THIS WILL BE THE LAST POST before the election… as I will be working all week in Pinellas County, FL to ensure EVERY VOTE is counted.
THE VIDEO BELOW WAS RECORDED FROM THE HEART…. I am just an everyday American who has busted his ASS for over 30 years to have basically nothing. This “WOKE” economy and the corrupt government actors have exposed themselves to the point where EVERYONE is now feeling the impact.
I don’t ask for much…. BUT PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO/PAGE with anyone you care about…. We must begin to have conversations THAT ONLY DEAL IN THE “ONE TRUE REALITY”.
NO MORE BULL-SH*T !! WATCH — LIKE — & Please Share.
To those who have followed the Rollman Revolution, in the past… I want to THANK YOU. The past 3 years have been an ABSOLUTE HELL to say the least, but things are going to change.
In March 2023 my WIFE of 8 years was taken from me unexpectedly. . My wife played a HUGE PART in waking up Americans and sharing the message of truth everyday. This impact was a true dagger to the heart. We have poison coming into America, and it is DESTROYING the very lives of the people who made this country great.
TO: Joe Biden and THIS GESTAPO administration that took the only thing I cared about, and is currently destroying America with these obvious acts of treason… We are coming for you, all
The death of my wife — turned ONE MAN’S QUEST into a NATIONAL CRUSADE. So to those who have found this page (website) I want to invite you to the REVOLUTION.
The Rollman Revolution and my MISSION – has always been about: Changing the way you see the world, so in turn the world sees you in a different light. To do this WE MUST BE PROPERLY INFORMED.
This show and my mission is NOT about being right, rather getting things right. I expose anyone, and everyone who prefers to dance on the floor of BULL-SH*T.
To those who feel you DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO OFFER – FOLLOW MY LEAD, I thought the EXACT SAME THING, until I started getting involved. It’s not about the “RECOGNITION” but the effectiveness of the work we do.
BELOW is a QUOTE from the Book “ReWork” by Jason Freid. Maybe not today or tomorrow… but I promise you with everything I know to be true… America is gonna be Okay. We are going to win this information war, & carefully telegraphed “4th turning”, which is trying to destroy America from within.
When we get the “Man” right, we get the World right. It’s time to become the HEROES of our own life stories!!
I can only promise everyone one thing — I wake up everyday, to do my part — if you will join me, in saving the last hope for TRUE FREEDOM — which is America — they cannot defeat us all.
NEW PODCAST — EPISODES WILL BEGIN SOMETIME in JANUARY ’24 — Countdown for the Return of Donald J Trump — (sorry for the delay — Bidenomics has been HELL)
If you come from a family that is very politically active or at least discusses political issues within your home — You will probably identify as either a Republican or Democrat. Most of the time when young people register for the 1st time, they will pick the party their Parents/Family primarily belong to.
But what does A REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT stand for anymore? As a young kid growing up in the late 80s early 90s as I entered High School in ’93 Being a Republican meant you were typically a “TRADITIONAL/ CONSERVATIVE”. Republicans then had traditional values, believed that your government should have minimum regulation, and keep within a fiscal budget (to avoid wasteful spending). Republicans were also very PRO MILITARY and PRO Military Industrial complex.
Democrats during this time, were more of your “LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE” type. Typically that meant you were all about: 1) inclusivity (not offending anyone — “Political correctness”), 2) free speech (meaning that they “may not agree with what you say, but would fight for your right to say it”). 3) having a LARGE federal government, with many regulatory agencies is preferred.
Now, the descriptions above are VERY GENERAL — however, at least you were able to describe what a Democrat or Republican believed in the general sense. Today, your mainline Democrat has become mostly Marxist, and your establishment Republican has moved left of center. This leaves the WORKING CLASS “wage-earners” of America without a party to relate to.
I understand the purpose of parties, and our American Republic is by far the best government to date with the laws and policies we have — However PARTIES, in and of themselves, NO LONGER SERVE THE PEOPLE who elected them. The same candidates get elected and re-elected, from the “illusion of choice” pool provided by your DNC and RNC.
The fight to be made is occurring in a city near you. If the American people want leaders who are going to represent: locally, state-wide and also in Washington DC — then WE must get involved where we live. Go to your local precinct/county Executive committee meeting for the “PARTY” you closely associate with and become a Committeeman/woman. This will allow you to push for the candidates that truly represent you.
THE LINE IN THE SAND HAS BEEN DRAWN. America is divided into 2 groups primarily. MAGA vs, everyone else. If you still watch Main stream news, you will continue to receive a “nothing burger” which does not serve you. To take this country back — and begin making this country great again is going to require every single American patriot in 2023-24.
Every single person, has something to offer in this fight. Find your passion and/or purpose and focus those skills on the country you love. America must get her proverbial “House in order” before we decide to do anything else. This is a real fight, however — it is a fight that can be won, and will be won — by those MAGA patriots willing to do what-ever it takes to ensure we elect leaders willing to make those tough decisions.
It is my hope in over the next few years — that more of the MAGA base decided to take an active role in their local and state governments. For those patriots whose life is a total roller-coaster — you can simply SHARE THE MESSAGE (THE TRUTH) where ever you go.
And finally, you never know the impact your voice will have on a listening ear. Majority of Americans know a “good thing” when they hear it, you don’t have to force it down their throat.
The next two years are going to be VERY INTENSE – and many curve-balls will be thrown your way. The lies, deceit, and manipulation will be pushed by the Legacy Media nonstop. Don’t let them TELL YOUR STORY — BECOME THE HERO of you own life story — that is how we take this country back — one issue, one city, one day at a time.
See you on the battlefield posse.
Rollman Revolution “Walk N Talk” report, 1 May 2023
"Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You"