YOU CAN HATE PRESIDENT TRUMP (If you want) but your hatred has NO MERIT! President Donald J. Trump has without a doubt turned this country around within 4 years, All while fighting a FAKE Russia Collusion Investigation that almost had him impeached! Meanwhile Covid 19 showed up on our boarders, and he was blamed non-stop for the spreading of this VIRUS regardless of what he did. Everyone in the FAKE NEWS Main Stream Media said he would never be able to get a Vaccine in time for Christmas….WELL WELL WELL…. This PRESIDENT Did exactly that!
So what next are we going to blame this man for? He has cut Taxes (Not just for the wealthy — READ THE TAX BILL yourself – Before Jumping on the CNN Propaganda Network — He has made us Energy Independent – He has Unified 4 Arab Spring Countries – He has been nominated for 4 Pulitzer Prizes – Removed us from the Iran Deal – Got rid of the Obama Mandate – Fixed the Bill Clinton NAFTA to a New Bill that made our Farmers more profitable and leveled the playing field. He pulled us out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and set up NEW trade deals with the Chinese (while renegotiating VALUES within these trades making our country a super-power again. And of course – Big Tech – the Media – The bureaucrats – China etc.. will stop at nothing to destroy him? WHY? Because unlike most presidents before him….HE takes his role as president seriously…working for the PEOPLE and not the ESTABLISHMENT.
This is how I know immediately when someone is talking SHIT (because the Information I just provided above is indisputable – you can investigate it YOURSELF. I am OVER anyone telling me they don’t have time to investigate. This country has become so LAZY, WEAK-Minded, willfully ignorant, Betas! 75 years ago….COVID 19 would have never been a problem for the folks living during that time because they didn’t SCARE so EASILY. THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA LIES NON STOP EVERYDAY – 24 Hours a Day – With Breaking NEWS BULL SHIT at the TOP of every hour. SORRY…. I don’t live in the PRETEND world – IF you are one of those who like to live in the wonderful land of make-believe…You keep on watching your 24 hour soap opera – The fact you can’t see how fake it all is….not only makes you dumb – but also DANGEROUS.
****ON A SIDE NOTE if you made it this far —> THE Director of National Intelligence just today, released 3 NEW DOCUMENTS that show Barack Obama, The CIA, the FBI, and many others knew about Hillary Clinton’s involvement in making up a BS Russia Collusion Story in order to spy on the current President! ALSO —> Remember about 2 months ago when only a few folks were putting out information about Hunter Biden’s involvement with Russia and the Chinese collected from his Laptop….??? Remember when you were calling me and others who were trying to inform you – “A bunch of Conspiracy Theorists” “Brainwashed” and other nasty titles! Funny how it seems you were the ones who were brainwashed, As the MSM is all over this story now, and they are doing their best to down-play how serious this investigation is!
***WHEN will the Hate in this country stop? When will the PEOPLE finally stop the MEDIA from pushing propaganda (creating divisions within this country via “Identity Politics” and subversion)?? When will TRUTH supported by tangible/provable FACTS be more valuable then the LIES/DECEIT invented by OPINIONS supported by NOTHING????Ben Franklin was 100% right when he said, “This country stands to be the greatest Democratic Republic in the world, IF we are willing to fight to keep it”. STOP PRETENDING!!
THANK YOU #DONALDTRUMP for everything you have done. If the media wasn’t so corrupt, if the voting system was actually transparent, if every voter received equal protection under the law, and if rogue districts within the many contested states actually followed their own election laws -well – According to my calculation TRUMP received close to 90 million votes! If the left is so confident with the results of this election, why are they going to great lengths to hide, suppress, intimidate, and be completely uncooperative to anyone who dares investigate these matters? The Answer is simple….Because the more we investigate, the more BS comes to surface!