To those out there who follow my podcast show will know that The Main Stream Media is a topic of which I discuss at length. Mainly because it has become very difficult today to locate non-biased News and Information.

Majority of Americans and people around the world, receive there News and Other “Factual Information” from the Main Stream Television, News Papers and Radio Shows. The question that must be asked before you go any further is: Do you know who owns or controls these entities? It may be shocking to most, as I was blown away when I came to this discovery about 5 years ago, that 90% of all the Information we Read, Watch or Listen to is owned and controlled by 6 Major Media Giants. Now, if this is not alarming to you…well it is time to understand that the information you gather everyday has probably been released by one of these 6 Agencies.
Why this is an important fact – and – something to be concerned about is quite simple! The way people in this world can make conscious (contemplated and educated) decisions, is solely based on the quality of the information we have been provided with. For example, when we make financial decisions we look to the experts who understand this subject. After hours of consultation, questions and reflection, we will make a decision based upon the New Found Knowledge we have just acquired. However, if the person or people who have provided you with the information were not very honest, had another motive, or another motivation in mind, you will become the victim of Bad NEWS.
So if we are to take this example on a larger scale – and look at World Events, Wars, Health, Politics, Economics, Society, Culture, Science etc… – and majority of people are tuning into the “Experts” aka The Main Stream Media, everyday for Factual Information to make an educated decision; if these Networks are dishonest in anyway it will effect the World Narrative.
Below I will list the 6 major Media Giants in America today and provide you with alternative sources for information. Within the 6 major corporations, I highly recommend you research what each of these Giants own or control within Media. (Do not be shocked if you find your favorite, Television program, News Paper, Magazine publication, or Radio Show under the umbrella of one of these companies).
As we draw closer to the end of 2016, with the World Wide Web along with so many distractions & Information sources battling for your attention, it will become more overwhelming everyday going forward. This is why I will provide you with the Major Players, and Some better alternatives that will allow you to make a more informed decision.
The information below is a Guide: And remember that even alternative sources will have at times a leaning or opinion in mind (that is normal as everyone is Human). The main focus in discovering a better information source is Simple: Look for Reporters (Not Repeaters). If a story sounds like it is the same as the Main Stream (esp. in its wording… Keep Searching for another alternative).
-David Rollman
HERE WE GO: “The Big 6”
- Comcast
- News Corporation
- Walt Disney Company
- Viacom
- Time Warner
- CBS Corp.
A poll done by the Pew Research Center, in the Fall of 2011, found that, “Fully (all facts presented) 66% (of the public) say news stories often are inaccurate, 77% think that news organizations tend to favor one side (baised reporting), and 80% say news organizations are often influenced by powerful people and organizations (Information manipulated).” A Gallup poll, taken in September of 2015, showed that 60% of the American public still do not trust the main stream media to deliver the news fully, accurately and fairly.
Yet, Americans will continue to Read, Watch and Listen to what the Main Stream puts out daily – simply because they do not know where to go for non-biased, alternative investigative reporting. Below are some Options to check out! They are different than your family’s traditional News Source.
Alternative Options: (And Again There are many others, and if you find better ones please let me know via email:
*My Top 5 are as Follows:
- Gary Franchi’s Next News Network (
- The Real News Network (
- Reveal (The Center for Investigative Reporting) (
- World Affairs Brief (
- Sputnik (
Other Popular Mentions:
- Truthout (
- Reuters (
- The Nation (
- ProPublica (
- The Center for Public Integrity (
- FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) (
- Who, What, Why (
- WikiLeaks (
And another favorite of mine:
- AllSides ( – Brings all Main Stream Media Talk Together – Usefull tool for gathering All Major Media together on one page. It shows the Left – Center – and Right of Issues that come out from different media markets. (Not an alternative media site, but a useful place to see the articles together)
* Will Update this list periodically when I find better sources (or if the sources take a turn in the wrong direction) your involvement – comments and suggestions – is welcomed thank you
THIS IS WHAT IS MEANT BY MEDIA REPEATERS (Remember…Look for original Investigative Reporting not Media Repeaters) Conan O’Brien Exposed the repeaters which shows that much of Network News is just a script.