Tag Archives: truth

To the America I love so Dear…

The UNITED STATES is just a country (a hunk of land – with invisible boarders) given a name – status – flag etc…)  America or being an American is an idea — and Idea derived from its foundational principles of a Declaration of Independence to a formal Constitution including a bill of Rights.  People come to the United States not because it has the best food or the best landscapes….NO….People come here because of the AMERICAN VALUES –  Values that have been given by our Creator including Life – Liberty (freedom) and the Pursuit of Happiness! 

The Traditions of AMERICA is what makes it so attractive and so intimidating at the same time.  China LIES and subverts its own CITIZENS – every day — keeping them demoralized and afraid to challenge the status quo of the CCP. The CCP is only a very small percent of the population within the “People’s Republic of China” and lays claim to CONTROL this country and those within its borders by Government suppression, force, or by any means necessary.

 Here in the United States, which has had many hard fought battles (both within and abroad) continues to struggle with what being “AMERICAN” actually is.  And so we are at a critical turning point:  as this “BLUE WAVE” of control has slowly infiltrated all branches of Government, the Entertainment Industry, Social Media, and of course the Main Stream (Legacy) Media.  What is this Blue Wave?  To keep it short and simple – the blue wave for which I speak – is called “Democratic Socialism or DS for short”. DS for lack of a better description falls between Capitalism (the way most describe our economic system in the US) and True Socialism. 

The Challenge we all as AMERICANS must face within the coming months –as we approach the 2022 midterm elections — is to answer the question of what kind of America do we want  for our future.  The only way I can see any of us being able to answer this question is to 1st define the words:  Capitalism, Democratic Socialism, Socialism, Marxism and Communism.  Most of us THINK we know what these terms mean, but in all actuality we do not.  To this day many Americans still believe that Socialism and Fascism are opposites. (They are NOT).  So What Kind of America do you want for your future and your children’s future?  Do you want to live in a country where your Government tells you how to live your life? how to raise your Children? how to educate the population? what you are allowed to say and to think?   If this is the country you feel comfortable with then ride that “Blue Wave” all the way home!  But if you are like most of us who believe in what the Constitution of the United States  stands for and are willing to die in order to defend this Nation against all enemies foreign and domestic — then I suggest you begin your own investigation in to what has been happening under your nose – as many within Media / Government / Entertainment / Big Business / Big Tech have sold YOU and the AMERICAN Value system out – so that those with Bigger Plans (in particular China can continue to assimilate GLOBAL CONTROL).

This is Not a “Conspiracy Theory” (which is another term you need to research on your own as it has been given negative context by those within the Media) rather TRUTH which spans decades of suppression by the use of ideological subversion techniques used by the Nazis, KGB, and CCP throughout these last 75+years.  The only way I know to combat this opposition (if you choose to do so) is by re-educating yourself and your children from the facts that can easily be discovered if one takes the time to do so. 

I could go into great detail as to what ideological subversion does and how it is intertwined into a society – but again to keep things short and simple – subversion techniques are primarily designed to demoralize a nation.  Demoralization is when a country and its citizens cannot distinguish  TRUTH from PROPAGANDA  anymore.  (And I ask you…. are we not at that stage here in the US as we speak?)

It takes about 20-30 years to demoralize a nation but only 3-5 years to destabilize one.   So when I saw what was happening in real time (during the 2020 election cycle) I tried my best to inform everyone of its arrival.  But I, like many other patriots, were not effective enough to expose what had been taking place – while the rest of America was caught up in fighting nonsensical battles of – Race – and other Identity Political wars that actually do not exist!  

This my friends is where the rubber meets the road…. The reason much of this “Theater” doesn’t make any sense to you and majority of the population is because it has been  a made up narrative – created by design – by none other than those within the “Blue Wave” or robber barons who convinced you that black is white and white is black.   Deep down any person who is filled with the American Spirit knows we are NOT a SOCIALIST NATION!  Yet we allow our Leaders to push Socialistic policies (Green New Deal, Medicare for all, Education for all, and open borders with no background checks). WHY?  Has emotion got the best of all of us, that we can no longer see that our RIGHTS are being taken away through new laws every single day?  Hate Speech Laws are only the beginning.  Any kind of censored speech is in direct violation of our constitution….yet…..we allow this nonsense to continue within our walls of government every single day. WHY?  

