit. To hord all your gifts and talents and not share them freely, will only make you feel lonely at the end of the day. The connections we create, the networks we build, and the Relationship we cherish will automatically generate the future you never thought possible. It is through this hard lesson but easy practice, that we will find success. And by giving of yourself everyday, the people in this world that become your biggest fan as they will get to see the REAL you and the journey you are creating as they want to be part of something greater than themselves as well.
So where ever this world decides to send me, I have faith someday our path will cross. As every choice, circumstance, push, pull, jump or run – plays a interesting role as to where you are in this moment. And believe it or not, You are the one in control! That is so powerful!
2017-2018 is going to be something really special, just you wait and see.
Confidence? What is it? Who Has it? Where did it go? Why has it gone?
These are many of the questions people have throughout their lives in the pursuit of their dreams. However, Confidence is something we are all born with, from the moment you are a child. Unfortunately people tend to lose their confidence over time as they become embodied by the world and its teachings. As a child you have not come to the understanding and “RULES” this world teaches so you act out, take chances, and could care less what others think.
Once you grow a little older, we become conscientious of what other people see us as. We tend to take the safe route in life, and for many that will get them through. But This episode will touch on 6 different areas where we can grow in our confidence. Remember, when you become a confident person you attack the world in a much different way. You set your site on your dreams, and will not let anyone get in the way of what you want for you and your life. This is an episode that has been requested by several of my listeners, so I hope I do it justice.
Again if you have any suggestions for future episodes, please email me at david@rollmanrevolution.com
We do it better when we do it together, -- PLEASE Spread the Message.
To those out there who follow my podcast show will know that The Main Stream Media is a topic of which I discuss at length. Mainly because it has become very difficult today to locate non-biased News and Information.
Picture From Business Insider Article: Jun 2012 -Ashley Lutz
Majority of Americans and people around the world, receive there News and Other “Factual Information” from the Main Stream Television, News Papers and Radio Shows. The question that must be asked before you go any further is: Do you know who owns or controls these entities? It may be shocking to most, as I was blown away when I came to this discovery about 5 years ago, that 90% of all the Information we Read, Watch or Listen to is owned and controlled by 6 Major Media Giants. Now, if this is not alarming to you…well it is time to understand that the information you gather everyday has probably been released by one of these 6 Agencies.
Why this is an important fact – and – something to be concerned about is quite simple! The way people in this world can make conscious (contemplated and educated) decisions, is solely based on the quality of the information we have been provided with. For example, when we make financial decisions we look to the experts who understand this subject. After hours of consultation, questions and reflection, we will make a decision based upon the New Found Knowledge we have just acquired. However, if the person or people who have provided you with the information were not very honest, had another motive, or another motivation in mind, you will become the victim of Bad NEWS.
So if we are to take this example on a larger scale – and look at World Events, Wars, Health, Politics, Economics, Society, Culture, Science etc… – and majority of people are tuning into the “Experts” aka The Main Stream Media, everyday for Factual Information to make an educated decision; if these Networks are dishonest in anyway it will effect the World Narrative.
Below I will list the 6 major Media Giants in America today and provide you with alternative sources for information. Within the 6 major corporations, I highly recommend you research what each of these Giants own or control within Media. (Do not be shocked if you find your favorite, Television program, News Paper, Magazine publication, or Radio Show under the umbrella of one of these companies).
As we draw closer to the end of 2016, with the World Wide Web along with so many distractions & Information sources battling for your attention, it will become more overwhelming everyday going forward. This is why I will provide you with the Major Players, and Some better alternatives that will allow you to make a more informed decision.
The information below is a Guide: And remember that even alternative sources will have at times a leaning or opinion in mind (that is normal as everyone is Human). The main focus in discovering a better information source is Simple: Look for Reporters (Not Repeaters). If a story sounds like it is the same as the Main Stream (esp. in its wording… Keep Searching for another alternative).
-David Rollman
HERE WE GO: “The Big 6”
News Corporation
Walt Disney Company
Time Warner
CBS Corp.
A poll done by the Pew Research Center, in the Fall of 2011, found that, “Fully (all facts presented) 66% (of the public) say news stories often are inaccurate, 77% think that news organizations tend to favor one side (baised reporting), and 80% say news organizations are often influenced by powerful people and organizations (Information manipulated).” A Gallup poll, taken in September of 2015, showed that 60% of the American public still do not trust the main stream media to deliver the news fully, accurately and fairly.
Yet, Americans will continue to Read, Watch and Listen to what the Main Stream puts out daily – simply because they do not know where to go for non-biased, alternative investigative reporting. Below are some Options to check out! They are different than your family’s traditional News Source.
Alternative Options: (And Again There are many others, and if you find better ones please let me know via email: david@rollmanrevolution.com)
*My Top 5 are as Follows:
Gary Franchi’s Next News Network (nextnewsnetwork.com)
The Real News Network (therealnews.com)
Reveal (The Center for Investigative Reporting) (revealnews.org)
World Affairs Brief (worldaffairsbrief.com)
Sputnik (sputniknews.com)
Other Popular Mentions:
Truthout (truth-out.org)
Reuters (reuters.com)
The Nation (thenation.com)
ProPublica (propublica.org)
The Center for Public Integrity (publicintegrity.org)
FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) (fair.org)
Who, What, Why (whowhatwhy.org)
WikiLeaks (wikileaks.org)
And another favorite of mine:
AllSides (allsides.com) – Brings all Main Stream Media Talk Together – Usefull tool for gathering All Major Media together on one page. It shows the Left – Center – and Right of Issues that come out from different media markets. (Not an alternative media site, but a useful place to see the articles together)
* Will Update this list periodically when I find better sources (or if the sources take a turn in the wrong direction) your involvement – comments and suggestions – is welcomed thank you
THIS IS WHAT IS MEANT BY MEDIA REPEATERS (Remember…Look for original Investigative Reporting not Media Repeaters) Conan O’Brien Exposed the repeaters which shows that much of Network News is just a script.
"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"