What Kind of America do you want?  Barack Obama in one of his books tells you that his VISION of AMERICA is completely different than those who wrote the words of our constitution many years ago.   If you agree with him, then like I said earlier, ride that blue wave all the way home.  However, if you believe in an America that is Free, where ideas are invited not suppressed, where you have the right to bear arms and protect you and those you love from tyrannical people who dare to control you, or finally a country that promotes truth (derived from verifiable facts and not catering to one persons hurt feelings)….THEN YOU NEED TO BEGIN TO GOVERN YOURSELF WITH THE FACTS and STOP BEING A SIDE-LINE SPECTATOR.

THE TIME IS NOW….  and the way we take this country back, is by checking our EGOs at the door and to remember – being an American is being a participant in this Democratic Republic and defending the greatness of our Constitution / Bill of Rights that have given the rest of this world hope for many decades.    For me — it has never been about being right — rather it has always been about getting it right  — because when we get the MAN right — we get the WORLD right. 

To make great change in America, for the better, means we need to begin anew — Grass Roots.  This is why (in my opinion) President Donald J Trump – didn’t  invoke the insurrection act.  You have to fall flat on your face sometimes and be kicked to the curb to realize how great you had it, and how important it is to stay informed and live in the LIGHT.  His “America-First” movement – is exactly what we all want deep down if we truly are an American.  You have to change the conversation at the local / state levels 1st – and then expand bit by bit. 

The Mid-Term Election cycle will be here soon enough.  The only way we ever will have honest / transparent elections again is if we remove those Governors and Establishment Bureaucrats from office – and remove these ridiculous laws that allow fraud to occur.  The next step is to place “America First” conservative candidates into the position currently held by those who have ushered in this “Blue Wave” of Tyranny.    This is no easy task, and it is going to take every single American Patriot,  to properly rebuild our home back to the vision outlined — in the America First agenda promoted first by our 45th President Donald J. Trump.

I don’t have all the answers and I am willing to be dead wrong in my pursuit to make this country great again….but that is just it…..you have to be willing to be wrong — so that better ideas can emerge — that is what being an AMERICAN is all about.  No Censorship — an open format — where we can express our ideas — debate the issues of the day using factual data —  and where we have a media that is held responsible for the information they pass along to its citizens.  I know in my heart, that if majority of Americans were properly informed over the issues of the day (without biases and LIES) — majority of us will find common ground.  Believe it or not, we all have more in common than we have been led to believe.   The Main Stream Media in America has been pushing propaganda for decades now – until recently – they are now just another arm of this Socialistic “Blue Wave” of BS.  Don’t be made the fool in their attempt to take over your life and the lives of all they pretend to care for.  Liars don’t care about you, your family, or your feelings.  The Time is NOW….we are Americans – we are United by the very documents that made us free — it’s now time to defend this Nation from those who feel it needs to be destroyed.  Come fight with me, my brothers and sisters….let your voices be heard and your love for this nation be felt  in every fabric of your existence!

Namaste and I will see you on the battle-field.

-David S. Rollman (The Rollman Revolution)

May 30th 2020

Hello everyone. For the past 2 years…I have done my best in backing away from social media on a large scale. Primarily due to the fact….that if you spend a good portion of your time within social media…you will find that your brain becomes filled with nonsense. The world according to the MSM is in total chaos. You have COVID19 and now…riots in the streets from a recent unnecessary death by law enforcement. But what ever happened to being a civilized nation? What ever happened to due process and justice? Why do so many continue to blame #POTUS #TRUMP for every single thing that goes wrong in this country? Have we as Americans decided to throw logic and reason out the window and take on the role of wild animals instead?
I truly understand everyone’s frustration…but choosing ignorance over logic, & impulsiveness over patience — we only add to the current challenges our country is facing!! Rioting and destroying local businesses only hurts more people within each community.

PROTEST – ABSOLUTELY! (you have that right, organize -and state your case)

RIOTING – You’re an idiot! (This only insights more violence and unnecessary destruction).

I like many will continue to seek justice for Mr Floyd, however; we are a nation of laws. Rather than rioting, you will find that organizing and uniting together as one under a common cause, (without race, sex, or religion blinding us from the truth for which we all seek) will always be more powerful! The voice of the people dictates the world we want and deserve.

Fight for justice – but do it the right way! Follow in the ways of Dr MLK. Your Voice is more powerful (esp in numbers) than you could possibly imagine!

BUT STOP this NONSENSE!!! 1st – TRUMP is not RESPONSIBLE for the Corona Virus, and 2nd – Mr Floyd is dead because of a corrupt cop who was acting under his own accord. Majority of Law Enforcement are honorable and there for your protection — not the other way around.

IF you want change….Work for Justice!


Also…I have decided to speak up again…and will be recording and releasing NEW podcast episodes, over the next several weeks. I have so much more to say! Till then…take care my friends.